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Re: Tremendous weather forecast!

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 9:11 pm
by Dave McCormick
5C here at moment, should not be like this, frosty past few nights here. Its been raining but not enough to make a real difference and the tree leaves are turning brown and looks like autumn, not summer. My blackthorn only has a single tiny green leaf and my sessile oak has small leaves, not normal size leaves. Hailstones today and part of last night.

Highest its been is 15C in past two weeks, hoping July improves, have two trips planned, one to some islands of the coast and other to an ancient Oak woodland so have to find good days to go.

I like cold, but only when its supposed to be, October-March, not June.

Re: Tremendous weather forecast!

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:39 am
by Michaeljf
Unfortunately the forecast is for more miserable weather this weekend - maybe with some breaks on Sunday. Now they've removed the sunny patch for Oxford for Saturday with a rainy patch :cry: . Another two days of forecast watching to go though, and you know how quickly it can all change (except changing to bright sunshine might be optimistic :| ).

Looks like I'll have few chances of butterflies before going on holiday next weekend. I wonder How the weather is with Lee Hurrell on his overseas trip... :?


Re: Tremendous weather forecast!

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 4:18 pm
by David M
There DOES seem to be hope for Sunday. It can't carry on like this indefinitely (can it?)

The next couple of weeks are probably going to be the prime ones in the entire year, so it'd better improve.

Re: Tremendous weather forecast!

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 6:45 pm
by Willrow
David M wrote:There DOES seem to be hope for Sunday. It can't carry on like this indefinitely (can it?)

The next couple of weeks are probably going to be the prime ones in the entire year, so it'd better improve.
Hi David,

BBC still says that Sunday is set fair for sunny intervals, I really hope this holds true, I'm hoping to re-visit Collard Hill and get that definitive Large Blue open wing shot!

I'm sure the break must come before too long, I know it's very frustrating, but we must at least keep hoping :roll:

Bill :D

Re: Tremendous weather forecast!

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 6:51 pm
by David M
Willrow wrote:
David M wrote:There DOES seem to be hope for Sunday. It can't carry on like this indefinitely (can it?)

The next couple of weeks are probably going to be the prime ones in the entire year, so it'd better improve.
Hi David,

BBC still says that Sunday is set fair for sunny intervals, I really hope this holds true, I'm hoping to re-visit Collard Hill and get that definitive Large Blue open wing shot!
That's my plan too, Bill (followed by a visit to West Yatton Down near Chippenham on the way back).

Part cloudy and 17C may well encourage more open wing activity than usual.

I'll be happy just to see them (only previously observed Large Blues in France).

Re: Tremendous weather forecast!

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 8:06 pm
by Willrow
I hope to stop off at Ham Wall NNR for an hour or so on the way to Collard Hill. Should be at the hill for most of the day (weather allowing), it's a super place, not just for Large Blue, there are so many other interesting critters just waiting to be found, and then the Orchids near the NT car park need investigating, I've read there's a few Bee Orchid (varieties?) currently on the hill that they've called Wasp Orchid :!:

I hope we finally get to meet at Collard Hill David, Just keep your eyes out for a suave looking guy toting a Nikon D300 and Nikon bins :lol:

Bill :D

Re: Tremendous weather forecast!

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 8:36 pm
by David M
Willrow wrote:
I hope we finally get to meet at Collard Hill David, Just keep your eyes out for a suave looking guy toting a Nikon D300 and Nikon bins :lol:

Bill :D
LOL! Will do.

Weather permitting I intend to arrive mid-morning.

Re: Tremendous weather forecast!

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 8:37 am
by Michaeljf
Hey Bill / David,
I'd love to join you on Sunday at Collard Hill, but seeing as I still need to see High Browns at Ewenny before I go on holiday at the end of next week - I'm going to see how I get on today before making plans. It's been chucking it down all night here, so it doesn't look hopeful yet for this afternoon, but you never know. I'm always the optimistic pessimist/realist, or something like that :wink:

Re: Tremendous weather forecast!

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 12:38 pm
by Piers
Willrow wrote:I've read there's a few Bee Orchid (varieties?) currently on the hill that they've called Wasp Orchid
It's var. trollii of the bee orchid, and you're right - it's commonly known as the wasp orchid. That would certainly be worth getting a pic of if you're able. :D


Re: Tremendous weather forecast!

