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Re: nfreem

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 7:30 pm
by Neil Freeman
David M wrote:What a bonanza! You deserved your good fortune, Neil, for all the effort you've put in.
Many Thanks David, we certainly put some footwork in. Mark (Tuts) was wearing a pedometer and apparently we clocked up over 42000 paces, something like 21 miles :shock:

Thank you for your comments Mark.
I believe the main emergence at Fermyn occurred last weekend into Monday and they have enjoyed excellent weather since then. I was there on Tuesday so most were still nice and fresh :D

All the best,


Re: nfreem

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 8:44 pm
by EricY
Neil, you deserve a medal if you walked 21 miles on tuesday & the super photos were your just reward. Far too hot for me that day to do any more than a basic walk to Lady wood & back & anyway about 4 miles is my max distance! Eric

Re: nfreem

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 9:29 pm
by Neil Freeman
Many Thanks for the medal Eric :wink: in all honesty we did not realise we had walked that far until after we had finished.

Saturday 28th July

The rest of this week has been spent back at work and just chilling in the garden afterwards.
The weather this week has certainly seemed to bring things back on track a bit and there has been a steady procession of Holly Blues and Whites thought the garden plus the Speckled Woods are out again with yesterday evening there being 2 different males as well as a faded female all in sight at the same time :D
Speckled Wood - Coverdale 26.08.2012
Speckled Wood - Coverdale 26.08.2012
Green-veined White - Coverdale 28.07.2012
Green-veined White - Coverdale 28.07.2012
There has also been a Southern Hawker Dragonfly hanging around the past few days and yesterday I saw it having a bit of a dogfight with a Red Admiral. I am not sure who was picking on who but this evening I saw what I believe is the same Red Admiral with a chunk missing from its RH forewing.
Southern Hawker - Coverdale 27.08.2012
Southern Hawker - Coverdale 27.08.2012
Red Admiral - Coverdale 28.07.2012
Red Admiral - Coverdale 28.07.2012
This afternoon I trundled over to Babbs Mill again to have another look for Essex Skippers :wink:
It was cooler than my last visit, although still pleasant, and there was only a light breeze which made getting some head on shots mush easier. Most of them proved to be definite Small Skippers,
Small Skipper - Babbs Mill 28.07.2012
Small Skipper - Babbs Mill 28.07.2012
all except for the female below, both shots are of the same individual.
Essex Skipper - Babbs Mill 28.07.2012
Essex Skipper - Babbs Mill 28.07.2012
Essex Skipper - Babbs Mill 28.07.2012
Essex Skipper - Babbs Mill 28.07.2012
Also seen here were numourous Whites, Meadow Browns, a couple of Commas and Red Admirals and loads of Gatekeepers including the first females that I have seen this year :D
Gatekeeper male - Babbs Mill 28.07.2012
Gatekeeper male - Babbs Mill 28.07.2012
Gatekeeper female - Babbs Mill 28.07.2012
Gatekeeper female - Babbs Mill 28.07.2012
Bye for now,


Re: nfreem

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 5:59 pm
by Neil Freeman
Sunday 29th – Tuesday 31st July

Arnside Knott.

On Sunday morning, my wife Jane and myself, went up to Arnside for a couple of days.
We had booked into a Bed & Breakfast located right at the bottom of the lane leading up to the Knott and as such is in a perfect location to be able to walk up to the top. I had found this accommodation simply by looking on google and on arrival we found that it is run by a lovely couple, the lady of whom is also interested in butterflies and does a transect in a nearby meadow :D .

I was hoping that Dark Green and High Brown Fritillaries would still be about and that Scotch Argus would have started to emerge so that I could see them in nice fresh condition. I had also not seen Grayling for a few years so was also hoping for these as well.

