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Re: millerd

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 9:33 pm
by millerd
Pretty well non-stop, Wurzel! :)

It was a very unusual female SSB, David - I only wish she had opened up a little more to show the full extent of the blue markings.

On Sunday 10th June, I dropped by Box Hill, but there was really nothing out of the ordinary and I took no photos of any note.

However, Monday 11th June was a different story. There was some cloud about first thing, and I hoped some might be a feature at my destination today, which was Collard Hill in Somerset. In fact, the further west I went the more the cloud disappeared, so I arrived to wall-to-wall blue skies. It was very warm and quite breezy too. Large Blues were flying, and I soon encountered the first egg-laying females in the steep terraced section (known as the quarry). Around half a dozen were patiently patrolling along here, dipping down to lay on the tiny thyme flowers and then quickly moving on.
LB9 110618.JPG
On the main slopes, further females were to be found doing likewise, but here too were the males. These were zooming up and down the hillside, pausing occasionally to nectar or to sit perched on something with wings tightly shut.
LB11 110618.JPG
LB8 110618.JPG
LB10 110618.JPG
LB12 110818.JPG
Many perches were prickly in nature, including gorse and some very spiky thistles: this is something I've noticed before, and could well be an effective defence against predators as a dragonfly or even a bird would risk damaging theirselves on the sharp projections.
LB14 110618.JPG
LB15 110618.JPG
I saw only one butterfly open up in all the time I was there, and I think this only happened because it was knocked off balance on its rather precarious perch by a sharp gust of wind.
LB6 110618.JPG
LB3 110618.JPG
LB1 110618.JPG
A warm bright cloudy day is the optimum for seeing this species - the weather was far too good today, but the views were stunning.

Re: millerd

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 10:00 pm
by essexbuzzard
Yes, the views from Collard are most impressive. Is this your first time there?

Re: millerd

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 10:06 pm
by millerd
I've been before, Mark, but never on such a brilliantly sunny day! :)


Re: millerd

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 5:01 am
by Pauline
I can't keep up with you either Dave! Each time I look there's something new and exciting in your diary - and even more that I've missed. That female SSB is very unusual and the Large Blues, to use a Wurzelism, are lush :D

Re: millerd

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 5:55 pm
by millerd
Thank you, Pauline - I'm just trying to make the most of the combination of retirement and good weather! :)

When I returned home from Collard, the news had broken about the Sussex Black Hairsreaks. However, the forecast for 12th wasn't that good, so I held back a day before heading down to the excitement. On 12th June therefore, I had a brief sortie onto my local patch under cloud and saw very little more than Small Heaths and Meadow Browns. I did encounter this rather curious sign by the River Colne... What on earth is electric fishing, and why are dogs in particular banned? :?
A couple of Small Heath shots...
SH1 120618.JPG
SH2 120618.JPG
...and one of a curious Meadow Brown.
MB1 120618.JPG
I thought initially that it was "blind", but there is the tiniest of white dots in the middle of the dark forewing spot.


Re: millerd

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 6:03 pm
by Goldie M
Lovely Large Blues Dave, Collard Hill is where i want to visit, not seen them yet, it looks a lovely site from your shot. Goldie :D

Re: millerd

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 7:11 pm
by Wurzel
Great Large Blues Dave :D :mrgreen: I'm trying my luck for them at Daneways tomorrow and if the forecast is to be believed then hopefully they'll be opening up :D Fingers crossed...

Have a goodun


P.S. Years ago my dad gave me a book called The Lazy Salmon Mystery and in it poachers run an electric cable into the water near a weir so that when the Salmon swim up they get stunned, then they turn the power off and can just pick the fish up. So that could be what's going on on the your river? Perhaps it's a survey?

Re: millerd

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 10:50 pm
by millerd
It is a lovely place, Goldie, with amazing views like that one. The Large Blues are a bonus! :) :wink:

Best of luck with the Large Blues at Daneway, Wurzel. I shall be interested to hear how it goes as I was hoping to see the place myself very soon. Thanks for the idea about the lectric fishing - as its the Environment Agency, it could well be a survey (no doubt related to to the Heathrow expansion project as the River Colne is going to be mucked about with quite a bit :( ).

Wednesday 13th June: A lovely sunny morning, and down to Sussex to see the remarkable Black Hairstreaks at Ditchling Common. A most enjoyable day with lots of folk to chat to and catch up with and a selection of very amenable Black Hairstreaks to aim the camera at. Most of the males seen were getting worn or had suffered bird attacks, but there were a few nice fresh females. There were other species about too - I saw my first Ringlet of the year near the lake, and there were Meadow Browns, Speckled Woods, Large Skippers and Small Heaths.

It wouldn't surprise me if all the good shots of all the best butterflies had already been posted (several times), so I shall keep photos to a minimum.
BlH9 130618.JPG
BlH11 130618.JPG
BlH14 130618.JPG
BlH15 130618.JPG
So, an absolutely splendid day, but there was still time for tea and flapjack at Box Hill on the way home - and maybe something else as well. :)


Re: millerd

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2018 7:36 am
by ernie f
Dave - its amazing what you have clocked up recently in quick succession. Heath Frits, Black Hairstreaks, Large Blues, even a reasonably early White Ad and a fantastically coloured SSB. You must be well chuffed! :D

Re: millerd

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2018 8:46 am
by Maximus
Nice shots of the Large Blues, Dave :D they seem to be doing well at Collard Hill this year. Great shots of the Sussex Black Hairstreaks too, especially the first on the bramble blossom :D It was a great day out.


