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Re: Wurzel

Post by trevor »

HI Wurzel,

Your Large Blue's are worthy of a mrgreen :mrgreen: .I have never seen one, hope to put that right this year.
I also note that you are still rubbing in that male Brown Hairstreak image. Lovely golden female too :mrgreen: .

All the best,

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Neil Freeman »

Hi Wurzel, just catching up on your recent posts, interesting stuff and great photos :D

Love your Large Blue photos, I must try and see this species again having only had the pleasure once before and that being during a fairly short stop off at Collard Hill on the way back to the midlands from the Heddon Valley a couple of years ago.

With regard to very blue female Common Blues I have noticed that around here at least they are more numerous in the first brood with 'browner' females dominating in the second. Also the further north I go the more brown the females seem to be.



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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Trevor :D If you're trying for them this year at Collard Hill make sure you regularly check the 'Large Blue Blog' as they give you really useful info.
Cheers Neil :D I reckon that you're onto something there as I definitely see more 'blue' females in the early brood. :D

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by David M »

Time to decamp to Daneway Banks for Large Blues, methinks. It's a much bigger site and, from what I've seen in my two visits thus far, has a greater number of the target butterfly than Collard Hill.

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Pauline »

I've been meaning to comment on your Blues for a while now Wurzel so apologies for the delay. Just wanted to say what lovely images they are - all 3. I have only seen these once and having seen your smashing shots I now want to return.

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers David :D I'll have to look into it but I think it's a bit more of a drive for me than Collard.
Cheers Pauline :D Your return visit is getting ever closer Pauline

The 2015 Season

So overall how was 2015? For me there were possibly more highlights but the lows were of a more enduring nature. Generally it felt like a year of lows interspersed with various little highlights to get through the rest of the year…

As mentioned at the start of this series the weather was the major of 2015. Never perfect and seldom conducive for butterflying would be the best way of summing it up. If it was warm, still and sunny it was during the ‘June Gap’ between emergences. If it was still and clear it was too cold etc.

On top of this there were at times noticeably fewer butterflies making the marking the worrying decline in a lot of species.

A personal low point was my lack of a Cloudy in 2015 which limited me to equally my best ever total of 48 species a number I seem to be stuck at despite a few longer trips this year for some specialities.

The biggest low was missing out, again, on Long-tailed Blues. For next time they show up I do have a car and am willing to travel so a heads up/sharing of information would be greatly appreciated :wink: .

The most obvious highlight for me was my trip to the Czech Republic which for a short time I thought wasn’t too good even branding it crap. :oops: However whilst writing it up and rereading and reliving the moments since I’ve changed my mind and it’s become very special to me. Sure I didn’t see too many new species but Dusky Large Blue is a gem of a species to have seen and for it to have been so common added a certain ‘wow’ factor. :D
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Other British highlights were my various trips further afield for more Large Blues, Wood Whites and Lulworths. However the greatest was to East Blean, finally meeting my target after three years of trying! It was a fantastic trip made all the more sweeter by the “will I/won’t I?” worries and anticipation. I was astounded by how docile they were, how ‘common’ they were and the huge array of variation that they showed.

The final highlight for me came in the form of Laverstock which slightly surpassed Larkhill and Five Rivers in my affections becoming my local patch. I read up about it during the winter months and somehow managed to see all the species that had been recorded there barring a wandering Brostreak…

So that was 2015, what next for 2016? Well as usual I’ve set myself a couple of targets:

1. Add another British tick to the list. I have, or will have, some ‘days owed’ to me in Brownie points and so should have the opportunity to go for a new species – possibly two? I’m debating which to go for but Large Heaths or High Browns would be the safest bet as they’re the closest…Although a Scotch Argus could be more of a sure thing? If I could sort out the timing maybe I could fit in a Northern Brown Argus.

2. Make the trip for Wood Whites and also Glannies.

3. Try to see 49 species in 2016, I’ve got to get off the 48 maximum!

4. Add to my European list. I’m heading to Iceland in July but that only has 6 species (all of which occur in Britain) but hopefully Lisbon in early August will produce the goods, including a Long-tailed Blue.

So that was my 2015, bring 2016 good luck everyone! :D

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by David M »

Wurzel wrote:Cheers David :D I'll have to look into it but I think it's a bit more of a drive for me than Collard.
I used to think like that, Wurzel, but I soon realised that the extra miles translate into far more satisfying experiences...

