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Re: April 2011

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 3:22 pm
by dorsetguy
I managed to briefly sneak away from the family's easter walk at Durlston and spent a magical hour down in the gully where 15 species were on the wing. I was particularly pleased to see a few extremely active male Adonis Blues, plus one Clouded Yellow. The other species were: Grizzled Skipper, Dingy Skipper, Orange-tip, Small White, Green Hairstreak, Small Copper, Small Blue, Common Blue, Holly Blue, Peacock, Speckled Wood, Wall and Small Heath.


Re: April 2011

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 5:24 pm
by David M
Haugh Wood (Pearl Bordered Fritillary and Wood White).

Further to the information I posted on Friday, here are some supporting images along with advice on how to locate these species at this locality:
On the south butterfly trail, you'll eventually come across this info board - take the path to the right of it
On the south butterfly trail, you'll eventually come across this info board - take the path to the right of it
After 100-200 yards, there is a bend in the path bathed in sunlight
After 100-200 yards, there is a bend in the path bathed in sunlight
To the right, there is a gully (this view taken looking down from up on the bank)
To the right, there is a gully (this view taken looking down from up on the bank)
To the left of the gully (viewed from the path) there is a scrubby bank. The numbers of PBFs on here were tremendous.
To the left of the gully (viewed from the path) there is a scrubby bank. The numbers of PBFs on here were tremendous.
This one was spotted in the steep-sloping field below the info board
This one was spotted in the steep-sloping field below the info board
Blue or yellow seem to be the colours!
Blue or yellow seem to be the colours!
PBF 463.jpg
There were several Wood Whites in this area too!
There were several Wood Whites in this area too!

Re: April 2011

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 6:25 pm
by Dave McCormick
Went to my relatives bog today to see if anything was about. It was humid but very cloudy. No butterflies in sight. Heard a cuckoo though, last I heard one was 14 years ago! There was a chiffchaff singing away too, but I only caught a slight glimpse of it. Didn't see it though, but the person that owns the area said he last heard the cuckoo about 4-5 years ago and remembers when 30+ years ago it was common enough to hear into June.

Saw 6 orange-tip eggs on cuckooflowers which one flower had two eggs side by side. Also found 8 Grapholita jungiella (possibly lots more as they seemed to fly up all over the place, 8 was as many as I recognised but saw tiny moths flying around which looked similar but couldn't be sure.)
Grapholita jungiella
Grapholita jungiella
Also found hundreds of these small green beetles. I found most on grey sallow (mostly mating pairs) and large grey sallows seemed to have them all over nearly every leaf. Can anyone ID them?
Metallic Green Beetles
Metallic Green Beetles
Found a common heath flying around, only one I saw. Also saw a common frog leaping about and two species of bumblebee, Bombus Terrestris and Bombus pascuorum, which the latter was more numerous, but only where dandelions were, lots up a path between two areas of bog. Also loads of st marks fly and non biting midges about.

Re: April 2011

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 9:43 pm
by Zonda
David M:
Further to the information I posted on Friday, here are some supporting images along with advice on how to locate these species at this locality:
That is a very useful post David. I wondered if someone could do a similar one with directions to the PBFs at Bentley Wood.

Re: April 2011

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 9:52 pm
by Gibster
Wood Whites are out in Surrey. I tried a random area of woodland in the Chiddingfold area and soon found a male Wood White which, at one point, was buzzed by a Grizzled Skipper! Had a second Wood White a short while later. Also plenty of Green-veined Whites, Orange-tips, a few Brimstones, the first Comma I've seen for a couple of weeks, swarms of Adela reaumurella over hawthorns, swarms of Micropterix calthella (many in cop with much wing-flapping ensuing) on sedge heads, a couple of vocal Nightingales, a very noisy Tawny Owl (!) and a Cuckoo. Oh, and Slender Groundhopper next to a large Grass Snake. A productive area!

Next I went to the River Wey at Bentley (near Farnham in Surrey, not the Bentley Woods area) where just a few Orange-tips and Speckled Woods plus a single Small White were to be seen, alongside 3 species of Donacia beetles, masses of Brassica Bugs on Cuckooflower and huge numbers of spiders sunning themselves on nettles. I've never seen so many before, I have to worry about the chances of any Red Admiral/Small Tort larva surviving amongst them long enough to pupate! To end, I had a couple of Kingfisher fly-bys and a Little Egret fishing. A very enjoyable afternoon.


Re: April 2011

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:44 am
by Bill S
Had a great day out yesterday, an early-ish visit to Martin Down where we saw Speckled Wood, Orange Tip, Grizzled Skipper, Green Hairstreak, Small Copper, Brimstone, Peacock, and frantic Holly Blues. The curious thing was where I saw most Green Hairstreaks last year there weren't any this year (or I couldn't see them) but where I'd seen just one last year, sure enough there was one yesterday. Many pairs of courting Brimstones which was great to see.

