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Re: june 2011

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 1:10 am
by celery
selbypaul wrote:
I then moved onto Arnside Knott to try and see my 2nd bogey species, the Northern Brown Argus. No luck sadly.
Here's a northern brown argus from Arnside taken on Sunday (26th June).


I saw about a dozen individuals in a little patch - past the gate, through the little wood and up towards the summit. I had no luck with high brown fritillaries though - the only positive IDs I made were all dark greens. I guess what you gain on the swings you lose on the roundabouts... :)

Re: june 2011

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:39 am
by MikeOxon
celery wrote: Here's a northern brown argus from Arnside taken on Sunday (26th June).
Sounds similar to where I found mine - alongside the path climbing through the woods, rather than on the open summit. Good luck to others!


Re: Which hairstreak?

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 3:30 pm
by Pete Eeles
walpolec wrote:I've an unusual request. I'd be very grateful for an I.D of a butterfly I didn't actually get a photo of :?

The story goes that I was out on my morning run in the heat of last Sunday and stopped short when I saw what was clearly a Hairstreak feeding on some red clover. Having never had the pleasure of seeing anything other than a Green Haistreak, I didn't have a clue which one it was. I was able to get a really close look and the mass of purple/mauve hairs on the body suggested PH. However, the underside looked more like WLH/BH and the only other minor factor was that I was in a shallow valley, next to a hedgerow with no oak trees anywhere around. There was a large tree about 50m away; it had leaves like this - could they be Elm, suggesting my butterfly was WLH?

Any suggestions appreciated

Definitely elm (the base of the leaf is asymmetrical) - Wych elm I believe. So yes, could have been a WLH!


- Pete

Re: june 2011

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 3:51 pm
by sahikmet
Hi lots of ringlets at Bold Hill today. Cheers Sezar

Re: june 2011

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:26 pm
by Lawts
selbypaul wrote:Spent the day in the Lake District.

The gorgeous weather allowed me to see one of my bogey species, the Mountain Ringlet. There were around 10-15 just south of the Drumhouse near Honister Slate Quarry.

I then visited Whitbarrow. Despite much better conditions than on my visit last year, there was less around. No Grayling, and no Silver Washed Fritillary in the woods below. I suspect the latter will be out in the next week or so, to coincide with the soon to emerge Bramble flowers. The hot weather made the Dark Green/High Brown Fritillary's unbelievably active. Didn't positively identify either, but from the "jizz" I suspect most if not all were DGF's. Also saw a couple of Small Pearl Bordered Fritillary.

I then moved onto Arnside Knott to try and see my 2nd bogey species, the Northern Brown Argus. No luck sadly. I did manage to see lots of High Brown Fritillary however, including a mating pair. Also a profusion of Grayling, must have counted 40+, never seen so many.
Hi Paul, is it much of a walk to the Drumhouse?

Also, whereabouts on the Knott were you getting the HBF's?


If you go down to the woods today

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 6:27 pm
by NickB
Spotted this morning in Fermyn woods, by PhilB & myself:
A Sussex Kipper, having a very enjoyable time!
Will post some more later; just why was Neil looking so happy...?
PhilB & myself had just finished photographing that beauty - and saying how much Neil would wish he were there - when who should turn up on his little bike, "bait" in hand, but the Kipper himself!
Our friend had just taken a break and was sitting in the trees above the track...Needless to say, the Kipper did wait; The result is him above enjoying some shots of the same abs. At one point in 100m there were at least seven males down at any one time - from very tatty to mint - so they have been out a few days already. What a day!

Re: june 2011

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 7:26 pm
by Zonda
Its just emerged from his ear, no wonder he was deaf all winter. :wink:

Re: june 2011

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 7:45 pm
by admiral halsey
Decided on a change of scenery today. One Tree Hill, Thurrock. Came across a very small meadow environment (approx 300' x 50') with a surprisingly large number of our friends. Saw about thirty marble white, 5 Essex Skipper (too lively to capture), and a few each of meadow brown, small white and Ringlet. The amazing thing was that several pairs were going through the Butterfly kama Sutra. There was a slight breeze which had one pair fluttering haphazardly between grass stem foot-holds. Heady stuff! I saw at leat three courting couples, there might have been more.

