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Re: Wurzel

Post by millerd »

Nice Tortoiseshells, Wurzel, and I was envious until I went out this morning! They've appeared round here too. :)


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Re: Wurzel

Post by NickMorgan »

It is great to hear of so many Small Torts. They almost disappeared here for the second half of 2016. We have managed to find a few hibernating in the usual spots, but not as many as usual. So far all I have seen this year is Peacocks, although I saw a couple of butterfly shadows when I was out painting the house today. Unfortunately, I didn't get a good enough view of the butterflies to identify them.

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Bugboy :D This seems to be a particularly good area for Small Torts :D
Cheers Trevor :D Looks like the visit paid off - a blooming OT :mrgreen: :D
Cheers Dave :D It's unusual for your neck of the woods to be running behind mine, I normally wait and read your PM so I know what to look out for in a fortnights time :D
Cheers Nick :D I was a bit worried about the Small Torts as they were quite strong here in the spring and then just dwindled away to next to nothing...still it seems that at least one or three were pretty successful :D

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

The Hairstreaks
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37 Green Hairstreak, 08-05-2016 Duke Site

This species emerged 5 days later it seemed this season, whether this was indicative of when I was able to get out or because it was catching up after a delayed start I’m not sure? They seemed to do quite well this year over this way. Two main things struck me this year. The first was that I saw quite a lot low down on the ground. There were quite a few involved in aerial battles, zipping out from the Cypress for a quick skirmish at my Duke site, but then quite a number landed down on the deck in amongst the grass. They could have been females but I wasn’t always sure though one definitely was as she tried to deposit some eggs.
The second thing was the increase in the punctata form that I saw. I have photos of three definites from two sites but I do recall seeing a few more at my Duke Site. I can’t recall seeing this many but perhaps it’s the ‘usual’ proportion and the increase in this form was merely more noticeable due to the good year for them?
38 Brown Hairstreak, 07-08-2016 Shipton Bellinger

When it comes to considering the Brostreaks I feel all out of sorts. Firstly it felt like I’d seen them earlier but actually my first came four days later. Then the males seemed to be doing quite well with 5 all visible from one position at the Shipton Hotspot. Though this was a bit of a concern as they weren’t elsewhere. I walked round the entire site without encountering any males anywhere bar this little patch of hedge. On subsequent visits their numbers seemed lower than before and again I only encountered them in two places over the whole visit; back at the hedge hotpsot and one solitary female in the little thicket next to the main road behind the hedge. In previous years I encountered them from about 50m along the path from the car park, on both sides of the hedges and at various places on the way to the hotspot. Perhaps the Japanese pilferer that was shovelling them into a Tupperware container in 2015 had had a deleterious effect on the population? Or perhaps they put on a better showing during my time away from Shipton? Either way I hope that more normal service is resumed with the Hairstreaks in 2017…
39 Purple Hairstreak, 02-07-2016 Bentley Wood

My first Purple Hairstreak came 9 days earlier this year from Bentley Wood as per usual. I was only able to make two trips to Bentley but I found Purple Hairstreaks on both occasions in various places scattered throughout the wood. This was quite reassuring and they definitely seemed to be in higher numbers than the last couple of years. My main bug bear though was that none came down anywhere near low enough for a photo, not even a heavily cropped record shot. All were flitting high up from one tree to another. I think one year I’ll have to bite the bullet and try Brown Down with it’s miniature Oaks…

40 White-letter Hairstreak, 02-07-2016 Bentley Wood

My first Whitter came on the same day and from the same site as my first Purp. But this is where the similarity in their tales ceases. The Whitter I saw was 9 days early which hopefully explains why I saw only one at the top of the Wytch Elm near the memorial. Otherwise it turns to a tormented tragic tale of woe. For not only did I see a single Whitter all season but the stand of suckers that has been their stronghold is in serious trouble and I’m left hoping that a sucker will grow quickly enough to provide the colony with a new home before their current abode declines any further.

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Goldie M »

That seems a great shot of the PHS to me Wurzel :mrgreen: Love the BHS has well :mrgreen: Goldie :D

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Neil Freeman »

Hi Wurzel,

I love that initial Brown Hairstreak image with the out of focus yellow flowers in the background :D :mrgreen:

It is never easy to assess how well these species have done with their elusive nature meaning that they can easily be overlooked. I totally missed White-letters last year and the only Purples I saw were high up around the tops of Oaks.



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Re: Wurzel

Post by NickMorgan »

Nice pictures Wurzel.
You are up to No 40 now. Are all of these butterfly species reasonably local to you?

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Re: Wurzel

Post by millerd »

The male Brown Hairstreak is deserving of much :mrgreen:, Wurzel - I have yet to get more than a glimpse of one, let alone a photo... :)


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Goldie :D Shipton Bellinger is a great site for low down male Brown Hairstreaks if you're down this way... :wink: 8)

Cheers Neil :D I know what you mean, often it's a case of 'well what do you reckon stomach?' :? And then the only answer I ever get back is 'Curry' :lol:

Cheers Nick :D Of the 40 so far all bar three can be found within 35 minutes of my home. Lulworth Skipper is about 45-55 minutes away depending on traffic so reasonably local, just, and for Wood White I have to travel to Botany Bay and it's Hutchinsons Bank for Glanvilles. This is a great area for butterflies the only thing I find frustrating is that there seems to be between a 1 to 2 week delay from the first sightings in the South East and over here in the West. So even if I wasn't so tardy at posting my sightings they'd still be considered 'old news' :roll: :lol:

Cheers Dave :D Try and get over to Shipton Bellinger this year when the Brostreaks first start emerging. Alners Gorse is also good, often with the first sightings as well as Whitters and Purps although it's a lot further to travel.