Later on Sunday and during Monday, I went up the Knott a few times in a mixture of weather, including cloud, showers and sun.
Arnside Knott - 30.07.2012
Arnside Knott - 30.07.2012
Scotch Argus were in abundance on some of the grassy slopes and clearings. You could stand in one spot and see a dozen or more without trying as they flapped lazily above the grass looking like dark meadow Browns. Despite the numbers, I found these difficult to get good photos of, they were either mobile in the sun or would drop from sight when a cloud came over. When I did find them basking with open wings they were hard to approach and would take off at the slightest movement.
Scotch Argus - Arnside Knott 30.07.2012
Scotch Argus - Arnside Knott 30.07.2012
Scotch Argus - Arnside Knott 30.07.2012
Scotch Argus - Arnside Knott 30.07.2012
Scotch Argus - Arnside Knott 30.07.2012
Scotch Argus - Arnside Knott 30.07.2012
Scotch Argus - Arnside Knott 30.07.2012
Scotch Argus - Arnside Knott 30.07.2012
There were quite a few Grayling around on the rocky slopes up from the car park. Another species that I found hard to get a good photo of due to the way it hides down on the ground and tricky to follow over the loose scree on the slopes.
Grayling - Arnside Knott 30.07.2012
Grayling - Arnside Knott 30.07.2012
A good number of Dark Green Fritillaries were still flying. The males varied in condition from faded to very tatty but there were still some females around looking nice :D .
Dark Green Fritillary male - Arnside Knott 29.07.2012
Dark Green Fritillary male - Arnside Knott 29.07.2012
Dark Green Fritillary female - 29.07.2012
Dark Green Fritillary female - 29.07.2012
Dark Green Fritillary female - 30.07.2012
Dark Green Fritillary female - 30.07.2012
Dark Green Fritillary female - 30.07.2012
Dark Green Fritillary female - 30.07.2012
Dark Green Fritillary female - 30.07.2012
Dark Green Fritillary female - 30.07.2012
The heavily marked female below must have looked very striking when fresh. Despite the wing damage she could still fly strongly.
Dark Green Fritillary female - 30.07.2012
Dark Green Fritillary female - 30.07.2012
I think I saw about half a dozen or so different High Brown Fritillaries, mostly males with varying amounts of wing damage and at least one female. There may have been more but those are just the ones that I was sure about either by seeing the undersides or the pronounced sex brands on the forewings of the males.
High Brown Fritillary male - Arnside Knott 29.07.2012
High Brown Fritillary male - Arnside Knott 29.07.2012
HBF male with a missing antenna - 30.07.2012
HBF male with a missing antenna - 30.07.2012
High Brown Fritillary female - Arnside Knott 30.07.2012
High Brown Fritillary female - Arnside Knott 30.07.2012
High Brown Fritillary male - Arnside Knott 30.07.2012
High Brown Fritillary male - Arnside Knott 30.07.2012
After watching both DG and HB Frits for a while, maybe it was just me, but I am sure I noticed a difference in flight patterns with the DGs being a bit faster and more ‘direct’ in their flight than the HBs.

The difficulty in counting how many I actually saw is shown by the individual below. The first photo was taken around 10.50 Monday morning in a glade near the foot of the Knott.
High Brown Fritillary male - 30.07.2012
High Brown Fritillary male - 30.07.2012
This next photo was taken around 5.30 in the afternoon in a clearing near the top of the Knott.
High Brown Fritillary male - Arnside Knott 30.07.2012
High Brown Fritillary male - Arnside Knott 30.07.2012

It wasn’t until I was going through the photos later that I recognised it as the same individual by the rear wing damage and a couple of other little marks. If I had not noticed this I would have counted these as two different individuals where in reality it was the same one in two seperate parts of the Knott.

Having read so much in praise of Arnside Knott, I must admit I was wondering how my visit would turn out, but I have to say this really is a butterfly heaven and I would certainly love to return :D

All in all this was a wonderful couple of days made that much better by staying in excellent accommodation in a beautiful setting.

Bye for now.


Re: nfreem

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 6:20 pm
by Pauline
Neil I just love your DGF photos especially the females with wings closed - absolutely stunning! Your Scotch Argus aren't bad either :D :D Wish I could have been there.

