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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 12:28 pm
by Charles Nicol
cjackson wrote:There's an LPE photo for you Charles, below.

Hi Folks,
Back up into the Var today. I discovered a place less than 60 km from Marseilles where there are Lesser Purple Emperors. A miracle.
Lesser Purple Emperor (full zoom and heavily cropped - better than nothing at all)
ilia4_83 Gorges du Caramy 06Sept15 (1a).JPG
Context for the LPE
context - ilia4_83 Gorges du Caramy 06Sept15 (1).JPG
Elsewhere, near the Sainte Baume,
Striped Grayling uppersides:
fidia16_83 pair uppersides Vallon du Cros 06Sept15 (2).JPG
Spotted Skippers in cop:
comma7_83 Vallon du Cros 06Sept15 (2).JPG
At home in Marseilles, any ideas for this moth ?
The season is holding out down here.
Cheers, Chris
very nice LPE ! the stream looks wonderful.


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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:54 pm
by Chris Jackson
Hoping for better LPE shots next year, Charles :D

Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:56 pm
by Chris Jackson
South of France - Low of 12°C and high of 25°C
Monday 21st September

Hi Folks,
The temperatures are still holding out in the South of France, but only right on the Mediterranean coast.
Last weekend I went 40 KM inland and upland from Marseilles and spotted 26 or so species still flying.
Skippers => Silver Spotted, Oberthur's, Sage, Mallow

Pierids => Clouded Yellow, Small White, Berger's, Bath White

Lycaenids => Common Blue, Adonis, Small Copper, Chalk Hill / Provence Chalk Hill, Lang's STB, Long Tailed Blue

Nymphalids => Spotted Frit, Southern White Admiral, Small Heath, Meadow Brown, Great Banded Grayling, Silver Washed Frit, Woodland Grayling, Wall Brown, Grayling, Large Wall, Tree Grayling, Red Admiral.

Some of the species seen:
Berger's Clouded Yellow:
alfacariensis9_83 La Taurelle 19Sept15.JPG
Provence Chalk-hill Blue female (until I'm told otherwise - coridon ?)
hispanus10_83 female La Taurelle 19Sept15 (1).JPG
hispanus10_83 female La Taurelle 19Sept15 (2).JPG
Large Wall Brown female (perhaps form adrasta ?)
maera9_83 female f. adrasta La Taurelle 19Sept15.JPG
Silver-washed Frit female
paphia18_83 female La Taurelle 19Sept15.JPG
The longer the seasons lasts, the shorter the winter :D
Cheers, Chris

Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 6:05 pm
by David M
cjackson wrote:
The longer the seasons lasts, the shorter the winter.
Didn't realise you had one, Chris. :)

Personally, I'm hoping for a proper cold spell this winter, as it seemed to do butterflies no harm at all in 2013.

Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 7:32 pm
by Chris Jackson
I do not wish you a proper cold spell, in particular, David, but I'm sure you'll get it.
Otherwise, France will be waiting for you next Spring :D

Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 10:18 am
by Charles Nicol
cjackson wrote:I do not wish you a proper cold spell, in particular, David, but I'm sure you'll get it.
Otherwise, France will be waiting for you next Spring :D
Chris ... now-freeze

they say this every year :wink:

glad you are still seeing plenty of papillons !

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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 7:25 pm
by Chris Jackson
South of France, 26th of September, Lo of 14°C, Hi of 25°C

Hi Folks,
Temperatures holding out in the South of France.
Today I went inland and upland from Marseilles, into The Var.
20 species still flying.
Skippers => Silver Spotted, Rosy Grizzled, Sage.

Pierids => Clouded Yellow, Small White, Berger's, Bath White

Lycaenids => Common Blue, Adonis, Small Copper, Lang's STB, Long Tailed Blue

Nymphalids => Spotted Frit, Southern White Admiral, Small Heath, Meadow Brown, Wall Brown, Large Wall, Tree Grayling

Sage Skipper :
proto11_83 male Vallon du Cros 26Sept15 (2).JPG
proto11_83 male Vallon du Cros 26Sept15 (1).JPG
Rosy Grizzled :
onopordi8_83 male Vallon du Cros 26Sept15.JPG
Meadow Brown :
jurtina24_83 female ups Vallon du Cros 26Sept15.JPG
Spotted Frit :
didyma29_83 Vallon du Cros 26Sept15.JPG
Context :
context Vallon du Cros 26Sept15.JPG
Context :
context - pond - Vallon du Cros 26Sept15.JPG
boeticus20_83 Vallon du Cros 26Sept15.JPG
Brown Argus :
agestis12_83 Vallon du Cros 26Sept15 (2).JPG
agestis12_83 Vallon du Cros 26Sept15 (1).JPG

Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 9:28 pm
by David M
That's one hell of a Meadow Brown, Chris. Do you get many like that down there?

Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 7:18 am
by Roger Gibbons
It's the normal form down here - hispulla, David. Keep your eyes open next May!


Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 8:29 am
by Charles Nicol
glad you are still finding plenty of species to share with us Chris :wink:

are the Pashas still flying down there ?

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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 10:32 am
by Chris Jackson
David M wrote:That's one hell of a Meadow Brown, Chris. Do you get many like that down there?
David, I did notice that it was a bit more orangey than the regular jurtina, but now that Roger mentions form hispulla, and that I've checked through my archives, all my other female uppersides shots do resemble the above photo !! :D
Out of interest, many of the female undersides are quite contrasted, like this one :
jurtina13 - mating (1).JPG
are they less contrasted in the UK ?
I only seem to get upperside shots at the begining and end of the season. The uppersides shot taken above was also in overcast conditions.