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Pauline »

Really enjoyed your write up about the Hairstreaks Wurzel, in particular BH

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Pauline :D Only a couple more to go and then 2016 can be put to rest,

April 2017

Hopefully the good weather will continue for those that have already had it and things will improve over here in the Westcountry where it's been okay but not as good as elsewhere...
4 Apr.jpg
Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by trevor »

Lets hope the Westcountry weather comes up trumps around May 20th !.

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Goldie M »

Yes I hope so to Trevor, middle of May hope fully but either Dorset or Cornwall for us. Goldie :D

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Fingers crossed that things stay on track for a normal spring Trevor and Goldie, lets hope the jet stream plays ball this year :?

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by millerd »

Fingers heavily crossed here, Wurzel, and that lovely Duke photo on the calendar makes me think that the first ones will be out at any time if the weather continues kind... :)


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Middle Street 25-03-2017

Well what a day it turned out to be today, cracking weather and a reasonable time slot in which to enjoy it with the prospect of some delicious scran in the evening! The morning started off in a normal fashion but once the jobs were done, the bank had been visited etc and little L was off to her dancing lesson I grabbed the camera and jumped in the car. Where to go? Possibly a little too early for Specklies so a “no” to The Devenish, Five Rivers I’ve already visited and I fancied a Peacock so it had to be Middle Street.

As I waited at one of many sets of traffic lights on my wait out of the city a Peregrine flew over the roofs of the shops as did a Small Tort and a Brimstone flew over the White Hart. I knew then that it was going to be a cracking visit. A further three Brimstones put in an appearance on the remains of the drive and before I knew it I was pulled up, kitted up and strolling along the grassed path on site heading towards the hotspot. Once settled down, sitting on my haunches, and watched over the small bowl that is sheltered from the wind that can cut across the rest of the site. I didn’t have to wait long as a Brimstone flew languidly over and then I noticed a brown butterfly deep within the bowl – a Small Tort.
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I took a little stroll to stretch my legs and went round the pond once. On the more sheltered side a distant orange blob became a Comma but I was only able to get a few record shots before it was disturbed by a dog flew up into a tree. On the further side there was another Small Tort – this one looking worn around the edges with all the blue triangles missing.
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After this I settled back down at the hotspot with only an occasional foray out to briefly check along the river side. I sat at the top of the bowl and when something landed I’d stalk down get a few shots and then edge my way back out. This technique worked for the numerous Small Torts (maximum count of three at one time although I’m sure that several others dropped in and out) and the single Brimstone that actually landed but not so well for the odd Comma that dropped in. For them I found it easier to keep an eye on the white blossom as I could creep up on them easier.
Eventually the inevitable happened and a small bat glided into view, did a couple of circuits and then dropped down to the deck, only it wasn’t a bat it was a Peacock. I only had time for a record shot before a belligerent Small Tort drove it out of the bowl. This happened a further four times but each time I got a little closer until I had a more passable record shot.
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After this I made my way round the whole site to make a count. I recorded 2 male and a female Brimstone, a single Comma and 14 Small Torts and one maybe two Peacocks. Not a bad tally but with the cold wind whipping across the site I reckon there could have been more keeping their heads down. The wind was quite chilly and so I made my way back to the hotspot to warm up and see if I could get even closer views of a Peacock. On the way I phoned my wife to see if she wanted me to come and meet her. This is a good idea as when I ask this I generally get ‘no you stay out’ as a response :wink: . On the way back a white fluttered by. It was too small to be a female Brimstone and not ‘green’ enough, also there was a clear contrast between the black body and white wings. I managed a couple of record shots and with some zooming in I could see that I had my first Small White.
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Back at the hotspot the lack of Small Torts meant that when a Peacock did land there was nothing to disturb it but despite being able to approach it had a sizeable chunk missing from it’s wing. The hotspot it seemed had served its purpose by now and as I left only a single Small Tort was left holding its territory. I decided to head on home, always a good plan to arrive home earlier than expected :wink: but on the way I made a stop near a pile of brush cuttings and hold trees. A Peacock was basking here and would fly a short way before settling to bask in a different spot. It meant I finally got the close ups that I’d been after and it meant that my departure was made with a spring in my step. :D
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That’s how the day was to end so I thought. But as I was turning the car at the end of the road I spotted something on the small bank. I pulled in and what I’d spotted was a Comma, just to the left of it was a Small Tort and then a Peacock flew over the hedge and landed before both the Comma and Small tort set about it. As all three spiralled upwards a second Comma landed briefly only to take off after a Brimstone. It was like my morning in a microcosm!
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Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Sorry Dave I missed your comment :oops: Cheers for the kind comment about the calendar shot :D I seem to recall a few years back that we had a great year and it started early and there were Pearls, Greenstreaks and Dukes flying from April onwards :D Fingers and toes crossed :shock: :wink:
Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by trevor »

Good to see that Spring has caught up with you, a great selection there.
Also great to read a prompt Wurzel report.

All the best,
PS. Flying visit to Great Cheverell tomorrow, only staying one night.

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Re: Wurzel

Post by millerd »

I love the backlit Tortoiseshell on the blackthorn, Wurzel. A spring photo par excellence. :)


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Trevor :D Things are going on a pace at the moment - I got my first Specklies and OTs yesterday and my first Large White today :D Still no Holly Blue though :?
Cheers Dave :D I was chuffed with that one - sometimes (sometimes very, very rarely) butterflies pose 'just so' :D 8)

Have a goodun


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