Marbled white mating.jpg1b.jpg
Marbled white mating.jpg2c.jpg
Marbled white.jpg

Re: june 2011

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:14 pm
by millerd
A late afternoon walk local to me in the southwest corner of what I still like to call Middlesex brought forth my first Gatekeeper sightings this year. They are splendid little things when newly emerged, a lovely deep orange. I also spied Purple Hairstreaks in two separate locations: one a mature solitary oak by the River Colne, the other a line of young oaks next to the J14 roundabout of the M25. Plenty of Small and GV Whites, Commas and Red Admirals, and a couple of Ringlets which were new to this patch (more probably just not seen by me in previous years).


Re: june 2011

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 9:48 pm
by NickB
Zonda wrote:Its just emerged from his ear, no wonder he was deaf all winter. :wink:
...sorry? What was that, Zonda? :lol:

Re: Which hairstreak?

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 10:23 pm
by walpolec
Pete Eeles wrote:
Definitely elm (the base of the leaf is asymmetrical) - Wych elm I believe. So yes, could have been a WLH!


- Pete
Thanks Pete (and to Piers for the PM)

Weather permitting I'm hoping to go back to the site in question tomorrow for another look. I suppose the butterfly must have been WLH because it can't have been anything else! Here's the tree in question:




Re: june 2011

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:48 am
by Piers
Simply superb emperor there Nick, amazing!

For those that like to name such things, it looks very much like an aberration known as afflicta (Cabeau, 1910)


Re: june 2011

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:40 am
by NickB
Right place; right time! Thanks for the ID, Piers.
Here are the two undersides; it had a slightly different left and right side - and this is reflected in the underside....

Re: june 2011

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:04 am
by admiral halsey
One tree hill, Thurrock. Went to a meadow which the local warden assured me had a population of Essex Skipper. Saw scores of Skippers and Ringlets, about two dozen Marbled White, three Comma and a number of ?Small/Large white. The pics below are of two Skippers. One of these clearly has the orange underside of the antennae denoting a Small Skipper. In the other it is not clear. Can anyone id it please?

Small Skipper One tree hill 30 June 2011.jpg
Poss Essex or small skipper.jpg

Re: june 2011

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:49 am
by Rogerdodge
That PE is simply stunning.
I am envious.

Re: june 2011

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 12:03 pm
by NickB
Hi Roger
I feel similar emotions when you post your fritillary shots from Heddon's Mouth and Exmoor..... :mrgreen:
I'm sure Phil and Neil feel equally privileged too and lucky to have been there, when there were just so many PE's down!
Here's a more "normal" male...

Re: june 2011

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 4:02 pm
by Zonda
This is the very end of June, and so far its been a great butterfly season in Dorset. This morning i photographed a Purple Hairstreak, and White-letter Hairstreak at Alners Gorse. Alners gorse is coming alive now, with all the early summer species in good numbers.

Re: june 2011

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:17 pm
by millerd
I can't compete with the foregoing, but I saw 16 different species locally this morning, including a second brood Brown Argus. None were unusual, but the variety made the walk interesting. My only disappointment was the camera battery ran out before I could do justice to brand new editions of Small Copper and Common Blue. An extra point of interest was an orchid: there are none of any sort anywhere nearby - can anyone I/D from this photo?


Re: june 2011

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:29 pm
by MikeOxon
millerd wrote:An extra point of interest was an orchid: there are none of any sort anywhere nearby - can anyone I/D from this photo?
Your orchid is a Bee Orchid (Ophrys apifera) Where was it? They tend to thrive on rough waste grassland on chalk soils, often at the side of paths where the ground gets compressed.


Re: If you go down to the woods today

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:20 pm
by John W
NickB wrote:Spotted this morning in Fermyn woods, by PhilB & myself:

A Sussex Kipper, having a very enjoyable time!
Will post some more later; just why was Neil looking so happy...?
Maybe we should have a special photo competition for portraits of Neil? He seems to be appearing in a lot of pics lately!