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Re: Irton Fell - Mountain Ringlet flight time

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 4:33 pm
by MikeOxon
Thank you for your kind comment, Debbie. I felt very fortunate when the sun came out in the afternoon!


Re: Irton Fell - Mountain Ringlet flight time

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 9:59 pm
by Lawts
Given the cold Spring I'd be interested what people think re. likely/optimum date for Mountain Ringlet on Irton Fell. In terms of weekend days, would you go 8-9th or 15-16th? I had been planning for the earlier one, but am having second thoughts.



Re: Irton Fell - Mountain Ringlet flight time

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 10:45 pm
by MikeOxon
Lawts wrote:I'd be interested what people think re. likely/optimum date for Mountain Ringlet on Irton Fell.
Last year, I saw them on the 17th but, for this species, everything depends on the weather.

When I first arrived last year, the weather was cloudy and I saw none, but then the sun came out and, within minutes, several appeared, buzzing low across the grass. Later in the afternoon, when it became much warmer, several were basking on bracken fronds.

See my post earlier in this thread for the precise location.


Re: Irton Fell - Mountain Ringlet flight time

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 10:55 pm
by essexbuzzard
I think the weather has been slightly better up there than down south-it could hardly have been worse.
However,i think the second weekend would be more reliable this year. Remember-Mountain Ringlets only show in sunshine.

Re: Irton Fell - Mountain Ringlet flight time

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 11:40 am
by Lawts
MikeOxon wrote:
Lawts wrote:I'd be interested what people think re. likely/optimum date for Mountain Ringlet on Irton Fell.
Last year, I saw them on the 17th but, for this species, everything depends on the weather.

When I first arrived last year, the weather was cloudy and I saw none, but then the sun came out and, within minutes, several appeared, buzzing low across the grass. Later in the afternoon, when it became much warmer, several were basking on bracken fronds.

See my post earlier in this thread for the precise location.

Mike I put your co-ordinates into my GPS app. and it brought up Bowerhouse Bank Wood. It may be my app that's not very good. Would you mind checking the details? My big concern is for all the directions and maps that people give, you only need to be 100 yards out and you may as well be miles away. it always looks so different when you are actually in the field.

If anyone can help to pinpoint the site - landmarks etc. it would be much appreciated.



Re: Irton Fell - Mountain Ringlet flight time

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 1:11 pm
by MikeOxon
Lawts wrote:I put your co-ordinates into my GPS app. and it brought up Bowerhouse Bank Wood.
I think some apps just give the nearest point on a road. I checked and Google Maps seems to do this, whereas Google Earth shows the correct spot. I'll PM you more details.


Re: Irton Fell - Mountain Ringlet flight time

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 2:56 pm
by David M
Definitely the later of the two weekends. Even in 2011 when we had that heatwave in April, the Irton Fell Mountain Ringlets were only out in numbers in early June.

Re: Irton Fell - Mountain Ringlet flight time

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 7:28 pm
by Lawts
The long range forecast for next weekend isn't great. I'm still thinking of giving it a go this weekend in view of the recent weather we've had. I'm told they usually emerge in late May on the lower slopes at Irton. Allowing for the cold spring, but factoring in this current weather what do people think are my chances?

I'll wait until Sunday to give another full day of sun.


Re: Irton Fell - Mountain Ringlet flight time

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 7:48 pm
by Neil Hulme
Hi Lawts,
I reckon you're in with a better than 50/50 chance this weekend. Fortune favours the brave. Go forth and nail 'em. Let us know how you get on.
BWs, Neil

Re: Irton Fell - Mountain Ringlet flight time

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 7:53 pm
by Lawts
Cheers Neil. He who dares :)

I've never seen one, so I only need one to get it on the list. Any tips for seeing them? Do they allow close approach? I've read Tormentil is favoured, and I know Mike said look on bracken.

