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Re: (Un)Common Blue.....

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 12:39 pm
by NickB
A very blue female, spotted egg-laying in Mill Road Cemetery today.
Shame her efforts are in vain - the area is to be mown/strimmed in the next two weeks.
No concessions for lepidoptera from Cambridge City Council, despite repeated advice from our local BC Branch.
:( :twisted:

Re: (Un)Common Blue.....

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 12:40 am
by Perseus
I see Common Blues in all months from May to November.

First seen usually end of May, but one year (2008) on the 7th May and two other years in ten in mid-May.

The second emergence in August is much larger, sometimes a hundredfold.


The big blue females ar more noticeable earlier in the year and I have found they are a greater % of the females.

Lots of competiton of three species of blues commonly found on chalkhill: Adonis, Chalkhill and Common Blue. On the short sward I think the Adonis are likely to be quite dominant even when outnumbered by Chalkhills. Common Blues are more numerous in the longer sward meadows but the big blue females are not seen there so much.

My expereince. I got some pics but they are not sorted. I'll find one.

Image This one was taken in late 26 September 2006. Note the Devil's Bit Scabious which gives a clue to its lateness.

Re: (Un)Common Blue.....

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 12:45 am
by Perseus
Good condition specimen from 30 July 2008


When are the two broods meant to emerge?