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Re: Trevor

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 9:29 pm
by millerd
Excellent shots of the LTBs, Trevor, especially the first one. :) :mrgreen: I've been up north for the last few days, so it is very tempting to head south tomorrow... :wink: (Though they did have Cloudies up there :) )



Re: Trevor

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 7:37 pm
by Wurzel
That first LTB is a cracking shot Trevor :D :mrgreen: They're a bit too far for me to travel too so I'll just enjoy yours and others shots :D :mrgreen:

Have a goodun


Re: Trevor

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 5:31 pm
by trevor
Many thanks, Wurzel & Dave.

This morning I drove over to the fabulous Tilshead site nice and early.
When I arrived the temperature was only 12c, and all the ' Blues ' were still in their
resting positions, with wings closed, on their grass stems.
Happily I selected one particular Adonis Blue to photograph when the Sun finally warmed
things up. When this particular, female, started to open up I couldn't believe my eyes,
for she was a stunning example of a ' blue ' female Adonis. Her blue even shimmered just like a male.
Soon the site was alive with glistening blue jewels down in the long grass.

I think my ' blue ' female Adonis deserves two images.

Re: Trevor

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 5:40 pm
by bugboy
When female Adonis go blue...... phwoar!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Re: Trevor

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 6:04 pm
by millerd
That's a really striking Adonis female, Trevor. The second brood seems to produce a few corkers, and that one is exceptional. :mrgreen: :)



Re: Trevor

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 7:27 pm
by Wurzel
Whilst the Common Blue is none to shabby that female Adonis is an absolute cracker :shock: :mrgreen: , when you picked that one you picked a winner :wink: - I don;t suppose you have any suggestions for the Lotto numbers? :wink: :lol:

Have a goodun


Re: Trevor

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 8:14 pm
by essexbuzzard
Agreed, that female AB is a stunner!

Re: Trevor

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 9:40 pm
by Katrina
What a beautiful butterfly! Well done Trevor

Re: Trevor

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 6:34 pm
by trevor
Many thanks everyone for your appreciation of that stunning ' blue ' female Adonis Blue.

This morning I called in at Tilshead, on my way back to Sussex, at the civilised time of 9am.
As the overnight cloud began to break, there were still many Common and Adonis Blues clinging
to their grass stems from last night. This gave me plenty of time to select some fresh specimens,
which all turned out to be females, the males of both species were mostly worn.
Fortunately the warming up process was slow and staggered, allowing me enough time to photograph
each butterfly in turn. A rare luxury !.


Re: Trevor

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 6:37 pm
by trevor
This afternoon I visited the gardens of Herstmonceux Castle.
Many species were present, including a single Small Tortoiseshell, but no Peacocks or Commas.
It was surprising to find three Small Coppers and two female Common Blues in such a setting.
Less of a surprise were the many Red Admirals, Painted Ladies, and fresh Large Whites.

Some enthusiasts frown upon photographing butterflies on brash, brightly coloured flowers
in a garden setting, but I hope the following images are just that, Colourful !.

I also noticed two large clumps of Broad Leaved Everlasting Pea, I wonder ?.


Re: Trevor

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 9:36 pm
by Wurzel
Great stuff from Tilshead Trevor :D and a lovely sequence from today, I'm all for the brash and colourful shots like those 8), interesting looking blue as well :D :mrgreen: I reckon the BLEP is a worth a punt :wink: :D

Have a goodun


Re: Trevor

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2019 4:40 pm
by David M
That certainly is a fabulous female Adonis Blue, Trevor. Nice also to see a few Red Admirals popping up in peoples' PDs. They are mysteriously scarce round my way this summer. :(

Re: Trevor

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2019 5:37 pm
by trevor
Thanks, Wurzel & David, hope you enjoy today's sightings.

This morning I went up to High and Over for an overdue visit. I particularly went to see
the third brood Wall Browns. I saw about eight males, some quite worn, but my morning
was made complete when a mating pair of Wall Browns was discovered
The female was obviously looking for a suitable boudoir to consummate the partnership,
as she flew, with her mate in tow, to many locations before finally flying over the edge
of the hill near the White Horse, and out of sight.
Many Red Admiral were enjoying the abundant Ivy Blossom, as was a Comma before it
landed on a fence post to bask. A Brown Argus was another single sighting, as was a male
Holly Blue. A very productive and enjoyable morning.


Re: Trevor

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2019 6:21 pm
by Goldie M
Fantastic shots lately Trevor, especially that Blue in your other posts :D Goldie :D

Re: Trevor

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2019 6:44 pm
by Neil Freeman
trevor wrote:...Some enthusiasts frown upon photographing butterflies on brash, brightly coloured flowers
in a garden setting, but I hope the following images are just that, Colourful...
I like them Trevor, lovely vibrant colours :D

And some nice fresh Wall Browns too :mrgreen: :D



Re: Trevor

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2019 7:27 pm
by Wurzel
Certainly am enjoying them Trevor :D :mrgreen: Is one of those Walls that you caught in flagrante an aberrant as the eye on the fore wing seems miniscule compared to the other one's? :D

Have a goodun


Re: Trevor

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 7:08 pm
by millerd
I wondered whether the third brood of Walls were flying down there yet, Trevor and you've just answered the question! I may have to pay a visit... Great shots of them, especially the pair - they are still looking reasonably fresh as well. :)


Re: Trevor

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 7:48 am
by David M
That's an enviable line up for the time of year, Trevor, especially the mating pair of Wall Browns.

Re: Trevor

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2019 8:57 pm
by trevor
Many thanks everyone.
After a session trying to photograph Wall Browns on Tuesday, I fancied something easier today.

This afternoon I returned to Herstmonceux Castle gardens. Not long after arrival it became obvious
that numbers of Small Coppers had grown since my visit last week, and they had spread over a wider area.
At least three ' pairs ' were seen with the female refusing the advances of persistent males.
I managed to photograph one of the acts of rejection .

The rest of the afternoon became very colourful...........

Re: Trevor

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2019 9:36 pm
by trevor
A feature of this afternoon was the sight of newly emerged Peacocks, all in absolutely pristine condition.
Having not seen a Peacock for some months they really were welcome .
Other butterflies on the wing in the gardens were several Commas, two Painted Ladies, many Red Admirals,
and fresh Large and Small Whites.

The afternoon was polished off with ground coffee and cake in the restaurant!.