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Re: October 2018

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 4:25 am
by Jack Harrison
If I were a male Common Blue, I’d undoubtedly prefer one of those blue females over the brown form :evil:

Is there any indication that the blue females have any greater breeding success?
In other words, might the brown form eventually become relatively more scarce?


Re: October 2018

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 11:01 pm
by David M
Thanks for posting that fabulous image of the female Common Blue, TM.

Very possibly the most attractive example I've ever seen.

Re: October 2018

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 8:51 pm
by Deborah
Nothing near as beautiful as Testudo Man's Common Blue. But I was happy to see this Peacock looking to shelter in my cellar today. Plus a couple of Small Whites and a Speckled Wood.

Re: October 2018

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 7:46 pm
by Testudo Man
David M wrote:Thanks for posting that fabulous image of the female Common Blue, TM.

Very possibly the most attractive example I've ever seen.
Cheers for that comment David(and also Deborah too).
Yes, a stunning fresh specimen for sure...i shot many images of her too.

Heres another photo of the beauty. Image is cropped some, cheers Paul.

Re: October 2018

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 7:55 pm
by Testudo Man
Jack Harrison wrote:If I were a male Common Blue, I’d undoubtedly prefer one of those blue females over the brown form :evil:

Is there any indication that the blue females have any greater breeding success?
In other words, might the brown form eventually become relatively more scarce?

Im afraid i cant answer your question Jack, i dont really have enough observational knowledge/data between the colour forms/types.
Perhaps a forum member(with far greater experience than me) may offer a more informed answer to your question.
Cheers Paul.

Re: October 2018

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2018 8:06 pm
by Testudo Man
Allan.W. wrote:Thanks Paul ,yes we had a pretty good (and unexpected !) session with the Small Coppers at Hothfield this afternoon .
Like yourself I,ve been lucky with "blue" females this season and have taken some pleasing (for me !) shots of several , that said
I,ve only seen 2(females ) in this brood ,love it when the Common Blues are flying ,and I,m building a fair collection of pictures of variant females,
along with Small Coppers and Grizzled Skippers ,my three favourite British butterflies.
Regards Allan.W.
Its difficult for me to pick butterfly species favourites Allan...but after this season/2018, the Common Blue has certainly been one of my favourite species, to capture some pleasing images of. :wink:
Cheers Paul.

Re: October 2018

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2018 8:31 pm
by David M
Gorgeous, sunny, cloudless autumn day here in Swansea, so I paid a quick visit to Oystermouth Cemetery in Mumbles.

Sadly, butterflies were again conspicuous by their absence, with just half a dozen Speckled Woods and a Red Admiral seen.

Vanessids are almost invisible right now here in south Wales. I'm beginning to worry about how many there'll likely be around next spring - very few if recent numbers are anything to go by. :(

One positive however was the Hummingbird Hawk Moth on the Bowles Mauve on my front terrace after I got home, the first I've seen in the UK this year (and probably the last).

Re: October 2018

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2018 9:04 pm
by essexbuzzard
In Harlow, Essex today, a Small Tortoiseshell! Also Comma x 1.

Re: October 2018

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2018 9:31 pm
by NickC
I saw a red admiral in a field immediately west of Heathrow airport yesterday. Like others, I've hardly seen any this autumn.

Re: October 2018

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2018 7:21 am
by Medard
Shapwick Heath NNR and Ham Wall RSPB.
Yesterdays sunshine gave the butterflies a chance to enjoy a little exercise, Red admirals ,Specked woods, and a Brimstone that looked as if it had just emerged it looked so perfect,a pair of Common Hawkers in cop and a great show for the birding fraternity, Bitterns, G-w-Egrets, Marsh Harriers and many more a most enjoyable visit.
View From Noah`s Hide.
Noels lake Shapwick NNR..jpg

Re: October 2018

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2018 8:14 am
by Jack Harrison
I can't see a single butterfly in that picture. But you are excused. It's a lovely photo. Superb and very atmospheric light.


Re: October 2018

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2018 8:32 pm
by David M
Jack Harrison wrote:I can't see a single butterfly in that picture. But you are excused. It's a lovely photo. Superb and very atmospheric light.
LOL! :) Yes, I echo Jack's sentiments. That's quite an evocative scene, Medard.

Re: October 2018

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 7:18 am
by CallumMac
Per Twitter, there was a Long-tailed Blue yesterday at Crayford Marshes, Bexley. Too far for me to travel but others nearer might like to take a look! ... 77696?s=21

Re: October 2018

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 10:49 am
by bugboy
CallumMac wrote:Per Twitter, there was a Long-tailed Blue yesterday at Crayford Marshes, Bexley. Too far for me to travel but others nearer might like to take a look! ... 77696?s=21
The excitement of waking up to this post on a sunny day off was short lived. The train service to this part of the country is having a weekend off and there's a bus replacement service running instead :evil: maybe next time...

Re: October 2018

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 1:42 pm
by millerd
And just as annoyingly, I'm in Yorkshire! :roll: :(


Re: October 2018

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 6:07 pm
by David M
An hour spent on the south Gower coast early this afternoon didn't produce much.

Two Speckled Woods, a Red Admiral and (surprisingly) a Painted Lady:

Re: October 2018

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 7:32 pm
by Allan.W.
Very little to report just lately in my part of Kent ,probably some of my last pics for 2018 ………….but it has been a good year ! a visit to Dungeness on Friday afternoon ,produced very little ,a couple of well worn Common Blues ,3 Red Admirals a Peacock (and a Clouded Yellow at Dengemarsh ) , surprised to see a Speckled Wood ,along the power station front wall ,a stones throw (literally ! )from the sea, best find was a Painted Lady ,which I managed a couple of poor shots ,looking at the pics at home ,I see its AB; Ocellata and a nicely marked one at that ,if I,d realized I,d have made more effort to follow it. But no Coppers !!
A family meal at the Brittania ,at Dungeness ,on Saturday ,it would have been a shame ,not to have at least walked along the power station fence !
So a very quick look produced 1 Common Blue ,1 Brown Arg , another Speckled wood ,a couple of Whites ,a Red Ad ; a Clouded Yellow ,
and the star of the show …...a single 4th brood male Small Copper.
On an afternoon Sloe picking expedition this afternoon to a Butterfly site ,close to home ,I managed to find 2 Small Coppers , both females ,and spent a very pleasant half hour watching one getting down to the business of egg laying .
Regards Allan.W.


Re: October 2018

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 7:48 pm
by Essex Bertie
second brood Chalkhill Blue at Devil's Dyke near Newmarket today. There were a few about, and a female was seen. Other species - Red Admiral, Peacock, Brimstone, Common Blue, Brown Argus

Re: October 2018

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 9:02 pm
by Rivoldini
There are plenty of Small Coppers still flitting about at Washington Tyne & Wear this weekend. I have not seen them so late in these parts.

Re: October 2018

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 7:23 pm
by Allan.W.
An interesting butterfly in a local birders garden here in mid Kent,yesterday afternoon ,a Geranium Bronze ,not seen today ,but his site has an excellent photo. If you don,t mind twitter ,its on Pete Burness (twitter ) and as far as I,m aware nowhere else .
Regards Allan.W.