Re: nfreem

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 6:52 pm
by Nick Broomer
A lot of lovely photos Neil. My favourite has to be your female DGF with her wings closed, and the second DGF female picture down is a lovely specimen, colour wise, the photo i hope to get next year.
All the best, Nick.

Re: nfreem

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 7:08 pm
by Pauline
Just had to have another look at your pics Neil. They are really very good and the High Brown with wings shut is a lovely composition as the colour of the bracken complements the markings on the butterfly beautifully. Can I come with you both next time :?: :lol: :lol:

Re: nfreem

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 8:02 am
by Neil Freeman
Hi Pauline and Nick, many thanks for the kind comments :D

Pauline, not quite sure how I could put that to my wife? ....'can we take a lady that I met on the internet' could be misinterpreted :wink: :wink: :lol:


Re: nfreem

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 11:22 am
by Neil Freeman
Thursday 2nd August

Due to Chris’s shifts at work, we had not had chance to get out together for a while.
This afternoon we were both at home together and as there looked to be a promising break in the showers we took the opportunity for me to show Chris one of our local spots, Castle Hills at Solihull.

Last year there were Small Coppers, Common Blue and Essex Skippers out here in late July as well as Meadow Browns, Gatekeepers, Peacocks, Small Skippers and Whites.
Castle Hills Solihull, one of the meadow areas.
Castle Hills Solihull, one of the meadow areas.
We soon saw a profusion of Gatekeepers along with meadow Browns and began trying to take head on shots of the ‘small’ skippers.
This was not easy due to a steady breeze but one of the first that I took proved to be an Essex.
Essex Skipper - Castle Hills Solihull 02.08.2012
Essex Skipper - Castle Hills Solihull 02.08.2012
Moving on to another part of the site, the meadow was alive with Meadow Browns, Gatekeepers and Skippers, which in this area proved to be all ‘Small’
Small Skipper - Castle Hills Solihull 02.08.2012
Small Skipper - Castle Hills Solihull 02.08.2012
Small Skpper - Castle Hills Solihull 02.08.2012
Small Skpper - Castle Hills Solihull 02.08.2012
There were also good numbers of Whites about and I took my first Large White shot of the year.
In fact for the first time this year I photographed all three ‘common’ Whites at one site, not very good photos but I was pleased to get all three on one day considering the summer that we have had so far :D.
Green-veined White - Castle Hills Solihull 02.08.2012
Green-veined White - Castle Hills Solihull 02.08.2012
Small White - Castle Hills Solihull 02.08.2012
Small White - Castle Hills Solihull 02.08.2012
Large White - Castle Hills Solihull 02.08.2012
Large White - Castle Hills Solihull 02.08.2012
We also saw a very ‘tatty’ Marbled White which was a first for me at this site, that is the second local site where I have found them where I did not know they were :D

Unfortunately there was no sign of any Small Coppers or Common Blues yet.
Last year these were a week or so later appearing around here than down south so I am hoping that they will start showing up soon.

After an hour or so some thunderous looking clouds were heading our way, so we decided to head back home which turned out to be a good decision as we arrived back just in time for a heavy shower to start.

Later in the afternoon the sun popped out again and sitting in the garden I saw a couple of Holly Blues, 3 Speckled Wood, some Whites and a Red Admiral circling around the nettle patch.

I have seen Red admirals here on and off for a couple of weeks and by taking photos have identified at least 3 different individuals coming and going.
Red Admiral - Coverdale 02.08.2012
Red Admiral - Coverdale 02.08.2012
Interestingly though, despite having a Buddleia in the back and one in the front garden, I have yet to see anything actually on them this year :? .

Bye for now,


Re: nfreem

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 7:31 pm
by Wurzel
Some cracking shots Neil :mrgreen:
I need to try and persuade my wife that a family holiday up North :wink:
Have a goodun


Re: nfreem

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 9:08 pm
by Neil Freeman
Cheers Wurzel, Ironically I am having a family holiday down south at the end of the month :D

Saturday 4th August - Goings on in the garden

I have had a few things to do at home over the past couple of days so I havn't been out anywhere.
There have been some showers, some of them heavy and thundery but between there has also been some nice warm sunny spells when I would grab 10 or 15 minutes in the garden.