Re: Irton Fell - Mountain Ringlet flight time

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 8:07 pm
by David M
Lawts wrote:Cheers Neil. He who dares :)

I've never seen one, so I only need one to get it on the list. Any tips for seeing them? Do they allow close approach? I've read Tormentil is favoured, and I know Mike said look on bracken.
They're like high altitude Meadow Browns. There'll be dozens of them if you've picked the right time but ideally you need a part cloudy day, as they quickly become largely dormant once the sun goes in.

They don't bask on shrubs or bare ground as a rule, so you'll have to be patient and track one until it settles somewhere where grass stems do not obstruct the photograph.

Good luck. I'm reluctant to contradict the Kipper as he's the generally the 'daddy' when it comes to timing, but I still feel this weekend will be too early even at Irton Fell.

When I travelled to see them 2 years ago, I checked out this link to ascertain the likelihood of them being around:

Re: Irton Fell - Mountain Ringlet flight time

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 4:01 pm
by Lawts
Thanks for all the info. and suggestions. I went to Irton Fell this Sunday, and was fortunate to get excellent views and the opportunity to take some nice shots. It was a doddle in the end - twenty minute walk, Neil et al on site with one located for me. On the list.

Re: Irton Fell - Mountain Ringlet flight time

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 6:16 pm
by David M
It sure is a lovely spot with that magnificent view over Wast Water.

Glad you got an audience with this highly interesting species. I'll look forward to seeing the photos!

Re: Irton Fell - Mountain Ringlet flight time

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 6:57 pm
by MikeOxon
Lawts wrote: It was a doddle in the end - twenty minute walk
Yes, Irton Fell is so easy when compared with other Lake District sites, such as Honister, which need much more effort and where the butterflies can be very spread out! Very pleased you were rewarded with good views :) Hope you will post some shots.


Re: Irton Fell - Mountain Ringlet flight time

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 9:36 pm
by Neil Hulme
Hi Lawts,
Mission accomplished. Congratulations. A few of my pics at viewtopic.php?t=4065&start=10000
Best Wishes, Neil

Re: Irton Fell - Mountain Ringlet flight time

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 10:37 am
by Jonny721
Any chance they will still be flying at Irton Fell or have I missed my chance this year and either do a higher climb or wait till next year?

Re: Irton Fell - Mountain Ringlet flight time

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 1:55 pm
by Neil Hulme
Hi Jonny721,

They will still be flying but you might have to go much further/higher up the ridge towards Whin Rigg if you want to find good specimens. Why not try the site at Hartsop Dodd, which you can research through this website and BC Cumbria.

Best Wishes, Neil

Re: Irton Fell - Mountain Ringlet flight time

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 7:25 pm
by cjs
I got some terrible pictures on an absolutely terrible day at Honister Pass 2 years ago tomorrow 30:06:2011.
As we were driving through Keswick the weather turned foul and when we arrived at Honister we wouldnt get out of the car to go to the boot because of the driving rain. After Half an hour the rain eased and finally stopped although it was quite breezy. The wife looked despairingly at me but I said we are here now we might just as well look at the place. So we walked up the hill to the area they were supposed to be it was 100% overcast and now at the top windy. After a short while walking through the grass I lifted a Butterfly which got blown 50 feet along and landed in the grass I was able to walk right up to it hold my camera near it and take a picture. While I was doing that I noticed another one much further away from me lift fly and land again so I went and took a picture of that. Although I disturbed the first one the second one flew of its own accord and I was amazed that the only living wildlife I saw there was the Mountain Ringlet. I wasnt aware of how it was supposed to behave but I thought that it must be the hardiest of all Butterflies to live there and fly in those conditions.

Re: Irton Fell - Mountain Ringlet flight time

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 7:36 pm
by Jonny721
Cheers for the info guys, I may well have a try for them in the next couple of weeks but that may be an issue given the current weather up here!


Re: Irton Fell - Mountain Ringlet flight time

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 6:36 am
by Jonny721
The forecast for Friday looks reasonable, but to throw a spanner in the works I would only be able to get up to the lakes by public transport then. So are there any colonies that are within reach of someone who has to rely on the trains and buses to get there? Most likely will get a train to Windemere then bus to wherever I can get to