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Re: Bird for ID, anyone?

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 7:05 am
I did spend a couple of hours searching for marsh fritillaries near glengorm castle when I was there in June but no joy. Weather was not the best though. Interestingly i noticed there was to be a butterfly conservation walk there a week later...

I did get excited briefly when I found a couple of orange butterflies flying in one spot but they turned out to be small pbf's. The only ones I saw while on mull but they are meant to be fairly common. He mentions large heath in his blog too!

Re: Bird for ID, anyone?

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 8:10 am
by Jack Harrison
Not from Mull, but my native county Norfolk. From the local paper - you couldn't make it up:
The resident was also concerned about ivy growing up a street light, which he said had resulted in nesting birds spreading the seeds from ivy berries to neighbouring homes, causing the species to grow in gardens.

He called on the town council to cut back the ivy.

However, town clerk Deborah Sarson said she was not aware of any complaints about the ivy and said the resident could register the street light’s number online and the complaint would then be dealt with by the relevant authority.
Some will have heard the expression "Normal for Norfolk" - so apt in this case.