Re: millerd

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2018 9:14 am
by Neil Freeman
Hi Dave,

A great selection of species clocked up recently :D :mrgreen: :mrgreen: , you are certainly making the most of your retirement. I know we shouldn't wish our lives away but I am really looking forward to when I will have more time to be able to get about like this in the week instead of being stuck at work.



Re: millerd

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2018 9:03 pm
by millerd
Thank you all - It has been a busy week or so, and there have been some cracking butterflies to be seen. Retirement has a lot going for it as you say, Neil! :)

Wednesday 13th June (continued):
On the way back from Sussex, I detoured very slightly from the A23 to the A24 and refreshment at Box Hill. I wandered out onto Burford Spur with a bit of cloud obscuring the sun, and nothing much appeared to be flying. However, just a few steps down the slope and no less than three Dark Green Fritillaries flew up from the ground and zoomed about. The sun re-emerged and it became clear that there were four or five altogether, all males, flying up and down the hillside and occasionally settling on the chalky path along the ridge. Then their behavious changed, and they started to seek out the knapweed flowers partly hidden in the longish grass and set about nectaring. When the sun went in, they tended to drop to the grass and bask amongst the stalks. As I've observed before, they attract the attentions of Meadow Browns, who chase them quite forcibly off the knapweed flowers in a manner rather untypical for such an unassuming butterly. At one point I watched four Meadow Browns accost a single DGF at the same time - of course the bigger butterfly can outfly them easily, but I have no idea what lies behind this particular antipathy. No Marbled Whites were out here yet: it can't be long before they join the Fritillaries, and hopefully in good numbers. Also seen: faded Common and Adonis Blues, Large Skippers, Small Heaths and also Speckled Woods in the shadier wooded areas.

All the Dark Greens were brand new, almost glowing in the late afternoon light.
DGF3 130618.JPG
DGF7 130618.JPG
DGF8 130618.JPG
DGF10 130618.JPG
DGF11 130618.JPG
DGF12 130618.JPG
DGF16 130618.JPG
A great end to what had already been an excellent day.


Re: millerd

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2018 9:06 pm
by David M
Nice to see Large Blues in one of this site's PDs, Dave!! They've been rather neglected this year given all the SPBF and Black Hairstreak activity.

Things look to be improving weatherwise as next week goes on, so hopefully the mid June species will benefit the same as the late May/early June ones.

Re: millerd

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2018 10:16 pm
by Wurzel
Brill stuff Dave :D Daneways was looking splendid, but the weather was a complete let down, bloody BBC wouldn't know their a from their e :x Definitely worth a punt when the weather improves :D

Have a goodun


Re: millerd

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2018 6:35 pm
by kevling

Great diary you have here. Love the Large Blues. I have to get to Collard Hill at some point. too long until I retire though :lol:
The DGF at Boxhill are beautiful too. I was there 4 years ago and had a great day. Will have to return.

Kind Regards

Re: millerd

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 9:10 am
by Andrew555
Fantastic Large Blues Dave, well done getting that open wing shot. :D Lovely DGF's. :D

Re: millerd

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 9:06 am
by millerd
Thanks, all - more Large Blues to come soon, everyone - I had another chance to visit Collard on a much better day weatherwise (mostly cloudy!), and they were opening up all over... :) And more DGFs as well.

I am now a week behind (a slight touch of Wurzelitis as Buggy mentioned), so back to Thursday 14th June and a vist to another of my fairly local SSB sites, Dawney's Hill.

A mix of sun and cloud, but rather windy, so mixed conditions really. However, there were good numbers of SSB, concentrated wherever the heather was flowering, and far more females around than I had seen at Fairmile. Many were pretty new, with the characteristic rainbow oily sheen, but none sported any blue colouring at all.
SSB2 140618.JPG
SSB5 140618.JPG
SSB8 140618.JPG
SSB11 140618.JPG
SSB3 140618.JPG
One of the females displayed large and intensely turquoise "studs" and also indulged in a lot of the "wing-rolling" discussed by Ernie F in his diary.
SSB12 140618.JPG
There were also some lovely fresh males in various shades of shining blue.
SSB1 140618.JPG
SSB14 140618.JPG
SSB15 140618.JPG
SSB16 140618.JPG
SSB17 140618.JPG
SSB18 140618.JPG
Finally, I found a mating pair. Interestingly, with lots of sparkling new ones to choose from the female had chosen one of the males that was older and more worn.
SSB13 140618.JPG
Also seen were several Meadow Browns doing their very best Grayling impersonations, a few Small Heath and a Large Skipper.
SH1 140618.JPG

Re: millerd

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 12:55 pm
by trevor
You've been really busy recently Dave.
Where do I start !. Great results from Collard hill, mostly cloudy when I went there.
Fabulous Dark Greens, lovely and fresh. And your mating Silver Studded Blues are
worth a mrgreen or two. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: .

What a month June has been so far, manic is the word,
when we're usually twiddling our thumbs in the early weeks of the month.


Re: millerd

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 1:18 pm
by Wurzel
More cracking images Dave - you're really taking to this retirement lark :wink:
As for Wurzelitis all I'll say is...Tortoise and Hare :wink:

Have a goodun


Re: millerd

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 5:10 pm
by bugboy
Great stuff Dave, those SSB look like they all emerged that morning especially for you, we're you whispering to them?. In the middle of a week long camping trip chasing butterflies with very intermittent internet access. I fear my case of wurzelitis is becoming more severe by the day :oops: !