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Re: Reverdin

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 7:44 pm
by Reverdin
Thanks Guy.... I actually don't think I would have if not for you. In my mind's eye, I had a completely different idea of habitat, but you gave me all the clues to get me there! The lush, if small, patch of very long grass where they were present would have otherwise passed me completely by. ( as would the montana :D elsewhere )
Hope we can snatch the odd day out in the future ! :D

Just in case anyone wonders what I'm talking about...

Re: Reverdin

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 6:10 pm
by Reverdin
Various combinations of all three whites, Comma, Peacock, Red Admiral and the occasional Painted Lady, plentiful Speckled Woods, and singleton Common Blue, Brimstone and Small Copper still around the garden on warmer days over the past couple of weeks.... and this rather tired visitor today, we don't see many of these up here in Northernmost Yorkshire....
C. argiolus female 2nd brood
C. argiolus female 2nd brood
:D :D