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Re: hideandseek

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 9:26 pm
by Mark Colvin
Hi Nick,

I think we had our lucky wellies on yesterday :D

I hope they are not the only Emperors we see this year ...

Great pictures.

Kind regards. Mark

Re: hideandseek

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 6:10 am
by Nick Broomer
Thanks Wurzel and Mark for your kind comments on my Purple Emperor photos. :D Lucky wellies Mark, it was my wifes umbrella that brought us luck :lol:

All the best, Nick.

Re: hideandseek

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 1:10 pm
by Nick Broomer
Chiddingfold Wood, 11 July 2012 continued
11.7.2012 C.W. 042_1.jpg
This Purple Emperor is the other one myself and Mark saw, it has seen better days,but still makes your heart miss a beat when seeing the lovely blue sheen on its wings. What a beautiful butterfly no matter what the condition.And it could be the only photo i will get this year showing all of its glory, but i hope not.
11.7.2012 C.W. 020-1_1.jpg
I`m adding this picture because i thought it unusual, with its antennae pointing down, something i have never witnessed before.

Re: hideandseek

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 7:23 pm
by Gothic_dreams
Cracking Purple Emperor shots Nick, you captured the purple on the first shot on this page lovely :)


Re: hideandseek

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 9:07 pm
by Neil Freeman
Hi Nick,

Good to see your PE photos, yours, Marks and Paulines are the only ones that I have seen so far.


Neil F.

Re: hideandseek

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 7:47 am
by Nick Broomer
Thanks Chris and Neil. :D I am a bit behind on my posting, [about two weeks] so i will try and catch up. With this male marbled White first, taken on 1.7.2012.
1.7.2012 C.W. marbled white, male.jpg

Re: hideandseek

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 10:00 pm
by Nick Broomer
Went back to my local patch today, and within 15 minutes a male Purple Emperor blessed me with his presence again.
Made my day again, and quite a few other people to, especially a scotsman who was visiting a couple of friends down here. It was a lovely day, spent chatting to friends i have made over the last few years in the PE season.The PE only stayed down for a few minutes on two occasions just long enough to take a few photos each. We did`nt get the shot we were all after, the four wings of purple, but we were much luckier then the folk who missed it.
15.7.2012 C.W. Purple Emperor.jpg
15.7.2012 C.W. Purple Emperor 2.jpg

Re: hideandseek

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 10:51 pm
by Gothic_dreams
Some more lovely Purple Emperor shots Nick, the open wing one is stunning :D


Re: hideandseek

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 11:48 am
by Nick Broomer
Thanks Chris you`re comments are appreciated :D

All the best, Nick.

Re: hideandseek

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:18 pm
by Nick Broomer
Chiddingfold Wood, 24 June 2012-30 June 2012
Red Admirals are doing rather well this year in C.W. seeing up to half a dozen on every visit so far, which is a very big improvement on last year.
24.6.2012 C.W. Red Admiral 2.jpg
30.6.2012 C.W. Red Admiral_1.jpg

Re: hideandseek

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 8:03 pm
by Nick Broomer
My garden, 24 June 2012
24.6.2012 garden, red admiral.jpg
Chiddingfold Wood, 30 June 2012,
30.6.2012 C.W. 017_1.jpg

Re: hideandseek

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 8:14 pm
by Pauline
Your Red Admirals are very nice Nick but when are you going to let us see your mating Dark Green Frits :mrgreen:

Re: hideandseek

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 11:46 am
by Nick Broomer
Thanks Pauline, and the DGF mating i will post later. [Its not a very good picture, and i have seen more beautiful females than the one in the photo].
All the best, Nick.

Re: hideandseek

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 9:27 pm
by Nick Broomer
Chiddingfold Wood
The White Admiral is one butterfly that always seems to avoid me, but at least i managed this one shot taken on 30 June. I was taking the photo into the sun, so i used the built-in flash on my camera otherwise all i would have achieved in getting would have been a silhouette of the butterfly.
30.6.2012 C.W. 002_1.jpg
On the other hand i have no such trouble with its cousin the Red Admiral.
1.7.2012 C.W. red admiral taking salts.jpg
This individual is taking salts from a snail, which was discarded by a Song Thrush. Photo taken on 1st July.

Re: hideandseek

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 6:06 am
by Nick Broomer
Chiddingfold Wood
1.7.2012 C.W. 024_1.jpg
7.7.2012 C.W. 444_1.jpg

Re: hideandseek

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 10:21 pm
by Nick Broomer
Chiddingfold Wood, 21 July 2012

The Pond Skater is a member of the family True Bugs [Gerridae] in the order Hemiptera. They have six legs, four of which have hairy pads that trap air, and repel water, so that they can move about freely without breaking the surface of the water. They normally feed on dead or dying insects that have become trapped on the surface of ponds and the like, using the two front legs to capture and hold there prey. The proboscis is sharp, and easily penetrates the body of its victim, sucking out all of the juices. The female lays her eggs in jellied clusters under water in the spring. The larva moult five times before reaching adulthood, all adults have wings which are used when the need arises.
21.7.2012 C.W. 006-1_1.jpg
As you all know no dead animal or insects body after it has passed away ever goes to waste, and in the case of this Ringlet [which seems to have lived a long and fruitful life] its the next meal for these Pond Skaters.

Re: hideandseek

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 8:41 pm
by Nick Broomer
Chiddingfold Wood

This weekends visit [Sat. 7th and Sunday 8th July] was to hopefully find and photograph D.G.F.s, especially a female. The weather as usual was cloudy, but warm. so after parking the car i set off to the hot spot for this species. On the way i bumped into Neil [sussex kipper giving one of his many walks] on arriving at the area for D.G.F. i soon found a freshly emerged male, which stayed around for at least a couple of hours if not longer,and took photos until my heart was content. But it was the only one i would see today. On Sunday i was also lucky in finding another fresh male and managed quite a few photos before he flew off as soon as the sun appeared. A female blessed me with her presence, but was quick to fly off and away before i could even get a record shot. Other butterflies seen, Red and White Admirals, Small and Large Skippers, Ringlets, Meadow Browns, Marbled Whites, Silver-Washed Frits, Purple Hairstreak, [spotted by sussex kipper] Common Blue, Comma and 1st brood Wood Whites were still hanging on. The two 1st brood Wood Whites i saw on Sunday 8th one male, and one female were the last i would see them this year, and the latest i have ever recorded them. The male was chasing the female down the side of the track just above the ground, when the female landed on a small flower the male took his chance, and was just about to start the courtship ritual, when a small brown spider appeared from nowhere, and grabbed the female,
8.7.2012 C.W. 082_1.jpg
the male flying off to a nearby flower having a very lucky escape.
8.7.2012 C.W. 083_1.jpg

Re: hideandseek

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 7:28 pm
by Nick Broomer
Chiddingfold Wood, 7-8th July, continued
1.7.2012 C.W. 085_2.jpg
And it rained just for a change.
8.7.2012 C.W. 103_2.jpg
And the sun made an appearance.

Re: hideandseek

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 6:10 am
by Nick Broomer
Chiddingfold Wood, 7-8th July, continued
8.7.2012 C.W. 002_2.jpg
8.7.2012 C.W. 037_1.jpg

Re: hideandseek

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 4:34 pm
by ChrisC
stunning last shot.
