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Re: William

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 5:41 pm
by William
Coppers as good as Gold

Despite typical may conditions for my part of the world (40mph gusts and ridiculously unpredictable weather) the last few days have been exceptionally enjoyable (on the patch as ever). Early Purple Orchids are now in full swing in the woods including a nice rose pink specimen, and plant wise things see to be ticking along nicely.
Early Purple Orchid
Early Purple Orchid
This morning a beautiful female Brimstone paid the garden a flying visit, long enough for a quick close up.
And then this afternoon, it was copper time! I headed back to the spot where I saw 15 or so of these little beauties about 2 weeks ago despite the wind, and I was not to be disappointed. There seems to have been an explosion in numbers and I lost count somewhere in the 50s. It was a truly incredible sight, the patches of Forget me Not and Sorrel were all filled with these little buzz bombs vying for space and rotating studiously on flower - heads. I had a fantastic time soaking it up and enjoying them, definitely worth going to have a look! I suspect if I headed off the path I could have seen almost as many again, with more flying amongst the grass, which was almost red with sorrel, no doubt the reason for their incredible numbers, indeed, it was not unusual to have 7 or 8 in view at once.
Small Copper
Small Copper
Small Copper
Small Copper
Small Copper
Small Copper
Small Copper
Small Copper
Small Copper
Small Copper
Small Copper
Small Copper
There was a bit of variation in the uppersides in terms of the extent of the orange, along with a couple of nice caeruleo-punctata. I'm beginning to wonder if this form is caused by high temperature, since it is very frequent on the continent and with this warm spring people seem to be seeing lots of them (when they're more usually thought of as a warm second brood thing).
Small Copper - F. Caeruleo-Punctata
Small Copper - F. Caeruleo-Punctata
This Female had quite a nice dusting of orange on her hindwings.
Small Copper - Female
Small Copper - Female
But the real variant of the day was this chappie...
Small Copper
Small Copper
I'm going to stick my neck out and say he's some sort of aberration (possibly culprinus?) as he was markedly more pale (almost white in flight) than his fellows. He also behaved differently, far more of a typical male copper, vivacious, territorial and inclined to long patrol flights that made him difficult to photograph. Whereas the other coppers, perhaps dulled by the density of their population were more docile.
Small Copper
Small Copper
This was the first photo I got of him. The ladybird eventually crawled onto his hindwing, flushing him and causing a howl of dismay.
Small Copper
Small Copper
He was a beautifully coloured specimen, in some lights appearing almost grey, under cloud a pale white and when the sun hit him right, this pale straw yellow.
Small Copper
Small Copper
Finally a comparison with a more normal copper.
Small Coppers
Small Coppers

Re: William

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 6:23 pm
by David M
That watered-down Small Copper is a real find, William.

Re: William

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 7:52 pm
by William
Thanks David, once I realised the numbers on site I had hoped I might find something unusual, little did I know :D .....

Re: William

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 6:29 am
by William
Common Blues

I saw my first Common Blues of the year on wednesday, out in excellent numbers at a local spot. After a bit of patience they posed nicely, particularly one beautifully marked female, lacking any orange on her upperside.
Common Blue Female
Common Blue Female
Common Blue Male
Common Blue Male
In this photo you can see the male cleaning his antenna.
Common Blue Male
Common Blue Male
Common Blue Male
Common Blue Male
Common Blue Male
Common Blue Male
Common Blue Female
Common Blue Female
Common Blues
Common Blues
Common Blues
Common Blues
The Buttercup meadows are now in full bloom - good places to look for Small Coppers and the aforementioned Common Blues.
2 Speckled Woods duelled for just under a minute over one.
Speckled Woods
Speckled Woods

Re: William

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 8:46 am
by Pauline
Fabulous photo of in flight SW William :D

Re: William

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 12:12 pm
by Lee Hurrell
I agree!

