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Re: November 2015

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 8:23 pm
by Susie
A couple of red admirals flying in my West Sussex garden this morning.

Re: November 2015

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 4:24 pm
by EricY
One very bright looking Red Admiral flying in very windy conditions around Holme dunes right on Norfolk coast this morning on the local branch NWT walk this morning. Eric

Re: November 2015

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 10:07 pm
by Rosalyn
A Brimstone, Kings Dyke, Whittlesey Nr Peterborough a sunny and mild day

Re: November 2015

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 6:06 pm
by EricY
Red admiral my gdn Dersingham Norfolk @ lunchtime today in sunny warmish conditions. On the Buddleia weyerana, every garden needs one of those for the Butterflies. Eric

Re: November 2015

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 5:54 pm
by Jack Harrison
My Tortoiseshell over-wintering in the fridge is exhibiting some odd behaviour. It is restless and moves every three or four days and even rests wings open for a while. It clearly is alive and well and I have to wonder if "wild" Tortoiseshells behave in a similar way and "toss and turn". It might cling to upside down on a twig or upright on the slippery side of its container. There seems to be no pattern.


Incidentally, the restless behaviour began well before the box of Sainsbury's best plonk was put in the fridge :)


Re: November 2015

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 8:37 pm
by David M
I too kept a Small Tortoiseshell in an unheated shed in an egg box between 19 January and 8 March 2011, and I noticed that whenever I checked it it had moved position. Presumably they have occasional moments of mobility during their slumber which are a natural part of the hibernation process.

Red Admiral sighting today.

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 11:43 pm
by Cotswold Cockney
Home for the weekend as he works away during the week, my older son decided to visit a local car breaker yard as he needed a part for his car and his girlfriend's.
Son wrote: .
Do you want to come Dad?
Beautiful sunny, cloudless day but very cold wind. Snow covering the higher ground on the nearby Cotswold Hills. So, yes why not. Always something to interest me in the car breaker yards.

My son can recognise most butterflies on the wing and whilst wandering along the rows of cars, drew my attention to a fresh and strong flying Red Admiral between the rows of cars. Then up and away strongly and soon out of sight.

Good to see that and I was surprised any butterfly could warm up its wing muscles sufficiently to fly in those low temperatures and cold breeze. Maybe it had been trying to hibernate inside one of the cars for some weeks ~ November has been mostly dull, cloudy with rain locally. Then today's prolonged sunshine soon would have temperatures inside a car rising to awaken the Butterfly. In nearby Cheltenham back in 1973, I saw a strong flying Red Admiral flying on New Year's Day 1.1.1973. Easy date to remember.

My son got the parts for the cars at a good price so a productive day. Today's visit confirmed what a throwaway society us Brits have become. Very wasteful. Some of the nicer cars in that yard were good enough for a few more years use. Some even with current MoTs in the Glove Box. Taken in Part exchange by the local Arthur Daley used car dealers who, because of the cars' age and strict trading constraints, no longer see them as nice little earners.

Nice to see a strong flying butterfly well into the cold winter days.

Re: November 2015

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 6:00 pm
by Testudo Man
This last Thursday (26/11/15) whilst at work, i just had that feeling that i might see a butterfly in the sunshine.
Sure enough, a Red Admiral flew past me, the time being approx 1.00pm.

Several garden November sightings too, both Comma and Red Admiral.

Location - Kent, cheers Paul.