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Re: UKB Merchandise

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 1:37 pm
by Susie
I haven't posted about this because I thought that it unlikely that the range of clothing would extend to ladies wear but I do think that a small enamel pin badge, of the type produced for the Purple Empire, Ash Brownies, etc., would be a great idea; then you can put it on your camera bag, cap, t-shirt - or all three.

Re: UKB Merchandise

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 5:02 pm
by Chris Jackson
Good idea Susie. I second that.

Re: UKB Merchandise

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 6:06 pm
by Susie
With those other badges they asked for people to put their name (and money) down and once there were enough they did an initial run of limited edition badges. Perhaps something similar could be done here so that the admins aren't out of pocket and with a contribution per badge going to Butterfly Conservation.

Re: UKB Merchandise

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 8:54 pm
by David M
Wise words, Susie.

I'd certainly purchase one.

Re: UKB Merchandise

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 11:58 pm
by millerd
Most certainly - excellent idea.


Re: UKB Merchandise

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 2:59 pm
by Susie
Perhaps it is something for the admins to think about in the new year. :D

Re: UKB Merchandise

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 3:32 pm
by Pete Eeles
Susie wrote:I haven't posted about this because I thought that it unlikely that the range of clothing would extend to ladies wear but I do think that a small enamel pin badge, of the type produced for the Purple Empire, Ash Brownies, etc., would be a great idea; then you can put it on your camera bag, cap, t-shirt - or all three.
Great idea Susie - will look into it. And Happy Christmas!


- Pete

Re: UKB Merchandise

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 9:49 pm
by Pete Eeles
I've been in touch with Paul Fosterjohn about badges, and he's been extremely helpful. Given all of the options, the upshot is that we'd need to sell between 50 and 100 badges to break even. In addition, between £200 and £300 would need to be provided "up front" to cover the purchase of the batch of badges needed. I consider this price to be extremely reasonable!

What I don't know is whether there is enough interest (Paul usually gets people to register interest before proceeding). Also, having just stumped up £480 for the website hosting, my cupboard is bare and I wouldn't, personally, be able to provide the monies required :( And UKB has no reserve, since it's all given to BC on the basis that all profits from the sale of the calendar goes to BC. And, finally, I don't have time to deal with the cashing of cheques, postage etc.

All suggestions welcome.


- Pete

Re: UKB Merchandise

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 10:00 pm
by David M
This website has added so much to the enjoyment of my cherished pastime that I'd be more than willing to stump up £10 or so (with a badge as a reward).

If a mere 40 others were similarly minded then this would be an easy 'win'.

Re: UKB Merchandise

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 10:10 pm
by bugboy
David M wrote:This website has added so much to the enjoyment of my cherished pastime that I'd be more than willing to stump up £10 or so (with a badge as a reward).

If a mere 40 others were similarly minded then this would be an easy 'win'.
+1. Can paypal be used to make payments?

Re: UKB Merchandise

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 10:38 pm
by Neil Hulme
Here's a link to a page in my diary, showing the sort of badges that Paul has produced to date viewtopic.php?f=29&t=4065&start=1980
BWs, Neil

Re: UKB Merchandise

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 8:40 am
by Susie
So are you saying, Pete, that you would prefer to go back to plan A or that you'd be happy to go with this if someone else could organise it?

Re: UKB Merchandise

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 8:48 am
by Pete Eeles
Susie wrote:So are you saying, Pete, that you would prefer to go back to plan A or that you'd be happy to go with this if someone else could organise it?
Hi Susie,

If Plan A is the clothing, then that's still progressing since, apart from a £25 setup charge (which I'll pay for), there are no other up-front costs, and members can deal directly with the supplier who will take orders and deliver.

If someone else wants to take on the badges, then that's fine by me (we can work on the design), but they'd need to not only deal with the logistics, but also deal with the upfront costs.

If I was certain that we had 50 members who would sign up for a badge (and thanks for the offer, David!), then I'd consider providing the money, but I don't think we have that much interest and nobody should be out of pocket with this.


- Pete

Re: UKB Merchandise

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 8:59 am
by Susie
Jolly good.

In that case (provided we can sort out the details) i would be prepared to run it, if that's okay, and I'll even stump up the cash as long as I can get it back at the end :lol:

Like you though I don't think there would be sufficient orders so as I don't have money to burn what I would suggest is starting a separate thread where people can register their interest. When we hit a total of say 60 badges then the project is potentially a goer. At that stage a cheque could to be sent to me pending receipt of the other funds. This cheque wouldn't be cashed until I could ensure that sufficient monies were received and the badges would be created.

Re: UKB Merchandise

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 9:45 am
by Pete Eeles
Thanks Susie - much appreciated! I'll sort out a design with Paul F. (he also has a concern that having a Purple Emperor badge will clash with the Purple Empire badge). Once we have that, then I can sort something out to generate as much interest as possible - watch this space!

I was thinking of the UKB Purple Emperor as the main feature of the badge. Not sure about having any text too. What do you think?


- Pete

Re: UKB Merchandise

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 11:41 am
by Mark Tutton
Count me in if it goes ahead - I have several of Paul's badges and can vouch for the quality - Purple Emperor with subtle UKB text perhaps to differentiate from Paul's other emperors?

Re: UKB Merchandise

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 12:43 pm
by Susie
Pete Eeles wrote:Thanks Susie - much appreciated! I'll sort out a design with Paul F. (he also has a concern that having a Purple Emperor badge will clash with the Purple Empire badge). Once we have that, then I can sort something out to generate as much interest as possible - watch this space!

I was thinking of the UKB Purple Emperor as the main feature of the badge. Not sure about having any text too. What do you think?


- Pete
I think a rectangular badge with UK Butterflies and the caterpillar on top much the same as it is in the header of the page would be a good idea, but I am happy to go with whatever you suggest. Whether you wanted to include the purple emperor or not is up to you and what is technically possible. Possibly it would be too detailed so just a generic butterfly at the end? What do you think?

Re: UKB Merchandise

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 1:08 pm
by Neil Hulme
"I think a rectangular badge with UK Butterflies and the caterpillar on top much the same as it is in the header of the page would be a good idea"

I was about to suggest the same. I would omit the web address below 'UK Butterflies' (too small to serve a purpose), and either omit the PE adult image - or reduce its size to fit the bar width dictated by wording and caterpillar image.

BWs, Neil

Re: UKB Merchandise

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 4:39 pm
by Wurzel
I'd add my name to the list along with David for a £10 badge :D Looking forward T-shirts too.

Have a goodun


Re: UKB Merchandise

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 7:32 pm
by Pete Eeles
Neil Hulme wrote:"I think a rectangular badge with UK Butterflies and the caterpillar on top much the same as it is in the header of the page would be a good idea"

I was about to suggest the same. I would omit the web address below 'UK Butterflies' (too small to serve a purpose), and either omit the PE adult image - or reduce its size to fit the bar width dictated by wording and caterpillar image.

BWs, Neil
So I think we have a difference of opinion. My thinking was that we need a consistent logo that is applied on shirts, caps, badges etc. and that would be the Purple Emperor with (optionally) the text "UK Butterflies" below it. Having different logos for different purposes doesn't seem right to me.

And thanks, Wurzel!


- Pete