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Re: Forest sell-off

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:19 am
by Piers
NickB wrote:..but it does show a growing understanding that, as a minority-party in coalition, whilst it may feel it has a carte-blanche to unravel all the ideological issues it has with the running of our society now it is in government, it does not have any popular support for many of its proposals. So, I would suggest that we will see it pick its fights more carefully in the future, and that we may see a number of "flagship" proposals ditched as they are exposed as badly thought-out and unworkable, just like the FC sell-off proved to be. Make no mistake though, the policies which they do fall-in behind, will be equally unpalatable..... :twisted: (Sorry, "In my humble opinion")

For goodness sake Nick,

Why could you not resist ending the thread with one of your anti-establishment tirades? :roll:

Where a particular policy of a government, regardless of colour, potentially impacts directly upon the environment and/or the future of insect conservation it is thoroughly appropriate that a thread should develop where people can air their views upon the policy, speculate upon the potential impact and debate possible alternatives; but not everyone wants to read your personal scatter-gun vitriol directed in the general direction of the government of the day. There are a plethora of fora out there where such outlandish pronouncements would be welcome but not here. It reminds me very much of being back in 6th Form; the vocal wedge of young 'activists' with their pick 'n' mix politics, busy highlighting 'social injustices' wherever they saw them, and without any cohesive ideas of their own or inclination to present any workable alternatives. Just agitants with the easiest of agendas; all criticism and yah-boo while extricating themselves of the responsibility to put forward credible solutions of their own.

Plenty of forum members could post their dissatisfaction with the general political system, the current incumbents of number 10, the latest political statements whatever they may be and from whatever side of the political spectrum; but they manage to restrain themselves and choose not to do so. Let's not pollute the site with a constant trickle of bile from just one or two particularly vocal corners.



Re: Forest sell-off

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:05 am
by Jack Harrison
What influence do we reckon Larry the new No.10 cat had on the Prime Minister's change of heart?

I read that Larry has a twitter account. Does anyone have the link?


Re: Forest sell-off

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 1:12 pm
by JohnR
Why did they have to go and spoil things by reversing their policy, I was just warming up for a good tirade :twisted:

Re: Forest sell-off

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 3:07 pm
by NickB
Felix - If you think I over-stepped the mark - then I apologise to any who may have been offended. :shock:
Far from mellowing in my dotage, I appear to becomming far more angry, and I should not share that with you all!
I feel a compassion for my fellow man that I share for all living things - butterflies being just one that inspire us all.

Re: Forest sell-off

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 3:21 pm
by Pete Eeles
NickB wrote:I feel a compassion for my fellow man that I share for all living things - butterflies being just one that inspire us all.
I know several Tories that share that view :lol: Sorry - didn't mean to stir things up :D

Seriously - I'm all in favour of the passion shown on these forums. It makes me appear normal :D


- Pete

Re: Forest sell-off

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 3:45 pm
by Zonda
Far from mellowing in my dotage, I appear to becoming far more angry
Tell me about it, i had a stand-up row with a chap in my local library this week (my wife blanched at that news). Age makes you grumpier. We shook hands 5minutes later, and he wished me to have a nice day. He also was old and grumpy. :lol:

Re: Forest sell-off

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 3:54 pm
by Jack Harrison
Zonda admitted being old and grumpy:
he also was old and grumpy. :lol:
I do so look forward to meeting you Zonda in the summer. Coming along too Nick? That would then be three of us.

Actually, I'm not always grumpy. I have mood swings, the other extreme is being childishly flippant (no reply needed :twisted: ).


Re: Forest sell-off

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 4:01 pm
by Zonda
I do so look forward to meeting you Zonda in the summer.
I'll put me best frock on. :wink: , and i'll see you at Sand Point.

Re: Forest sell-off

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 4:18 pm
by Jack Harrison
I'll put me best frock on. :wink: , and I'll see you at Sand Point.
Are you sure of that? My wife will probably be with me at Sand Point and she won't allow me to be grumpy; that could spoil the grump-fest.


Re: Forest sell-off

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 4:24 pm
by Zonda
No worries Jack, mine will be there as well. Gosh! How will we stop them fighting? :lol:

Re: Forest sell-off

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 5:11 pm
by Lee Hurrell
NickB wrote: Far from mellowing in my dotage, I appear to becomming far more angry
Me too and I'm only 37! I think a lot of it is having moved to London and the lack of respect I see from people for their surroundings. That and having to put up with commuters...

I yearn for the countryside and peace and quiet.



Re: Forest sell-off

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:24 pm
by Jack Harrison
Zonda ref spouses:
No worries Jack, mine will be there as well. Gosh! How will we stop them fighting? :lol:
I suppose they could always go down to Weston-super-Mare and suss out the best chippies for the Après-Leps.


Re: Forest sell-off

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:24 pm
by Susie
Zonda wrote:Jack
I do so look forward to meeting you Zonda in the summer.
I'll put me best frock on. :wink: , and i'll see you at Sand Point.
And fishnets, or is that only Neil? :wink: Move back to the countryside, Lee, London's bad for one's health. I'm never grumpy since I moved away :D

Re: Forest sell-off

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:55 pm
by NickB
Zonda wrote:..... He also was old and grumpy. :lol:
You DO need to meet Jack.... :lol:

Re: Forest sell-off

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:29 am
by Rogerdodge
The Grump Fest is Saturday 28th May at Sand Point.

Re: Forest sell-off

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:09 am
by Zonda
Better all get in training. :wink:

Re: Forest sell-off

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:29 am
by Jack Harrison
Better all get in training. :wink:
I am actually getting into training of a different sort. I had become horribly unfit and needed exercise in preparation for Arnside, Sand Point, etc. Last year, I found Collard Hill a dreadful slog up from the bottom.

My get-fit regime is quite simple. When I need to go upstairs, instead of doing it just the once, I turn round and walk down and repeat the climb aiming to do four climbs in total when I only need to go upstairs. (And similar technique when I need to go downstairs). Four climbs is almost exactly 10 metres. I am trying to speed up. Of course it wears out the stair carpet but that is due for replacement anyway so doesn't matter. I aim for 100+ metres in a day but am already half way there so it could reach as much as 150 metres today.

The rest of the family think I'm nuts so no doubt you will share that opinion now.


Re: Forest sell-off

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:45 pm
by Zonda
I found Collard Hill a dreadful slog up from the bottom.
Me too. But my ultimate test last year was the Giants hill circuit at Cerne Abbas. I did it 5 times, looking for non-existent Green HS. I did however cop for some really fresh Marsh Frits, on one of these occasions. Is Sand Point Buggy friendly? :wink:

Re: Forest sell-off

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:02 pm
by Jack Harrison
Is Sand Point Buggy friendly? :wink:
It's a steepish climb of about 42 metres in a short distance of around 350 metres. I've not been up the path as last year I was looking in the wrong place along the bottom of the cliff.


Re: Forest sell-off

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 4:48 pm
by Lee Hurrell
Susie wrote: Move back to the countryside, Lee, London's bad for one's health. I'm never grumpy since I moved away :D
That is the long term aim Susie :D We're talking about various locations at the moment - near Bristol and Sussex are the latest. I can't wait...
Rogerdodge wrote:The Grump Fest is Saturday 28th May at Sand Point.
I'm aiming to be there! Not sure on which frock to wear yet though...