There has been quite a bit of activity with at least 3 male Speckled Woods identified plus a female yesterday.
Speckled Wood male - Coverdale 04.08.2012
Speckled Wood male - Coverdale 04.08.2012
Speckled Wood female - Coverdale 03.08.2012
Speckled Wood female - Coverdale 03.08.2012
The Red Admiral activity is centred around the nettle patch with 2 different individuals visiting yesterday and today.
Back garden showing nettles at far end
Back garden showing nettles at far end
My previous RA shots had seemed a bit 'washed out' with regard to the red so I knocked the exposure setting back to -1 for the shots yesterday and I prefer the result.
Red Admiral - Coverdale 03.08.2012
Red Admiral - Coverdale 03.08.2012
The Southern Hawker is still lurking around, I can tell it is the same one by a patch of something white stuck to its left forewing.
Southern Hawker - Coverdale 04.08.2012
Southern Hawker - Coverdale 04.08.2012
I was surprised today to see one of the male Speckled Wood actually take off to intercept it as it flew past :shock: . I knew they were feisty but I though that was a bit risky.

Other Butterflies visiting over the past couple of day have been a number of Holly Blues, I saw 3 at once at one point yesterday. Also growing numbers of all 3 whites, it seems that they are back to normal numbers again :D
Green-veined White - Coverdale 04.08.2012
Green-veined White - Coverdale 04.08.2012
I have also disturbed up to a dozen at a time of a moth when stepping around the nettles. They proved impossible to photograph as they would always settle upside down under a leaf.
In the end I captured one in a small jar and took a photo before releasing it.
After doing a bit of 'googling' I have identified them as Mother of Pearl Moths, a common species that is actually classified as a micro-moth even though they are a goood 25-35mm wingspan.
Mother of Pearl Moth - Coverdale 03.08.3012
Mother of Pearl Moth - Coverdale 03.08.3012
Bye for now,


Re: nfreem

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 6:31 pm
by Neil Freeman
Wednesday 8th August

A few more photos from the past couple of evenings in the garden with now usual Red Admirals, Speckled Woods, Green-veined Whites and Holly Blues all showing up when the sun popped out.

I have been experimenting a bit with different exposure settings, trying to make the most of the early evening sun.

One Red Admiral, recognised by the white dot in the red band on the forewings, has staked a territory centred on the nettle patch and defends it from all comers including a second RA.
A couple of times this afternoon I watched as they spiralled high into the sky before losing sight of them. A few minutes later the defender would return to its perch to bask for a while before taking off to intercept the next interloper.
Red Admiral - Coverdale 07.08.2012
Red Admiral - Coverdale 07.08.2012
Red Admiral - Coverdale 08.08.2012
Red Admiral - Coverdale 08.08.2012
The Speckled Woods have increased and I have now identified 4 different males and 2 females by taking photos and comparing the variations in the markings and the amount of wear.
Speckled Wood - Coverdale 08.08.2012
Speckled Wood - Coverdale 08.08.2012
Holly Blues and GV Whites have usually been chased off by the Red Admiral or Speckled Woods :roll: but occasionally one would escape their attention and settle for a bit.
Green-veined White - Coverdale 07.08.2012
Green-veined White - Coverdale 07.08.2012
Holly Blue - Coverdale 08.08.2012
Holly Blue - Coverdale 08.08.2012
The weather is looking good for the next few days. I am hoping to get around a couple of local spots and look for Common Blues and Small Coppers, neither of which have I seen second brood around here yet.

Bye for now


Re: nfreem

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 6:36 pm
by Neil Freeman
Thursday 9th August

Sitting in the garden after work, with my camera by my side, paid dividends earlier as a Holly Blue came fluttering up past the shrubs along the side at a fairly low height thus avoiding the aggressive attentions of the male Red Admiral and Speckled Woods.

