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Re: SimonC69

Post by David M »

Nice to see you have managed to get images of some of the UK's most elusive species.

You'll henceforth be on your guard, I'm sure.

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Re: SimonC69

Post by SimonC69 »

First of all, back to that retrospective post that never happened.
Species #25, that nearly kick-started this project a year earlier:

On my third visit to Durlston Country Park, I finally caught up with the speciality
I'd waited so long to actually see this 'fly that I was a bit panicky that it would leave before I got a decent shot of it.

I needn't have worried, they were seemingly everywhere that day:
3 Lulworth Skippers on Teasel
3 Lulworth Skippers on Teasel
I have to say, for a compact camera that promised so much (and cost a sum to match) the Lumix TZ40s macro mode is rubbish. My favourite camera for this type of close range butterfly shots is still an ancient, 4mp Olympus C-750 UZ.

So that was species #25. All the rest have become jumbled so I couldn't possibly say what order I "got" them in. I may share a few of my favourite images over the quiet months...

In the meantime, you wait 40 odd years for your first, then you get your second just three days later, when you weren't expecting it...
Still only "record shot" quality, but getting better.....
Still only "record shot" quality, but getting better.....
Getting drunk on fermenting Blackberry juice? :)
Getting drunk on fermenting Blackberry juice? :)
Off to Southwold tomorrow, anything worth looking out for nearby? :)


Last edited by SimonC69 on Mon Aug 10, 2015 4:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: SimonC69

Post by David M »

A Purple Hairstreak feeding on anything is a rare sight, Simon. I've seen them high up in trees poking around ripe berries before, but never one like this.

Well done!

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Re: SimonC69

Post by SimonC69 »

Nothing new on the 50/50 quest front but I did get out for an hour or so this morning, to try out a borrowed lens.

Target species was Small Copper (inexplicably(?) my favourite british butterfly) as I've still not managed a shot of one that I'm happy with (still not sure I've got the shot.)
First one I got was this. Contre jour, artsy farty, but still not quite the one...
First one I got was this. Contre jour, artsy farty, but still not quite the one...
Closely followed by this...
Closely followed by this...
and this..getting there...
and this..getting there...
And this one. My favourite so far, but still not quite there yet.
And this one. My favourite so far, but still not quite there yet.
None of the Gatekeepers or Meadow Browns were playing ball, but one Common Blue stayed still for just long enough.
As did this GV White
Better than that though, I also met a fellow forum-ite, peterc. (and maybe some others? didn't get names for the other two faces, sorry guys!)
Somebody I'm certain I'll be bumping into a fair few times before this quest of mine is over, as I'm bound to be calling on his local knowledge fairly regularly.

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Re: SimonC69

Post by Wurzel »

Great reports recently, any Purple Hairstreak shot is worth it's weight in gold, and the three Lulworths is just brill! :mrgreen: I'll try and get you that info this week.

Have a goodun


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Re: SimonC69

Post by peterc »

Thanks Simon - great to see you too. The other two guys you met were Don with his bike and Eric, both from Stevenage. Some nice shots of the Small Copper which appears to be more common at the site this year. Last summer I saw the blue-spotted form (ab caeruleopunctata) there so maybe something you can try to add to your collection :)

While the Brown Hairstreak is on the wing I'll be visiting the site quite regularly but the weather forecast is pretty horrendous for the coming week. So see you again soon.



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Re: SimonC69

Post by SimonC69 »

Wurzel wrote:Great reports recently, any Purple Hairstreak shot is worth it's weight in gold, and the three Lulworths is just brill! :mrgreen: I'll try and get you that info this week.

Have a goodun

Thanks Wurzel :D

peterc wrote: Last summer I saw the blue-spotted form (ab caeruleopunctata) there so maybe something you can try to add to your collection :)
Yeah, I've seen a few of those this year, but not got a decent shot of one. In fact, one of those I saw on my first visit to Norton Green was one:
I saw one at Fairlands Valley, but the camera missed the focus:
I saw a quite faint one in Bourton-on-the-Water last week, again, the focus is off:
And, looking a bit closer, I think one of yesterdays is a slight ab. too?
But you're right, a decent, full open winged, pin sharp shot of a full on caeruleopunctata is high on my "wants" list. :wink:

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Re: SimonC69

Post by Neil Freeman »

SimonC69 wrote:
...Target species was Small Copper (inexplicably(?) my favourite british butterfly)...
Totally understandable, one of my favourites as well. A lovely little butterfly full of character. Check out Hoggers diary if you haven't already to see where they have all been hiding this year :shock: :



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Re: SimonC69

Post by SimonC69 »

Well, that all seems like years ago...


It was!

What happened?

Long story short, Life happened and amongst other things I spent all of summer 2016 with no camera so that made the quest somewhat tricky.

