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Re: France/Spain 2014

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 6:01 am
by Chris Jackson
In my experience, Russ, and in plain language, your 2 Spotted Fritillaries are typical.
The first is male, it is smaller and a darker orange.
The second is female, it is larger and generally paler, with the forewings paler still.

Perhaps this paler version is specific to the South ?
There are some shown on this French website ... =29930&e=p#

As for the possible Two-tail Pasha you mentioned higher up, I don't think that they tend to scurry very much, but rather glide and swoop like swifts.

Re: France/Spain 2014

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 11:35 am
by Charles Nicol
cjackson wrote:
As for the possible Two-tail Pasha you mentioned higher up, I don't think that they tend to scurry very much, but rather glide and swoop like swifts.
this one was scurrying along to find the tasty treat in the grass... ... 66925@N20/

Re: France/Spain 2014

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 6:56 pm
by LancsRover
Charles, was that what i think it was? :roll:


Re: France/Spain 2014

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 11:49 am
by LancsRover
Cheers Charles.

Thanks for all the info. Guy.

Cheers Chris.

A couple of Grayling fro CARLUCET,LOT.
The first I think is a FALSE GRAYLING?(new to me)
The second I think is a TREE GRAYLING?

Cheers Russ

Re: France/Spain 2014

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 7:20 pm
by John Vergo
Hi Russ
I have been looking at your pictures of the Heath/Meadow, I am quit sure that it is Meadows ( M. parthenoides) 1. fw ups a black spot oblique, 2. fw ups postdical band broken. Besides that I think that the upper side color have a lot more contrast, that you nomaly not see on athalia (heath).

Re: France/Spain 2014

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 7:51 pm
by Padfield
All good for the graylings! So, another lifer for you ...


Re: France/Spain 2014

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 8:06 pm
by LancsRover
Thanks John, you have confirmed Guy's thoughts and Meadow Frit. is a lifer for me :D

Cheers Guy.

Re: France/Spain 2014

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 8:29 pm
by LancsRover
Final pics/count from CARLUCET, LOT.

The Blues far and away out numbered any other butterfly on the site, here are a group that were interested in something on the ground(?)
All other b/f's are shown below, apart from, Small Copper,Clouded Yellow,Swallowtail and Silver-spotted skipper which were also seen on the site.

Cheers Russ

Re: France/Spain 2014

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 12:06 pm
by Charles Nicol
LancsRover wrote:Charles, was that what i think it was? :roll:

ermm yes... those old familiar faeces :wink:


8) 8)

Re: France/Spain 2014

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 6:59 pm
by John Vergo
Hi Russ
Have been looking at your skipper, it is not a Oberthür´s , my best shot will be a Cinquefoil Skipper ( Pyrgus cirsii),

Re: France/Spain 2014

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 7:34 pm
by LancsRover
Hi John, you could be right, the hind wings look more like Cirsii than Armoricanus, all the Pyrgus look very similar to me, not a great photo and I didn't get an under wing shot.
All comments very welcome,
Cheers Russ.

Re: France/Spain 2014

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 8:10 pm
by Padfield
The problem is, the forewing markings of that Pyrgus are quite wrong for cirsii - or at least highly anomalous. They are much too rounded and discrete, especially the pd markings in ss.1 and 2, which are almost invariably confluent in cirsii. I wouldn't start a fight over it (not until seeing the underside, at least :D ) but in my experience this would be armoricanus. I've seen very similar individuals in Switzerland.


Re: France/Spain 2014

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 9:52 am
by LancsRover
I'm confused, :? but standby I've got some more skippers to come later :twisted:

Cheers Russ.

Re: France/Spain 2014

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 11:25 am
by Chris Jackson
I'm confused as well, my T&L doesn't mention Cinquefoil skipper, and cirsii appears in the index but the entry is missing from the page. Mysterious :?

Re: France/Spain 2014

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 11:41 am
by Roger Gibbons
T&L is wrong (or at least misleading) on this. It lists cirsii as a subspecies of carlinae, which is a straight lift from Higgins and Riley. In every other publication they are listed as separate species with no reference to any connection. They are not even similar in terms of markings.

It doesn't need saying but I am sure Guy is right on this, i.e. the Pyrgus is armoricanus. Cirsii has upf markings that are quite unmistakeably characteristic and bold and consistently so.

Re: France/Spain 2014

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 11:43 am
by LancsRover
That's what happens Chris, if you buy books off Amazon for 4 Euro's :lol:

Cheers Russ

Re: France/Spain 2014

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 11:59 am
by LancsRover
Hi Roger, thanks for your info.
In my book, BUTTERFLIES OF BRITAIN AND EUROPE, by Haahtela,Saarinen,Ojalainen,Aarnio, armoricanus and cirsii are shown separately but under cirsii it says "Sometimes regarded as a subspecies of P.carlinae"???
Cheers Russ

Re: France/Spain 2014

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 6:28 pm
by LancsRover
Arrived near Argeles Gazost, in the French Pyrenees, on Sunday, 7/9/14. 30c very heavy.
We went for a walk along the Gave de Pau on Monday afternoon(25c) after light rain in the morning.
Butterflies seen clouded yellow, small copper, common swallowtail, cleopatra,,speckled wood, small heath, whites and a few "blues" I could do with a positive ID on please.
Cheers Russ

Re: France/Spain 2014

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 6:46 pm
by Padfield
Hi Russ. Your 'brown argus' is indeed a blue - a female common blue. The cell spot and the two-tone fringe (dark inner, light outer) give this away. The mating pair are common blues too, as you suggest, and you are also right about the holly blue.


Re: France/Spain 2014

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 8:24 pm
by LancsRover
Thanks Guy.