Thanks then for the ID Roger.

Charles, last week I did not see one TTP, so their season could be over. Having said this, the wind direction at my lunchtime site was in a different direction, which may have only 'interrupted' their hilltopping - I will be checking this coming week.

Cheers, Chris

Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 8:51 pm
by David M
Shows just how much attention I pay to Meadow Browns when in France!! :)

Chris, UK MBs are never so heavily suffused with orange on the upperside (at least, not in my experience).

That underside you have posted would be uniquely unusual too.

Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 11:55 am
by Chris Jackson
Monday 28th September - lo of 15°C, hi of 25°C

I checked out my lunchtime patch on the plateau of Vitrolles today and there were still 12 species flying.
They did not include the Two-tailed Pasha, its season may be over.

My biggest shock was to see this butterfly below. Unfortunately I only had my smartphone with me, hence the appalling photo.
(It's Sod's law, you can be sure that the day a spacecraft lands, you don't happen to have your camera with you :roll: )
I think this is a Queen of Spain Fritillary and it should not be anywhere near here (Vitrolles). The last time I saw a vagrant QoS was in Marseilles (30 km) away on the 10th October 2013.
I'm at work and don't have any distribution maps with me, so I can't guess which direction it came from.

Queen of Spain Fritillary :
Context - plateau of Vitrolles :
Cheers, Chris

Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 1:59 pm
by Charles Nicol
cjackson wrote:Monday 28th September - lo of 15°C, hi of 25°C

I checked out my lunchtime patch on the plateau of Vitrolles today and there were still 12 species flying.
They did not include the Two-tailed Pasha, its season may be over.

My biggest shock was to see this butterfly below. Unfortunately I only had my smartphone with me, hence the appalling photo.
(It's Sod's law, you can be sure that the day a spacecraft lands, you don't happen to have your camera with you :roll: )
I think this is a Queen of Spain Fritillary and it should not be anywhere near here (Vitrolles). The last time I saw a vagrant QoS was in Marseilles (30 km) away on the 10th October 2013.
I'm at work and don't have any distribution maps with me, so I can't guess which direction it came from.

Queen of Spain Fritillary :
The attachment 20150928_123442.jpg is no longer available
Context - plateau of Vitrolles :
The attachment 20150928_124443.jpg is no longer available
Cheers, Chris
it looks definite for Queen of Spain :D

here is one i took on 30th August:
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Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 3:49 pm
by Padfield
Hi Chris. As Charles says, this is definitely a QoS. I'm not sure this species has a fixed idea of where it is 'supposed' to be. It is a notable migrant and can turn up pretty well anywhere. In Switzerland, it is resident only in warm, lowland areas in the south, like the Rhône Valley. But by October you can see it at 2000m on any mountain in the country. My nearest resident colony is about 30 km away but already by March they are in my local meadows, at 1000m. They seem to have a built-in dispersal drive, which just occasionally takes them as far as South-East England ... If they don't find the violets, of course, they won't hang around.


Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 4:45 pm
by David M
Another local first, Chris! Well done.

Must say, I see QoS every time I visit France but never in great numbers. They usually turn up at high altitude, keeping the erebia company. :)

Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 11:15 am
by Chris Jackson
Thanks for your remarks Charles, Guy and David.
QoS seems anyway to be only a very occasional and late-season occurence down here ... and a pleasant surprise :D
Cheers, Chris

Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 11:24 am
by Chris Jackson
Wednesday 30th September - South of France - lo of 15°C and hi of 22°C

Hi Folks,
Mild and breezy today at work in Vitrolles, we are however losing a degree or so each week.
This week there are 12 species still flying on the plateau of Vitrolles during my lunchbreak :
Swallowtail, Lang's Short Tailed Blue, Long Tailed Blue, Bath White, Clouded Yellow, Tree Grayling, Grayling, Wall Brown, Small White, Large White, Common Blue and 1 Berger's Clouded Yellow and 1 Queen of Spain Fritillary (far from home).

Many of the Clouded Yellows and Bath Whites were females, attempting to lay in the strong breeze:
daplidice16 female Vitrolles scrub 30Sept15 (1).JPG
crocea32_13 female Vitrolles scrub 24Sept15 (2a).JPG
crocea32_13 female Vitrolles scrub 24Sept15 (2a).JPG (53.47 KiB) Viewed 451 times
Context - plateau of Vitrolles:
Cheers, Chris

Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 11:32 am
by Charles Nicol
thanks for the latest pics Chris. are all the Skippeurs finished now ?


Re: What's flying in Marseilles 2015

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 11:38 am
by Chris Jackson
Skipper coming up, Charles.

Thursday 01 October - South of France - 22°C

Down in the olive grove at lunchtime there were 9 species flying :
Meadow Brown, Spotted Fritillary, Common Blue, Small White, Bath White, Mallow skipper, Wall Brown, Lang's STB and Clouded Yellow
Context :
Vitrolles olive grove 01Oct15 (2).JPG
TTP caterpiller
jasius - caterpillar Vitrolles olive grove 01Oct15.JPG
Common Blue female
icarus37 female Vitrolles olive grove 01Oct15 (3).JPG
icarus37 female Vitrolles olive grove 01Oct15 (2).JPG
More context:
Vitrolles olive grove 01Oct15 (1).JPG
Mallow Skipper
alceae14 male Vitrolles olive grove 01Oct15.JPG
Cheers, Chris