However, I did receive a surprise early christmas present from my wife this week:
Secondhand camera (very low shutter count though) but brand spanking new Sigma glass <droooooool>
Secondhand camera (very low shutter count though) but brand spanking new Sigma glass <droooooool>
So, suffice to say, my quest is well and truly back on (albeit harder by a year!)
Itineraries are being worked out, targets identified etc. Roll on spring and some obliging skippers and hairstreaks.

I hope this is me back for the duration now, but never count your chickens and all that......

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Re: SimonC69

Post by Wurzel »

Good to see you back Simon :D If I can help out just send me a PM. I bet you can't wait to train that lens on a butterfly :D :mrgreen:

Have a goodun


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Re: SimonC69

Post by SimonC69 »

Yeah you bet I've got an itchy trigger finger! This (or its 150mm cousin) has been my dream glass for such a long time!
I'll definitely be in touch for some info (looking through an old itinerary I started drawing up at the end of 2015 a lot of the targets say "ask wurzel" under the site section)

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Re: SimonC69

Post by David M »

Looks pretty impressive. I look forward to seeing the results when our winged friends reappear next spring!

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Re: SimonC69

Post by SimonC69 »

Thanks David
In the right hands the sigma can deliver mightily impressive results. It's yet to be seen what it will do in my hands however. Fingers crossed. One thing is for certain, it will mean I'm out looking for subjects at every given opportunity.

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Re: SimonC69

Post by SimonC69 »

Well. I've "christened" my new lens a lot earlier than I expected :shock:

I can't remember ever seeing a Brimstone in December. Seen plenty of Peacocks, Red Admirals, Small Torts (and the odd Painted Lady) over the years but never a Brimstone.
Still a lot to learn about this lens, but the early signs are encouraging
Still a lot to learn about this lens, but the early signs are encouraging
I did also see a possible Peacock, but that was too distant to ID with any certainty

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Re: SimonC69

Post by David M »

Glad you got to try out your new gear, Simon, but this mild spell is not good news. I wish it would go cold again...and soon, otherwise we're going to have these critters waking unseasonably early and expending vital energy well before the right time of year for them to do so.

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Re: SimonC69

Post by SimonC69 »

I know, it's a worry. if it was a Peacock or Small tort it wouldn't be quite so worrying, but Brimstones? :(
I thought a couple of weeks ago that we were going to have a decent winter at last.

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Re: SimonC69

Post by SimonC69 »

This winter seems to have been the longest I've known for a while (and it's not over yet) but spring must surely be in sight now?
and with that in mind, I felt it was time to "set out my stall" as it were and make public the goals I've set myself for this season (the penultimate one before my 50th birthday, so I need to get a wriggle on) with the hopes that telling you all will give me an extra incentive.
I currently need 21 species to complete my 50/50 quest and, these long, dark months have given me time to plan 10 species I can (somewhat) realistically hope to get under my belt (given good weather and a hell of a lot of luck!)

Those species are:

Dingy Skipper
Grizzled Skipper
Dark Green Fritillary
Duke of Burgundy
Green Hairstreak
White-letter Hairstreak
Small Blue
Silver Studded Blue
Adonis Blue

I have sites in mind for most of these (a lot of my Butterfly trips will coincide with family trips to satisfy my Wife's passion for archeaology - so lots of earthworks and barrows will be on the cards ;) ) but I'm sure I will be calling on some of you for tips :)
Of course, I also want to get better photos of a lot of the ones I've got already, so they'll always be a reason to take my camera out.

Let's see what the season brings eh?

And, just because, here's some reminders of summers past:
And this is probably my favourite butterfly photo so far. No idea why!?
pryors_great ashby park 010.jpg


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Re: SimonC69

Post by bugboy »

Hi Simon, in all honesty the majority of those shouldn't cause you too many problems at all, especially based in the home counties. Five of them, Small Blue, G. Hairstreak, Duke, Grizzled and Dingy Skippers you could do in one trip if you choose the sites wisely! Silver Studded Blues are still relatively easy to find on many of the heathland nature reserves to the south west of London and I have an excellent site for W.L. Hairstreak (complete with remains of a ruined castle for the other half). With a family holiday to Norfolk I'd be very surprised if you drew a blank with any of your targets :D

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Re: SimonC69

Post by SimonC69 »

bugboy wrote:Hi Simon, in all honesty the majority of those shouldn't cause you too many problems at all..........................I'd be very surprised if you drew a blank with any of your targets :D
I know, I know. I've chickened out a bit and gone for the "soft option" :D

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Re: SimonC69

Post by bugboy »

SimonC69 wrote:
bugboy wrote:Hi Simon, in all honesty the majority of those shouldn't cause you too many problems at all..........................I'd be very surprised if you drew a blank with any of your targets :D
I know, I know. I've chickened out a bit and gone for the "soft option" :D
No shame in that, two years ago I was yet to see all but two of that list myself!

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