Reaching a length of fencing that is covered with Ivy, she stopped to investigate and settled for a while, even better, she flicked her wings open a couple of times :D :D
Holly Blue female - Coverdale 09.08.2012
Holly Blue female - Coverdale 09.08.2012
Holly Blue female - Coverdale 09.08.2012
Holly Blue female - Coverdale 09.08.2012
There were also passing visits from a Gatekeeper (Hedge Brown) and a female Brimstone :D

Bye for now,


Re: nfreem

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 8:06 pm
by millerd
Lovely shots of that Holly Blue, Neil. Such a rare chance to see the wings so wide open - quite unlike any other Blue.


Re: nfreem

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:10 pm
by Wurzel
I agree with Dave great stuff Neil :D I'm with you on the keeping your camera to hand at all times- I carry mine now even to water the greenhouse! Though there isn't an awful lot that can in there past the Triffids/tomatoes.

Have a goodun


Re: nfreem

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:18 pm
by Neil Freeman
Many thanks for your comments Dave and Wurzel :D

Having seen the Holly Blues passing through the garden so much recently I have been sitting there for the past couple of late afternoons / early evenings watching and waiting for one to do exactly what this one did tonight.
I hoped that sooner or later one would stop just long enough, and lucky for me this evening this one did :D



Re: nfreem

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 7:03 pm
by Neil Freeman
Friday 10th August - An Audience with The Speckled Wood

I have mentioned before that the Speckled Wood is one of my favourite butterflies, largely because I have a small resident colony in my back garden so I have become familiar with them over the past few years.

The Speckled Wood is unusual amongst butterflies in the UK in that it can overwinter as either a larva or a pupa. The first adults emerge from pupae in spring and are follwed by those that spent the winter as larvae in early summer. The following broods from both these sets of adults are then strung out over a long period through the summer and into autumn.

In my garden this usually manifests as me seeing adults almost constantly from April through to October with sometimes a bit of a gap in June.
This year the gap was in late June/Early July, no doubt delayed a couple of weeks due to the wet and gloomy weather.

Over the past few weeks there has usually been a couple of adults present in the garden with numbers increasing gradually until earlier this week when I spotted 4 different males and 2 females on the same afternoon.

This afternoon after work, I had about half an hour spare before starting the 'domestic duties' :wink: and decided to spend it in the garden with my camera and see how many different individuals I could photograph.

It was immediatly apparent that there were a number of males but trying to tell them apart was difficult due to the way they were interacting and mixing it up between their territories.

Checking the photos afterward, I managed to get photos of 5 different males, all in less than 30 minutes, and that includes being distracted by other species passing through.

Condition varied from nice and fresh looking;
Speckled Wood male - Coverdale 10.08.2012
Speckled Wood male - Coverdale 10.08.2012
through various states of wear;
Speckled Wood male - Coverdale 10.08.2012
Speckled Wood male - Coverdale 10.08.2012
Speckled Wood male - Coverdale 10.08.2012
Speckled Wood male - Coverdale 10.08.2012
Speckled Wood male - Coverdale 10.08.2012
Speckled Wood male - Coverdale 10.08.2012
to the raggedy individual below who had obviously seen better days but was still feisty and mixing it up with the rest.
Speckled Wood male - Coverdale 10.08.2012
Speckled Wood male - Coverdale 10.08.2012
No females today but I know they are more secretive and I did see a couple the other day.

An enjoyable use of a spare 30 minutes :D

Bye for now.


Re: nfreem

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 9:26 pm
by Wurzel
Interesting to see the contrast in the wear between those individuals Neil :D

Have a goodun


Re: nfreem

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 5:53 pm
by Debbie

Lovely speckled woods.

Debbie :) :) :)

Re: nfreem

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 8:04 am
by Neil Freeman
Hi Debbie, many thanks for your comment :D

Hi Wurzel, the difference in wear is due to the adults now emerging over a well spaced out period of time.
These are now the offspring of the earlier 2 sets of adults and, due to the way in which the caterpillars develop at different rates, I usually see fresh individuals from now on until sometime in late September/ October.