Re: William

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 1:23 pm
by William
Thanks all - it was a lovely sight :D

Re: William

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 11:05 pm
by Paul Harfield
Hi William

That female Common Blue without the orange is a beauty :D And I love your buttercups.

Re: William

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 7:22 pm
by William
Thanks Jack - I was lucky to find such a beautifully marked specimen :D

Re: William

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 8:08 pm
by William
Magical Marshies

Last year a colony of Marsh Fritillaries was discovered only 15 minutes from my home. Unfortunately I found out too late to go and see them, but this weekend I more than made up for it, they were out in excellent numbers. Initially they proved flighty, but in the infrequent cloudy spells they were more forthcoming.
Marsh Fritillary
Marsh Fritillary
Marsh Fritillary
Marsh Fritillary
Marsh Fritillaries
Marsh Fritillaries
Marsh Fritillary - Female
Marsh Fritillary - Female
Marsh Fritillary - Female
Marsh Fritillary - Female
Marsh Fritillary - Female
Marsh Fritillary - Female
Marsh Fritillary
Marsh Fritillary
Marsh Fritillary
Marsh Fritillary
Marsh Fritillary
Marsh Fritillary
Marsh Fritillary
Marsh Fritillary
Marsh Fritillary
Marsh Fritillary
Marsh Fritillary
Marsh Fritillary
Marsh Fritillary
Marsh Fritillary
Marsh Fritillary
Marsh Fritillary
Several nice Common Twayblades were also flowering on site, my first ever.
Common Twayblade
Common Twayblade

Re: William

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 5:54 pm
by William
Recent Doings

Things have been fairly quiet recently, with the cloudy weather. Nevertheless a few nice roosting Common Blues around.
Common Blue
Common Blue
And today I was lucky enough to see the legendary Somerset 'ophrys' hybrids (Fly x Bee).
Fly x Bee Orchid Hybrid
Fly x Bee Orchid Hybrid
Fly Orchid
Fly Orchid
In other Orchid news, Southern Marsh are doing well at my local pond.
Southern Marsh Orchids
Southern Marsh Orchids

Re: William

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 8:21 pm
by Matsukaze
Beefly Orchids?

Re: William

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 9:32 am
by William
Perhaps :lol: I think they have been branded ophrys pietzschii, but not being a distinct species the name was dropped. Still, if they become a distinct species, you saw 'Bee Fly Orchid' here first :D

Re: William

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 1:54 pm
by badgerbob
Fab hybrid orchid. Now its my turn to be jealous!!!

Re: William

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 9:18 am
by William
Thanks Bob - they were very impressive plants, far taller than their Bee or Fly Orchid parents :D

Re: William

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 9:03 pm
by Wurzel
Some stunning shots of the Marshies William :D and the blue spot Small Copper is really well 'spotted' they're huge blue spots :shock:

Have a goodun


Re: William

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 7:24 pm
by Maximus
Superb photos of the Marsh Fritillaries and the beautiful Orchids William :D

Re: William

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 6:19 pm
by William
Recent Doings

Thanks All, your kind comments are much appreciated :)

Orange Tip eggs are all over my Garlic Mustard now (as are Green - Veined White), many of them beginning to hatch.
Orange Tip Ovum
Orange Tip Ovum
Orange Tip Larva
Orange Tip Larva
The Small Coppers are still going strong, and at the same site I was delighted to spot my first Painted Lady of the year, and best of all 5 Wall Browns - a rare butterfly indeed in West Somerset. A female Large White posed nicely also.
Small Coppers
Small Coppers
Wall Brown
Wall Brown
Large White
Large White
To cap an excellent day I found a new spot for Common Blues (which are doing very well this year) up the road from me.
Common Blue
Common Blue
Common Blue
Common Blue
Common Blue
Common Blue

Re: William

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 7:05 pm
by Lee Hurrell
What a stunning female. Beautifully captured, William!

Best wishes,


Re: William

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 7:35 pm
by William
Thanks Lee - she posed beautifully :)