....talking of which, your trip to Portugal will be interesting. It's one European country that seems rather 'off the radar' in terms of those travelling to see butterflies. I'd love to know what's lurking in the hillier areas of that country.

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Re: Wurzel

Post by trevor »

HI Wurzel,

For me 2015 was an average year with some very special highlights, two of which
you enjoyed, Heaths and Wood Whites. You're right about ' specialist sites ', hit them
at the right moment and that speciality can seem quite common !.
As for this year ' kick off ' has been a bit slow.

Good luck with the Brownie points,

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Goldie M
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Re: Wurzel

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Wurzel, I've tried to get a new species each year and I've never got more than 36 species in all :D which includes the new ones :D So your total of 48 sounds fantastic to me. :)

If you intend to go for SA or NBA, end of July into middle of August is good for Arnside Knot that's the times I've seen them there, late August both are not looking that good. you could also see the HBF then, also at Arnside K. Goldie :D

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers David :D My trip to Portugal is another family holiday based in Lisbon so I don't know how much I'll get to see - it will be a case of take my camera everywhere and check out any greenery/verge/park/waste land :?
Cheers Trevor :D I fully intend to rack them up while the weather is so grim/changeable :wink:
Cheers for the info Goldie :D Hopefully I'll be able to sort something out.

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by kevling »

Wurzel, I hope you make it to the magic 49. The only year I got anywhere near that was 2015 (and I needed a trip to South Of France for that :lol: ).

If the weather plays ball, I'm hoping to have my best year yet with regards new species, visiting parts of the country I have never explored before (i.e Wiltshire).

Good luck in 2016.

Regards Kev

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Re: Wurzel

Post by MrSp0ck »


3. Try to see 49 species in 2016, I’ve got to get off the 48 maximum!

i managed one year [1996] to see 50 Species in the South of England, so it is possible to get 49 there, the 50th was Pale Clouded Yellow [male] so that was probably a one off.
but it didnt include Large or Long-Tailed Blues.

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Neil Freeman »

Hi Wurzel,

A great final summary of 2015 and one which pretty much mirrors my own thoughts.

I have twice now managed to see 50 species in a year, the first time in 2012 and again last year. Both times this was 'helped' by cool and wet summers which meant that I managed to see some species that I didn't originally plan to due to delayed or extended flight times. Of course I am also lucky in that my location in the midlands means that it is just as easy for me to to head north for the northern specialties such as Scotch Argus than it is to head south for species such as Adonis Blue and Lulworth Skipper.



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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Kev :D I'm just about to get you some useful Grid References
Cheers Mr Spock :D I'm going for it this year then! :D
Cheers Neil :D You do have that advantage - but I might bite the bullet and head for a Welsh Large Heath - Brownie points banked :wink:

Work 11-03

This was to be my first lunch time walk of the season. Not only had I been snowed under recently but the weather has been terrible – possibly the worst start to a season in my five years of butterflying? So finally the wind was light, the sun was shining and it was warm enough to venture out in just a shirt a thin jumper.

I’d left it slightly later into lunch before setting out as I was out of practice and also had to deal with just one more student request so I forewent the usual route across the field and instead cut straight across the local housing estate to the back path which has thrown up so many Small Torts in the past. As I made my way things started coming back to me – I’d check shadows, a fly would take off and I’d catch the movement out of the corner of my eye I was remembering all my tricks and I think the long wait to get started had sharpened my senses. I cut through across the verge to the back path and even before I’d stepped onto it proper something took off from basking on the steps. My first butterfly of the year and surprise, surprise it was a Small Tort. It flew into the field that the path borders and I didn’t think that I get a photo but luckily it came back and landed just within camera shot. A careful sneak and I managed to get in a bit closer.
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From there I carried further along the path and on the bank was a fresher Small Tort. Even further a long were another pair both of which were hanging around the Daffs and Primroses.
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I then started back and my count began in earnest, half way along the path I counted 7 Small Torts so things were going great and then they got even better. As I approached a large bush at the edge of one of the gardens I thought to myself “I’ll just check this as it usually holds something good” and then a male Brimstone flew by. It seemed to dip down more than it needed to as it crossed into the garden over the wire fence. As I peered in and through the mesh I made out a familiar shape another Brimstone on the deck and it seemed to be a female. I took some very distant record shots having to frame it between the diamonds of the fence and also managed a still distant but slightly closer view from the other side of the bush.
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I carried on pleased with a brace of Brimstones and a brace of ticks on the year list. I didn’t get any more shots on the rest of the walk back but did add a further pair of Small Torts on the edge of the field and another three at the far reaches of one of the gardens so bringing my total to a maximum count of 11 Small Torts. A great start to the season…finally!

