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Re: June 2015

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 6:01 pm
by MrSp0ck
Steve Babbs wrote:Is anyone still seeing dingy skippers or are they gone over now?
There are still some fresh ones flying at Hutchinsons Bank, here is a picture taken on Wednesday by my friend Jenny.

Re: June 2015

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 6:43 pm
by Glostopcat
There are still some fresh ones at Rodborough Common in Stroud too. On my visit today I saw brown argus, common blues and adonis blues in good numbers, around ten to twelve dingy skippers, a couple of brimstones, a few small blues, a holly blue, a large skipper, and two duke or burgundys, one in reasonably good nick and the other rather faded. At Swelshill Bank I saw adonis blues, poor numbers compared with recent years (maybe they are later this year due to the poor weather in May) most were very fresh, common blues, brown argus and one peacock. Moths seen included cistus foresters and burnet companions

Re: June 2015

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 7:12 pm
by Marc Heath
A visit to East Blean Woods, Kent tonight between 4.45 - 6pm produced c 30 Heath Fritillary a few minutes walk from the car park. With the temperature dropping they showed nicely for the camera and I was able to take some pleasing images which can be viewed @ A taster is below.


Re: June 2015

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 1:28 pm
by Pauline
Just come across this post and my money would be on some sort of Tortoiseshell rather than a Peacock but would be very interested in other views?
P1750511 Well worn June 4tha.jpg
P1750511 Well worn June 4tha.jpg (166.58 KiB) Viewed 944 times

Re: June 2015

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 2:03 pm
by Jack Harrison
I am inclined at agree that it's a tortoiseshell but the odds must surely favour a common Small Tort? But it would be nice to think otherwise.


Re: June 2015

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 3:10 pm
by bugboy
I'm 100% certain it's a worn Peacock....... I could be wrong of course!

Re: June 2015

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 3:18 pm
by Mark Colvin
I'm with bugboy on this.

I think there is enough detail still visible to confirm Peacock.

Good hunting.

Kind regards. Mark

Re: June 2015

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 4:48 pm
by MrSp0ck
its 100% a worn Peacock you can even see the Eye Marking through the wings, Tortoiseshells don't have this, The Broad Black Bar that forms the Eye is very clear. The Black underside is also a give away.

Re: June 2015

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 5:17 pm
by Greenie
At Sevenoaks Reserve ( Kent Wildlife Trust ) this morning , 2 probably 3 Painted Lady . All in good condition but light in colour .
On River Eden near Chiddingstone this afternoon , 2 Red Admiral , first for a while .

Re: June 2015

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 5:51 pm
by Steve Babbs
MrSp0ck wrote:
Steve Babbs wrote:Is anyone still seeing dingy skippers or are they gone over now?
There are still some fresh ones flying at Hutchinsons Bank, here is a picture taken on Wednesday by my friend Jenny.


Thanks. sadly I failed to find them at Devil's Dyke today, but I was not helped by the horribly strong wind.

Re: June 2015

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 7:05 pm
by Testudo Man
Just spent 4 days on the Isle Of White...and although the holiday break was family orientated (and entirely my wife's idea/booking)...I did mention to her that a certain rare "butterfly colony" could be found on the Island :roll: so i should take a camera along...just in case :wink:

Despite very windy conditions, it didnt take too long to find these beauties. These were found on the 1/6/15, but i did have a 2nd session a couple of days later too!

Location - IOW, Ventnor, Wheelers Bay.

A 1st time visit to the IOW for me, and also the 1st time i have seen/photographed the Glanville Fritillary. What a great trip, i highly recommend anyone to visit this beautiful Island.

Cheers Paul.

Since i have a keen interest in Reptiles, i couldnt help but notice the Wall Lizard Colony at the same location either.
This photo is not cropped at all.

Yesterday (5/6/15) 1st day back from the IOW, and spotted this rather lovely Painted Lady, nectaring in my back garden! it didnt stay for too long, so could only manage a couple of long range shots.

Re: June 2015

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 7:42 pm
by Essex Bertie
spent the morning cycling along the northern sea wall of Wallasea Island, Essex. They are still leveling off the spoil from the Crossrail tunnel to create a huge bird reserve.
Despite a stiff breeze, I counted at least 40 Painted Ladies, some looked fresh. Most were nectaring on red clover and a couple on Salsify.
Also a Clouded Yellow, Meadow Brown, Small Copper, Common Blue, Small, Green-veined & Large White and several Small Heath.
Then on the sea wall at nearby Paglesham Creek, masses of red clover, but no Painted Ladies!

I stopped off at Little Haven to see if the Heath Fritillaries had come through, but didn't see any. It was sheltered enough in most parts. Just very low numbers at Hockley Woods so far.

Re: June 2015

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 7:00 am
by kevling
Strumpshaw Fen 6.6.15
Two Swallowtails seen at this cracking site yesterday and further sightings noted by others. My PD has more details as to optimum locations.
Strumpshaw Fen 6.6.15 (34).JPG
Strumpshaw Fen 6.6.15 (30).JPG
Regards Kev

PS: Steve Babbs. Dingy Skippers were still on the wing a week ago at Devil's Dyke where I saw a single example (albeit in dull conditions with strong winds).

Re: June 2015

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 9:56 am
Aberrant Brown Argus from the back of Butser Hill (Rake Bottom aka Grandfathers Bottom!) yesterday morning.
Return visit with much less wind. Loads of Dingy Skippers. Found 5 all roosted on one tiny bramble stem, all pretty much pristine. A couple below:
Once the sun was on them there were dozens flying and will be for some time by the looks of the condition of them.

