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Re: Not Lepidoptera (Birds) - 3

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 8:56 pm
by NickB
Have fun :wink:

Re: Not Lepidoptera (Birds) - 3

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 7:30 am
by Zonda
Gosh Nick, that is one sad little robin. He looks as if the weight of the world is on his shoulders. If a robin had just been told that he was out of work in the new year, or if a robin had been told that mealworms had become extinct, or if a robin had just lost his mum, then that robin would most probably look like this one. If i were collecting for 'robin' Barnardos, this is the picture i would use in the ad campaign. Beggars across the land will place this pic beside themselves on the pavement to incur sympathy. This is not a critique, but i do prefer Geniculata's plump, happy, contented robin. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:

Re: Not Lepidoptera (Birds) - 3

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 10:21 am
by Neil Hulme
Christmas Robin UKB_edited-1.jpg
Best Wishes, Neil

Re: Not Lepidoptera (Birds) - 3

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 11:29 am
by NickB
Zonda wrote:Gosh Nick, that is one sad little robin. He looks as if the weight of the world is on his shoulders. If a robin had just been told that he was out of work in the new year, or if a robin had been told that mealworms had become extinct, or if a robin had just lost his mum, then that robin would most probably look like this one. If i were collecting for 'robin' Barnardos, this is the picture i would use in the ad campaign. Beggars across the land will place this pic beside themselves on the pavement to incur sympathy. This is not a critique, but i do prefer Geniculata's plump, happy, contented robin. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:
He's just "pensive"...

Re: Not Lepidoptera (Birds) - 3

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 5:40 pm
by geniculata
wow there's an awful lot of photogenic robins out there!

think ive started somthing now? :D

has there been a christmas card thread in the past? if not could it be a regular thing? :)

pensive? zonda? could be right there nick :lol:


Re: Not Lepidoptera (Birds) - 3

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 7:20 pm
by Lee Hurrell
Zonda wrote:If a robin had just been told that he was out of work in the new year
Don't......I have been told that, for the second Christmas in a row too! :roll:



Re: Not Lepidoptera (Birds) - 3

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 9:07 pm
by NickB
geniculata wrote: pensive? zonda? could be right there nick :lol:
Or "pining for the fjords!"

Sorry to hear that Lee :(

Re: Not Lepidoptera (Birds) - 3

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 10:45 pm
by Zonda
Pensive,,,,,,,,,,, ha ha! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Sorry to hear about job loss Lee, but you'll have loads of time to get out with the camera.

Re: Not Lepidoptera (Birds) - 3

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 9:12 am
by geniculata
see lee there is always a silver lining to every cloud!

well perhaps not quite silver, or anything shiney at all :(

nice edit lisa! zonda your robin looks like its just about to have a bath on a summers day, when did you take the pic?


Re: Not Lepidoptera (Birds) - 3

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 5:01 pm
by Gruditch
Got this jolly little fella in some real snow yesterday. :D

Regards Gruditch
Robin 18 12 09.jpg

Re: Not Lepidoptera (Birds) - 3

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 5:49 pm
by Zonda
Geniculata said:
zonda your robin looks like its just about to have a bath on a summers day, when did you take the pic?
Twer about three weeks ago. It's an enamel plate with seeds and currants. :D

Nice little robin Grud, and snow too. We've only seen a smattering here......... :D

Re: Not Lepidoptera (Birds) - 3

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 8:42 am
by Pete Eeles
We've had Redwings and Fieldfares in our garden for the past couple of weeks - feeding on the various berries. Just need to get a photo of them in the snow :)


- Pete

Re: Not Lepidoptera (Birds) - 3

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 3:36 pm
by NickB
Nice ones Pete, my Fieldfares and Redwings are too camera shy for me...
Did see this little fellow, singing his heart out...
and chasing-off young pretenders to his small kingdom...

Re: Not Lepidoptera (Birds) - 3

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 6:42 pm
by Lee Hurrell
Lovely shots Nick! :D

No Peacocks or Red Admiral for me but I did see these Redwings and a Mistle Thrush in my cemetery today:


Re: Not Lepidoptera (Birds) - 3

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 6:55 pm
by Neil Hulme
Hi all,
Just back from some much-needed sunshine in Fuerteventura - where I snapped this Turnstone taking an afternoon stroll along the quayside.
Turnstone, Fuerteventura.jpg

Re: Not Lepidoptera (Birds) - 3

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 8:35 pm
by Padfield
Sussex Kipper wrote:Just back from some much-needed sunshine in Fuerteventura
Hi Kipper. Did you get any butterflies in the Canaries? Looking at Tolman, Fuerteventura doesn't seem very good for the endemic Canary species but there must have been stuff on the wing.


Re: Not Lepidoptera (Birds) - 3

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 12:42 pm
by Neil Hulme
Hi Guy,
A few Greenish Black-tips seen on a day trip to Corralejo, but we were staying at Jandia on the southern tip of the island, which seemed devoid of butterflies. Only came away with a few holiday snaps!
Boat at Morro Jable.jpg
Chipmunk, Jandia.jpg
Jandia beach.jpg

Re: Not Lepidoptera (Birds) - 3

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 5:09 pm
by Jack Harrison

I was in your neck of the woods last Monday 15th Feb and from the cafe window at beginning of Worthing Pier, saw Slavonian Grebe on the sea. It was in silhouette agaisnt the bright light so i/d not 100% certain but my carpet laying team at work in my house agreed with my description that is what it had to be. Certainly not a Great Crested (it was smaller than GC or Red-necked but too large for Black-necked or Little – in any case, Little Grebe rarely goes on the sea).

Why advice from carpet layers? Adrian last year achieved the all-time Cambridgeshire county list record with brother Steve equally competent although Steve has now given up list-keeping.

Just in passing I might comment that although I’m aged 71 years young, the majority of customers in the Denton Bar and Restaurant were decidedly older than me!


Re: Not Lepidoptera (Birds) - 3

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 9:29 pm
by Gruditch
Always fancied going to the Somerset Levels to see the flight dance of the Starlings, damned if the didn't go and move their roost into my own village this year. :D

Below is a still from a film I'm yet to work out how to edit. :evil:

Regards Gruditch
Starlings 800.jpg

Re: Not Lepidoptera (Birds) - 3

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 9:56 pm
by Trev Sawyer
You lucky devil Gary...
...and I didn't realise that starlings did impersonations - that is a great representation of a (legless) giant blackbird facing left don't you think :!:
