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Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 8:57 pm
by Buchan Boy
That was it Wurzel,I had the melody,Stealers Wheel,1972....gawd!,I was 4 years old....

26th-30th May 2018

South Shian,Lorn,Western Highlands

A long held ambition finally came to fruition, a drive to Scotland to specifically get some proper Scottish Chequered Skippers shots firmly nailed in my camera.After much deliberation on location of choice I chose the reserve at South Shian.With a handy campsite at Benderloch on Tralee Bay just nearby.
I've done this drive before many a time, but never specifically for butterflies,I like walking a lot as well and Scotland is well,walky heaven...someone said summer was arriving and as I was driving up the M6 through terrific down pours I could see summer had definitely arrived :D
Then as mid afternoon arrived somewhere around the Erskine bridge I noticed the cloud beginning to break and somewhere to the top end of Loch Lomond the sky became blue and the sun beamed down on the beauty of this place.Arrived at my campsite in the evening(long days at this time of year),pitched up, zipped up,midges.Slept...
Awoke first morning the 26th to absolute heaven, beautiful clear skies, no breeze....more midges...
Popped into the car for the short drive to the reserve,along single tracks to the tiny car park, no one here..
South Shian Nature Reserve
South Shian Nature Reserve
Having never been here I had no idea what to expect,I've read up on the habitat requirements of the skippers, sunny rides,woodland edges etc,Purple Moor Grass,Bluebells.The reserve has it all...I walked through the gate through a dark wooded stretch of path that opened out to a sunny ride,20 yards into the reserve gate and I was staring at Chequered Skippers doing that hop thing on the floor picking up salts by the muddy pools,unbelievable.Worked my way around them to get the light in the right spot, spooking them all to perches on the billberries,Ash and Birch saplings.That was that..
South Shian Nature Reserve
South Shian Nature Reserve
My first ever Chequered Skipper.
South Shian Chequered Skipper
South Shian Chequered Skipper
I had four or five of them in this location and did take many shots, thinking this was going to be my only opportunity i stuck around for a while bathing in the sun until the midges(why do they fly straight into your eyes?),told me to move on.
I followed the track around with the Bluebells in full tilt here,they were over down south when I left...and found Chequereds in most of the open spots.
South Shian Chequered Skipper
South Shian Chequered Skipper
Some very fresh, some a bit tatty, but first impressions was that they were having a good year.
South Shian Nature Reserve
South Shian Nature Reserve
And still nobody here,I had a good look at the boggy plateau area that caps the reserve here for Marsh Fritillaries,encountering one,but too fast for photos although it did look extremely fresh.I was on the cusp of their emergence as well...
South Shian Chequered Skipper
South Shian Chequered Skipper
Although all around the edges of the boggy plateau,where the scrub and trees took over,chequereds were to be found,remarkable
Bumped into a rather tatty Emporer Moth,like a small bird... :D
South Shian Emporer Moth
South Shian Emporer Moth
The sheer joy was all good for today,everything was perfect,did I mention the midges hehe
As I left I though I'd have a look just down the Edge of the reserve in this meadow to check out some white butterflies I was seeing scooting across the grass.
South Shian Nature Reserve
South Shian Nature Reserve
More Chequered Skippers,pretty much in open meadow,this day will be remembered for a long time..
South Shian Chequered Skipper
South Shian Chequered Skipper
Primarily because Summer had arrived in Western Scotland and the Chequered Skippers were having a blinder!
24 degrees C, I kid you not.
24 degrees C, I kid you not.

Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 9:13 pm
by bugboy
Just shows that timing and weather can make or break a day. I was there nearly a month later and saw a couple of Speckled Woods and possibly a white if memory serves. It was a mostly dull day but I was hoping to come across a Marshie. Even in rubbish butterfly weather it was clear it would be a good site if the sun was out. It's a site I shall keep in mind next time I'm butterflying in that part of the world :). I saw my first ever Chequered Skipper last year so I can clearly remember the excitement of seeing your first :D

Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2018 10:12 pm
by Buchan Boy
Indeedy bugboy, I was amazed, its brilliant when you find your intended quarry within minutes!

26th - 30th May 2018

South Shian,Lorn,Western Highlands

Returned back to the reserve the next day,the 27th, to broaden my horizons as to the extent of the reserve and I had that inkling that the Marsh Fritillaries were just about to explode(they didn't,so I'm not building that one up anymore)...but I scoured the boggy bit at the top for hours hoping...
Shian Top Plateau
Shian Top Plateau
Then one tantalising glimpse as a Marsh Fritillary flew past me and crashed into the grass,I pounced,just got enough evidence...
Shian Marsh Fritillary
Shian Marsh Fritillary
As can be seen its as fresh as a daisy, but it was gone in a flash as well leaving me with this one shot..
Another long held ambition is to photograph these up here,I hope to be back next year,thats 2019 in about 2 hours,although a different reserve.
I found this really small opening just close to some of the bigger oaks here and watched a couple of Male Chequered's just dancing for a while,launching off their perch's at anything that came by,Dragonflies, Bird shadows, my shadow...but blimey this was proper midge central and utterly incessant,drove me screaming for the hills,literally...
Midge free up there
Midge free up there
Ferny, midgy clearing with Skippers!
Shian Nature Reserve
Shian Nature Reserve
Shian Chequered Skipper
Shian Chequered Skipper
Just another few hours at the top of the reserve to savour my new species tick off.
Shian Chequered Skipper
Shian Chequered Skipper
Shian Chequered Skipper
Shian Chequered Skipper
I had another big area to investigate that was more open moorland interspersed with willow/birch.But that was for another day.Need to see Oban for a bag of chips.
Angry Crows and Ringed Plovers for the evenings entertainment and I swam in the sea,at this latitude!
Tralee Crow shouting at me!
Tralee Crow shouting at me!
Tralee Ringed Plover
Tralee Ringed Plover
Tralee Sunset
Tralee Sunset

Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2019 2:53 pm
by David M
Dave, I've thoroughly enjoyed reading your resumé of the year this last few days, but those last couple of postings from the Highlands were as wonderful as they were unexpected.

Midges aside, that part of the UK is incomparable in late spring when the sun is out and temperatures rise. The scenery and just the general 'wildness' are things that more people need to connect with.

The McSkippers are mint too. What a joy!

Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2019 3:42 pm
by trevor
10 points for your wonderful Chequered Skipper shots.
I've never seen one, but if the Northhamptonshire release is successful
it will save a long journey.


Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2019 5:57 pm
by Neil Freeman
Some great reports, especially the last two from Scotland and congratulations on the Chequered Skippers :D

I was up there a couple of years ago and stayed in Fort William, I wasn't aware of South Shian at the time but if I make the trip again it certainly looks to be worth a visit.



Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2019 8:33 pm
by Wurzel
A fantastic set of posts Buchan and those Chequered Skippers :shock: I can only look on in envy and drool at the prospect of seeing those - I think they'll be one of my 'retirement' species (so only only 26 or so years to go then :( ) :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Have a brill 2019 :D

Have a goodun


Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2019 4:04 pm
by David M
trevor wrote:...but if the Northhamptonshire release is successful it will save a long journey.
It will, but you'd miss out on some of the greatest scenery the UK has to offer. It's truly wonderful to see them up in Scotland in such unspoiled settings.

Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2019 5:17 pm
by Maximus
A great set of recent posts, Dave, and in particular the Scottish one. Congrats on the Chequered Skippers, it’s great to see a new species for the first time :D
We visited Scotland in 2013, from 30th May to 4th June and found our first ever Chequered Skippers at Glasdrum Wood. (It doesn't seem that long ago). We visited other sites further north first (Loch Arkaig and Glen Loy) but drew a blank at both of these. We decided to visit Shian Wood near the end of our stay, hoping (like you) to find some Marsh Frits, but unlike yourself, we saw none. We also didn’t see any Chequered Skippers at Shian, perhaps they had a late emergence in 2013.
The other interesting thing is that we had mainly good weather,(apart from the day we were at Glasdrum), but during the five days we spent in Scotland we didn’t encounter a single Midge! I wonder if it was a late year for Midges too?


Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 2:10 pm
by Buchan Boy
Thanks my fellow butterfly people,I just got very lucky to be honest,really I just knew there were small accounts of Chequered Skippers here but never expected the sheer frequency of encounters,this day surprised me further.

26th-30th May 2018

South Shian,Lorn,Western Highlands

When the west coast of Scotland is like this, weather wise, its really difficult to think of another place, probably in the world,I'd rather be.Just love it up here and thoughts of when I can retire and get up here oh so much continually plague my mind. :D
I spent the morning on a Seal watching trip out of Oban, not too many Seals but plenty of other stuff to see.
Oyster catcher with limpet!
Oban Oystercatcher
Oban Oystercatcher
Lazy Days
Oban Seal
Oban Seal
Just amazing
Back up to the reserve for the afternoon and I thought I'd go and have a good look around quite a bit outside of the reserve boundary's.I left the reserve and just marched South West across moorland before coming to a low lying area of grass and heather with small runs of willows and birch's.Still hoping for Marshies, but to my surprise more Skippers...this was quite away from the wooded reserve and has changed my assumptions of the habitat requirements of this butterfly.Or maybe the sunny weather draws them out into other areas,not sure(one to study during retirement!)
South Shian open grassland
South Shian open grassland
South Shian Chequered Skipper
South Shian Chequered Skipper
I spent this glorious afternoon just milling around here with the Skippers, upwards of 20 adults here and opportunities to get the shots were numerous.
South Shian Chequered Skipper
South Shian Chequered Skipper
Looking South over Ardmurkish Bay towards Mull,this is Marsh Fritillary habitat no doubt but at the time I was here it was the Chequered's domain.
South Shian
South Shian
Difficult to explain how wonderful these few days here were with what seems like a very healthy population of skippers and I'll be back again and again.This year I intend to get up here for Marsh Fritallaries but on the Mull Of Kintyre,hope I get more days like these,with them.
Crawley to Shian and back and a little bit of driving around,but not much,1304 miles....ouch

Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 4:39 pm
by Buchan Boy
2-3rd June 2018

Mount Caburn,nr Lewes,West Sussex

Back to my local stomping ground and the beginning of the rather long dry spell that culminated in a marvelous summer.
A couple of days to check in on the Burnt tip orchid colony here,always fascinates me how small they actually are.
They were also probably about a week to 10 days past their prime.
Caburn Burnt tip Orchid
Caburn Burnt tip Orchid
Also a good showing of Fragrant Orchids with a rather delightful all white version.
Caburn Fragrant Orchid
Caburn Fragrant Orchid
A few Adonis Blues around and all rather fresh.
Caburn Adonis Blue Female
Caburn Adonis Blue Female
There is a Small Blue colony here but failed to locate any this year.
Caburn Bottom
Caburn Bottom
Remember watching the sunset from the Hill-fort at the top with a couple of Painted Lady's and Red Admirals in that perpetual game of winding each other up!
Caburn Painted Lady
Caburn Painted Lady
Caburn Red Admiral
Caburn Red Admiral
Worth noting the Meadow Browns starting to put in an appearance.
Caburn Meadow Brown
Caburn Meadow Brown
A few Small Coppers
Caburn Small Copper
Caburn Small Copper
But the Male Adonis's were beginning to steal the show, handsome devils :D
Caburn Adonis Blue Male
Caburn Adonis Blue Male
This view across to Beddingham Hill would become yellower and yellower as this summer went along,but for now various shades of green won the day.
Caburn to Beddingham
Caburn to Beddingham

Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 9:38 pm
by Buchan Boy
More discipline required with my diary,catching up in mid-winter just sends me into melancholia(is that a word)... :D

6-9th June 2018

Ware Cliffs,Lyme Regis,Devon/Dorset

I always thought the colonies of Wood Whites along the Dorset/Devon coast here were particularly interesting,I'd been to the Branscombe cliffs about 20 years ago and seen them there but that was before my butterfly infatuation took hold.Sure we've got them up here in Surrey,but on the cliffs?
All that wind buffeting them around,they never look like the strongest of fliers....
And as a bonus, one of the really rare Tiger Beetles is also found here in exactly the same habitat...well close enough.Time to go and have a look.
Also noted from previous readings is that this colony of Wood Whites is moving into Dorset with the colony on the county boundary.I do have a very precise GPS but still couldn't work out exactly where the boundary is!Anyways its helped Dorsets Wood Whites records because that counties colonies are now foundering on the precipice of extinction..all good, not really...
I remember noting records of sometimes vast amounts of Wood Whites here and always thought that that needs to be seen.
Off I trundled,camping at a small farm just outside of Lyme I was able to walk to the cliffs.
The weather,although warm,was murky and sea misty and i knew I needed sun to lift the Woodies.
I did walk the undercliff to Seaton from here and having walked it several times in the past a good opportunity,whilst the weather was dank,to walk it again was seen, so i did.
Lyme to Seaton Undercliff path
Lyme to Seaton Undercliff path
Quite an oppressive walk, its pretty much 8 miles of this,much like a long walk through deciduous woodland anywhere,but quite distinct in that once committed you have to finish it or turn back,no way off half way through and therefore not many people.And when you pop out on the Seaton end,Orchids arrive.
Undercliff Butterfy Orchid
Undercliff Butterfy Orchid
Undercliff Spotted Orchid
Undercliff Spotted Orchid
That was that day, no butterflies.

Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 10:29 pm
by Buchan Boy
6-9th June 2018

Ware Cliffs,Lyme Regis,Devon/Dorset

The habitat here is rather ephemeral,always changing,always moving,and trying to get around presents its own set of challenges.You do need to have spent time as a mountain goat to avoid the crevices and be very nimble footed.And also much of it is simply inaccessible so actually monitoring a butterfly colony here,I would imagine, be very difficult.
Ware cliffs habitat
Ware cliffs habitat
However,one rule of thumb,wait for the sun and see what pops up,luckily i did get that two hours of sun and the Wood Whites obliged.
Only counted maybe 6, but more than enough to make this trip worthwhile.
Ware Cliffs Wood White
Ware Cliffs Wood White
Ware Cliffs Wood White
Ware Cliffs Wood White
And back to that Tiger Beetle,it hangs around the moist flushs that seep out of cliffs at various points along the coast,I did find it here on this day.Difficult to photograph but delightful to see.
Cicindella germanica
Cicindella germanica
Cicindella germanica
Cicindella germanica
Also worth noting were the Large Skippers
Ware Cliffs Large Skipper
Ware Cliffs Large Skipper
Ware Cliffs Large Skippers
Ware Cliffs Large Skippers
And this particularly approachable Lady who would almost let her touch her so was her passion for sugar.
Ware Cliffs Painted Lady
Ware Cliffs Painted Lady
Ware Cliffs Painted Lady
Ware Cliffs Painted Lady
Another bonus was when leaving Lyme, on a roadside verge, this bunch of Scarlet Tigers strutting their stuff,never seen anything like this,probably upwards of 20 of them enjoying this summers evening.
Lyme Scarlet Tiger
Lyme Scarlet Tiger
And a rather strange slow shutter speed shot that I quite liked.
Lyme Scarlet Tiger
Lyme Scarlet Tiger
Good trip that,loads of Tigers.

Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 6:10 pm
by Wurzel
Fantastic set of reports recently Buchan - I'm just about to comment on one and then another one appears :D So Chequered Skippers :D :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Stunning Orchids :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: And the best to my biased self obviously were the Wood Whites. I remember reading that they were in various parts of Dorset but that was a good few years back and scanning through the reports on the County Branch website I've missed seeing this species so to know that the Lyme Crew are still there is a I just need to work out which colony is closer, Botany Bay or Lyme :D

Have a goodun


Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 12:47 pm
by David M
You certainly packed a lot in last year, Dave, and the variety of both habitat and wildlife is a feast for the eyes.

I'm intrigued by your Wood Whites, as that is a site I haven't seen them reported from before...and then there are those glorious orchids! The Scarlet Tiger rounds things off in a riot of colour too!

Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 1:59 pm
by Goldie M
Lovely Butterflies BB, and I love the Wood Whites and didn't know they were to be found in Dorset, that news makes me put Dorset on the map for this year :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Goldie :D

Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 7:31 pm
by Buchan Boy
Thanks all,Dorset Butterflies link to the distribution in that county of the Wood White ... white.html
Its rather depressing to be honest but that 10+ red blob in the super duper south-western of the county is that Ware Cliffs colony,right on the border.

There is a fabulous report from someone on it as well,which gave me the inspiration to go have a look, but where that was fails me.The report, which i think was from spring 2015/16 maybe said that there were 40+ and that they were flitting along the vegetation that ajoins the beach.If I can find it I'll stick it up.

16th June 2018

Hinkley Point,Somerset

I did not go to Somerset to look at a power station!,let me get that straight.But the girl and me had been given a pressie to stay at a rather bizarre cottage in the village of Nether Stowey.So it was up to Bridgewater Bay to watch the birdlife for a couple of days,Shelducks really,that spook when within one mile!Good fun nonetheless.
Bridgewater Bay Shelducks
Bridgewater Bay Shelducks
Bridgewater Bay Shelducks
Bridgewater Bay Shelducks
My weird fascination with distinctly ugly buildings took hold and a closer look at the power station was needed,so wandered along the coast to it,and just as you're about in the shadow of it you get these little pockets of meadows(clearly maintained to off set the guilt of the massive humming box behind them).And they were rammed with Pyramidial orchids,a delight.
Hinkley Point Pyramidial Orchid
Hinkley Point Pyramidial Orchid
Hinkley Point Pyramidial Orchid
Hinkley Point Pyramidial Orchid
And a rather lovely Female Common Blue
Hinkley Point Common Blue
Hinkley Point Common Blue
And a big humming box,with another one being built behind it....gotta keep those lights on!
Lovely hmmmmmm
Lovely hmmmmmm

Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 7:41 pm
by Buchan Boy
Back a bit and this half-dead Hornet turned up in my back garden,the scream from my wife told me something was not quite right...
More on Hornets a bit later,but this one was photographed and jam-jarred up to the woods where I hope he/she met a peaceful end.

Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 8:38 pm
by Buchan Boy
Just North-East of my town(Crawley, Sussex) along a seldom used footpath by the airport,theres this bit of land that the farmer never touch's,because it tightens to a tiny aperture,that cant get machinery through.Its always left to go and grow to its own potential in the summer months and being flanked by woodland from the South and West it can get incredibly hot,but I've been watching this little piece of land for years.Almost a little study of my own,didn't Gilbert White say that someone that studies a small area with absolute dedication can offer far more to the knowledge of nature than the wanderer of many places?,something like that!

8th July 2018

Gatwick Meadow

Looks like this,just a wealden clay meadow,may have been farmed once,probably no more than an acre,nothing special but its quite alive.
Gatwick Meadow
Gatwick Meadow
Its held my love because it contains a colony of Common Green Grasshoppers and despite thier name, they are getting increasingly difficult to locate around this part of Sussex.Not sure why.
Gatwick Meadow Common Green Grasshopper
Gatwick Meadow Common Green Grasshopper
Its a good place to test camera skills, with the Large Whites on this day.A bank of knapweed always has them oblivious to me being around.
Gatwick Meadow Large White
Gatwick Meadow Large White
Frontlit with a bit of negative exposure control?
Gatwick Meadow Large White
Gatwick Meadow Large White
Frontlit with a lot of negative exposure control?
Gatwick Meadow Large White
Gatwick Meadow Large White
Always love the contrast between the purple and the white.

Re: Buchan Boy

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 8:49 pm
by Buchan Boy
15th July 2018

Gatwick Meadow

Got odd here today,never seen a Marbled White here so it was a complete surprise to see this utterly shattered individual trying to get around.
Gatwick Meadow Marbled White
Gatwick Meadow Marbled White
How it arrived and where from,not sure but grateful for the movement of this species.