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by millerd »

A lovely set of Tortoiseshells there Wurzel - I still haven't seen one yet this year... :(

If you are looking to travel to far-flung corners of the UK to seek out hitherto undiscovered delights, you can't do any better than take Goldie's advice and visit Arnside Knott. On a good day at the end of July or beginning of August you could see Scotch Argus (very fresh), High Brown Fritillaries (middling, but there might be a reasonable female), and Northern Brown Argus (at the end of their season). As well as those, you stand a good chance of some tatty Dark Green Fritillaries, Grayling and Wall, plus a variety of commoner species. Gatekeepers are everywhere at this time of year, but are a relatively new arrival apparently. If you travel a bit further, I think there are a couple of Large Heath sites not too distant.

All good in theory - I've managed the SA and HBF on one visit - more than once - but have yet to see the NBA. I think Neil Freeman (who is also a regular and stays locally) has managed the three major attractions in one trip.

Quite apart from the butterflies, the scenery is stunning, so it's worth the trek up the M6. :)


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Re: Wurzel

Post by David M »

Wurzel wrote:...I’d check shadows, a fly would take off and I’d catch the movement out of the corner of my eye I was remembering all my tricks and I think the long wait to get started had sharpened my senses...
I empathise entirely! :) A fly, a falling leaf or a bird's shadow all invoke a trigger-reflex in me this early in the season. Whilst butterflies are thin on the ground in these early spring days, one's senses remain forever on high alert.

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Re: Wurzel

Post by bugboy »

Good to see you're off the mark and from the looks of things you're only 3 weeks behind on reports this year :lol:!

If you're planning a trip up to Arnside Knott at the end of July, I might bump into you, I've booked myself a few nights up there to explore the place properly and tick off a few more lifers... fingers crossed the weather behaves itself!

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Wurzel, the first Butterfly of the year is always the best I think. :D Glad you got yours :D

If you do plan to go to the Lakes, there's a place called Roudsea wood, it's under Roudsea & Mosses, it's good for the Large Heath and the Osprey's are there has well if your Interested. Another place is Meathop Moss, thats where I took the shots of the LH last year at the end of June. You can get a free parking permit if you apply on line to Gait Barrows for both GB and RW&Mosses.

Gait Barrow, is between Arnside and Silverdale, it's just a thought. :D Goldie :D

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Neil Freeman »

Hi Wurzel,
Wurzel wrote: – possibly the worst start to a season in my five years of butterflyingl...
For me 2013 was the worst start in the past five years, we had snow in late March which lay in our back garden for a couple of days and my first sighting was not until April 6th.

I will be heading up to Arnside again this year for a few days at the beginning of August. Dave is correct, I managed to see HBF, SA and NBA last year when I went at the end of July. The SA were just starting and apparently came out in greater numbers the week after I was there, the ones I saw were all males. I have previously found the first week of August to be the prime time to see both sexes looking fresh.
Depending on the season, both DGF and HBF should still be hanging in there but neither species did very well up there last year due to the cold and wet summer.
NBA are usually just about finished when I have been there at that time previously but last year they were still around in good condition both at Arnside and Gait Barrows, apparently their emergence was more drawn out due to the weather.
I went up there in June in 2014 and found fresh NBA at a number of sites in the area and also drove up to Irton Fell for Mountain Ringlet. On that trip I also saw Large Heath at Meathop Moss which is just around the other side of the estuary from Arnside.



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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Dave :D Arnside looks to be the place to go then!
Cheers David :D I'm looking forward to later in the season when everything settles down a bit and it's a bit more relaxing! :lol:
Cheers Buggy :D I may well do...if I can make it up there, it all depends on how many Brownie points I can hold onto until then :?
Cheers Goldie for the info :D - it's something I'm seriously considering - but knowing my m.o. it'll probably be a few more years until I actually manage it :roll: :oops: :lol:
Cheers for the info Neil - I might need to have another look at my plans/timing :)

April 2016

This is very late now but things have been very weird in the Wurzel house. My wife has just got back from a week at a Yoga retreat in India so I looked after the girls and being a big soppy Bu$$er spent the whole week lost and miserable :cry: . She's back now though :D :D so things are getting back to normal plus I have lots of Brownie Points banked :wink:
4 Apr.jpg
Have a goodun


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