Re: June 2015

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 10:09 am
by Neil Freeman
Cornwall May 30th - June 6th.

I returned yesterday (Saturday 6th June) from a week in Cornwall. Including a stop off at Greenscombe Woods on the way back a total of 22 species were seen during the week as follows;

Marsh Fritillary…good numbers at two locations on the Lizard.
Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary…good numbers at a number of locations.
Heath Fritillary…12-15 at Greenscombe Wood during visit on the way home
Wall Brown…15-20 seen during the week along various coast paths
Speckled Wood…loads of fresh examples everwhere.
Painted Lady…15+ seen mostly in second half of week.
Red Admiral…half a dozen in second half of week
Peacock…2 seen at Kennack Sands
Small Tortoiseshell…1 seen at Predannack Cliffs
Common Blue …almost everywhere, some very worn, some fresh males.
Holly blue …2 seen, 1 at Kennack Sands, 1 at Greenscombe Woods.
Silver-studded Blue …half a dozen males at Upton Towans of Friday afternoon.
Green Hairstreak …1 at Greenscombe Woods.
Small Copper …20+ especially along coast paths.
Orange-tip …half a dozen seen during the week both male and female.
Green-veined White …half a dozen seen.
Small White…a couple seen at Kennack Sands and Upton Towans.
Large White…half a dozen seen during the week.
Clouded Yellow …1 seen at Upton towans.
Brimstone …2 seen at Greenscombe Woods.
Large skipper…1 male at Greenscombe Woods.
Meadow Brown …2 males at Greenscombe Woods.

Also seen were a couple of Hummingbird Hawk Moths at Predannack Cliffs and Upton Towns, and a Cream-spot Tiger Moth at Lizard Point.

Reports and photos will follow in my Personal Diary as usual when I have time over the next few days.



Re: June 2015

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 11:51 am
by David M
That's quite a tally for early June, Neil. Sounds like you had a great few days.

Re: June 2015

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 12:29 pm
by lee3764
Neil Freeman wrote:Cornwall May 30th - June 6th.

I returned yesterday (Saturday 6th June) from a week in Cornwall. Including a stop off at Greenscombe Woods on the way back a total of 22 species were seen during the week as follows;

Marsh Fritillary…good numbers at two locations on the Lizard.
Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary…good numbers at a number of locations.
Heath Fritillary…12-15 at Greenscombe Wood during visit on the way home
Wall Brown…15-20 seen during the week along various coast paths
Speckled Wood…loads of fresh examples everwhere.
Painted Lady…15+ seen mostly in second half of week.
Red Admiral…half a dozen in second half of week
Peacock…2 seen at Kennack Sands
Small Tortoiseshell…1 seen at Predannack Cliffs
Common Blue …almost everywhere, some very worn, some fresh males.
Holly blue …2 seen, 1 at Kennack Sands, 1 at Greenscombe Woods.
Silver-studded Blue …half a dozen males at Upton Towans of Friday afternoon.
Green Hairstreak …1 at Greenscombe Woods.
Small Copper …20+ especially along coast paths.
Orange-tip …half a dozen seen during the week both male and female.
Green-veined White …half a dozen seen.
Small White…a couple seen at Kennack Sands and Upton Towans.
Large White…half a dozen seen during the week.
Clouded Yellow …1 seen at Upton towans.
Brimstone …2 seen at Greenscombe Woods.
Large skipper…1 male at Greenscombe Woods.
Meadow Brown …2 males at Greenscombe Woods.

Also seen were a couple of Hummingbird Hawk Moths at Predannack Cliffs and Upton Towns, and a Cream-spot Tiger Moth at Lizard Point.

Reports and photos will follow in my Personal Diary as usual when I have time over the next few days.


Hi Neil,

Good to bump into you yesterday at Greenscoombe Woods, Luckett on our Cornwall Butterfly & Moth Society fieldtrip. I am so glad you saw so many species of butterfly during your stay in Cornwall. Look forward to seeing you again in Cornwall one day! Cheers, Lee Slaughter (Fieldtrip organiser for ' Cornwall Butterfly & Moth Society'. :-) :-)

Re: June 2015

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 2:32 pm
by MrSp0ck
The Glanvilles are finishing their flight period at Hutchinsons Bank, the ones seen today were old ones. There may still be a few about, but they have been flying now for 23 days.

A Male Orange Tip was seen along the cutting, havnt had one for a few weeks, Small Blue, Green Hairstreak, Dingy Skipper and Painted Lady were all seen on my quick visit today.

Re: June 2015

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 3:46 pm
by Neil Freeman
lee3764 wrote: Good to bump into you yesterday at Greenscoombe Woods, Luckett on our Cornwall Butterfly & Moth Society fieldtrip. I am so glad you saw so many species of butterfly during your stay in Cornwall. Look forward to seeing you again in Cornwall one day! Cheers, Lee Slaughter (Fieldtrip organiser for ' Cornwall Butterfly & Moth Society'. :-) :-)
Thanks Lee, it was great chatting to you and your group, I just wish I could have stayed longer but I had my wife and mom to consider and a long drive still ahead of us.

I had a great week in Cornwall and will hopefully return for another visit sometime in the next year or two.



Re: June 2015

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 4:02 pm
by Padfield
bugboy wrote:I'm 100% certain it's a worn Peacock....... I could be wrong of course!
100% certainty and self-doubt - you are a complex character, Buggy! :D

But I agree it is a peacock (which is, technically, a kind of tortoiseshell).