Then last thing yesterday a quick visit to Pepperbox Hill (which is about 5 mins drive from me) where, in amongst the abundant Brimstones, Orange Tips, and Holly Blues was a Small Tortoiseshell. Then a quick drive round the corner to Dean Hill West where I've been looking for Green Hairstreaks without any luck so far. If anyone knows this site and the location of Green Hairstreaks I'd be most grateful if you could share it. But there were plenty of Grizzled and Dingy Skippers soaking up the last of the day's heat to compensate.



Re: April 2011

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 12:14 pm
by Susie
Three pearl bordered fritillary, a brimstone, a peacock and some orange tips this morning at Rewell Wood, West Sussex.

Re: April 2011

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 12:59 pm
by David M
Prestbury Hill, Saturday April 23rd.
One of four Dukes seen at this site last Saturday
One of four Dukes seen at this site last Saturday
Different individual - underside shot
Different individual - underside shot
Green Hairstreak
Green Hairstreak

Re: April 2011

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 2:56 pm
by 55bloke
Bill S. That pic of Brimstones in flight is astonishing!! Green with envy.

Re: April 2011

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 5:53 pm
by Vince Massimo
My first Brown Argus of the year at my local site at Quarry Hangers Reserve, Chaldon, Surrey. Almost one month earlier than last year! Not only is it all early, but numbers are up on everything, especially Green Hairstreak, Dingy Skipper and Grizzled Skipper.
Male Brown Argus
Male Brown Argus
Much as I am enjoying this, I hope we get a bit of rain soon.


Re: April 2011

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 6:01 pm
by Gruditch
Smashing Grizzled Skipper shot Bill. :D

Regards Gruditch

Re: April 2011

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 6:22 pm
by Lawts
Plenty of Green Hairstreak this morning on Ilkley Moor - I only checked a tiny area of bilberry and there were about five present. The bilberry stretches for miles - there must be loads up there!

Re: April 2011

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 6:31 pm
by millerd
Visited Rewell Wood today, where there were Pearl-bordered Fritillaries out in force, plus both Dingy and Grizzled Skippers and Green Hairstreaks. (I may post some photos later, once I've sorted through them all).

On the way back, I dropped into Botany Bay, and at half past four, the place was generously sprinkled with Wood Whites. I must have seen at least 20 individuals. There were also a couple of Grizzled Skippers too. Just as I was about to climb into the car, I managed to snap this Wood White just a couple of meters away. Splendid little things they are.


Re: April 2011

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 6:36 pm
by mikem
Got down to Bentley Wood earlier today.

Quite a few Pearl-bordered Fritillary about as well as Brimstone, Speckled Wood, Holly Blue, Orange Tip, Peacock and Green Veined White. Pic of a PBF below.

Re: April 2011

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 7:27 pm
by millerd
As promised, a Grizzled Skipper and some PBF from Rewell Wood, plus a Green Hairstreak which I believe to be egg-laying.


Re: April 2011

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 7:43 pm
by David M
LOL! I've never seen a butterfly with antennae so droopy.

Perhaps the egg was reluctant to come out.

Re: April 2011

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 7:45 pm
by millerd
David M wrote:LOL! I've never seen a butterfly with antennae so droopy.

Perhaps the egg was reluctant to come out.
Yes, there is a degree of effort and concentration being shown there! :D


Re: April 2011

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 8:23 pm
by Neil Freeman
Took a drive over to the Warwickshire BC reserve at Ryton Meadows this afternoon, this being only about 30 minutes or so from my house.
Soon saw 4 or 5 Grizzled Skippers and a single Dingy Skipper. These were typically fast and didn't settle for long so I only managed to get a few blurry shots.
Walking along a hedgerow with a lot of flowering Hawthorn I spotted swarms of small moths like other have reported in previous posts. Along here I also spotted 3 Green Hairstreaks that were more obliging than the skippers and happily posed for a few photos.
25.04.11 022.jpg
25.04.11 016.jpg
I also saw this Chap. My Knowledge of DragonFlies is non existant so I have no idea what it is. I would appreciate it if anyone can ID him.
25.04.11 035.jpg
All in all, a very pleasant couple of hours.


Re: April 2011

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 8:45 pm
by ChrisC
your him is a her :) female broad bodied chaser.


Re: April 2011

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 8:52 pm
by Bill S
55bloke wrote:Bill S. That pic of Brimstones in flight is astonishing!! Green with envy.
Gruditch wrote:Smashing Grizzled Skipper shot Bill. :D

Regards Gruditch
Thanks both for those comments :D