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Re: Lens hood?

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 1:24 pm
I always use a lens hood for macro photography though very occasionally would take it off when using flash as the hood casts a shadow with the popup flash when I'm being lazy! :)

It's an excellent lens protector, preventing dirt/dust/pollen/rain(Pretty useless without one in the rain!) getting onto the lens, branches,brambles scratching the filter etc. I can imagine my lens getting covered in all sorts quite quickly without one! It also provides a clear 'tunnel' to shoot through when poking through grass/bushes etc. and cuts down on 'gardening'! :)

Also I find it does prevent lens flare quite a bit when shooting into the light and on occasions I need to use my hand as an extension of the hood because sometimes the one with my sigma 150 just isn't long enough. I notice the new 150IS has a longer hood for use with crop sensors which I was very pleased to see!

I can't imagine that the hood would scare off the butterflies. It's a minor addition to the lens+camera + photographer already in front of it! I can imagine waving your hand about in front of it trying to mimic the effect of a hood is going to spook it more! Having someone else wander over and wave their hands about even more so!! :)

Re: Lens hood?

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 1:35 pm
by Jack Harrison
I can imagine waving your hand about in front of it trying to mimic the effect of a hood is going to spook it more
I never intended to imply that I use that hand waving for butterflies but is certainly my preferred landscape method enabling me, if necessary, to shoot within a few degrees of the sun.


Re: Lens hood?

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 3:55 pm
by MikeOxon
Jack Harrison wrote:Update on my rain. Total of 51 mms between 0300 and 1300
How long before building regs. require all new houses to have lifeboat davits at every window?


Re: Lens hood?

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 4:19 pm
by Jack Harrison
This was my "duckpond" seen from the front window.
Rain has now stopped. 54 mms in the day.


Re: Lens hood?

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 4:37 pm
by MikeOxon
Debbie wrote:an interesting selection of butterfly umbrellas (and before some bright spark says it - for us not the butterflies
Why not for the butterflies?
Lovely weather we're having!
Lovely weather we're having!
(as you can see,it's been a long wet afternoon!)