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 4:36 pm
by Dave McCormick
I've read there's a few Bee Orchid (varieties?) currently on the hill that they've called Wasp Orchid
I'd like to see an image if you could get one. They are strange plants for sure, they mimic a bee to attract bees but they are self pollinating, would they even need the bees to pollinate them? I have started growing them from seed, but it takes around 5-8 years for them to produce a flower so will be a long wait.

Bit busy for most of next week, just hope the weather is good next weekend, going to a BCNI moth/butterfly event in Peatlands Park, Dungnnon in Co Tyrone next Saturday and we are going to search for Large Heath and try and attract red-tipped clearwing, which I am bringing my lure. It has been seen there before. Also we are going to look for Forester, Grass Wave and Wood Tiger. Not seen any of these. Highlight would be the large heath, get a video and photos of it and anything else around there. Got my Canon 500D back so will be ready, just hope weather doesn't let us down.

Re: Tremendous weather forecast!

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 5:47 pm
by Paul Wetton
Hi Dave
I've posted some photos of various orchids on my diary including Bee and Fly orchid. Apparently the Bee required to pollinate the Bee orchid doesn't live in the UK so probably a good job it can self pollinate. Here's a piccy of one.
Bee Orchid freshly out with pollinia emerging from hood.
Bee Orchid freshly out with pollinia emerging from hood.
Tried tempting (with lures) Welsh Clearwing and Large Red Belted Clearwing out in Sherwood Forest with no luck last Saturday so hope you do better with Red Tipped.

Re: Tremendous weather forecast!

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 6:49 pm
by Dave McCormick
Thanks Paul, lovely image

Re: Tremendous weather forecast!

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 7:52 pm
by Willrow
Michaeljf wrote:Hey Bill / David,
I'd love to join you on Sunday at Collard Hill, but seeing as I still need to see High Browns at Ewenny before I go on holiday at the end of next week - I'm going to see how I get on today before making plans. It's been chucking it down all night here, so it doesn't look hopeful yet for this afternoon, but you never know. I'm always the optimistic pessimist/realist, or something like that :wink:
Hi Michael,

Be great to see you on Collard Hill tomorrow too, I really hope to bump into David M there. I can fully understand your concern to get High Brown Fritillary before you go on your holidays. We live in Wales so we simply have to be optimistic pessimists about the weather all the time...'or something like that' :lol:

Bill :D

Re: Tremendous weather forecast!

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 7:55 pm
by Willrow
Piers wrote:
Willrow wrote:I've read there's a few Bee Orchid (varieties?) currently on the hill that they've called Wasp Orchid
It's var. trollii of the bee orchid, and you're right - it's commonly known as the wasp orchid. That would certainly be worth getting a pic of if you're able. :D

Yes indeed Piers, I'll do my best to get a pic or two...that's if I can locate them :lol:

Bill :D

Re: Tremendous weather forecast!

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 3:42 pm
by Lee Hurrell
Michaeljf wrote:I wonder how the weather is with Lee Hurrell on his overseas trip... :?
Sorry, I've only just caught up with this thread! (You know what it's like, 2 weeks away, soooooo many posts :lol: )

In truth we were a little worried before we went; all the online forecasts we saw said around mid teens and cloudy but they couldn't have been more wrong.

Apart from 1 and a half days and 2 nights of torrential rain it was scorching sun and mid 30's all the way :D



Re: Tremendous weather forecast!

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 4:17 pm
by MikeOxon
Willrow wrote:I've read there's a few Bee Orchid (varieties?) currently on the hill that they've called Wasp Orchid
There's a group of about half a dozen Ophrys apifera var Trollii (wasp orchid) on the slope at Collard. The Ranger will point them out to you. When I was there last Sunday (26th) they were beginning to go over but there will probably be one or two that are still respectable. My photo shows the extended central lobe, tapering to a point, which is characteristic of this variant. There are some 'normal' Bee Orchids present as well.
Ophrys apifera var Trollii - Collard Hill - 26 June 2011
Ophrys apifera var Trollii - Collard Hill - 26 June 2011
Good luck!

Re: Tremendous weather forecast!

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 4:45 pm
by MikeOxon
Paul Wetton wrote:Tried tempting (with lures) Welsh Clearwing and Large Red Belted Clearwing
When I was at Collard on Sunday (26th), my son brought some Clearwing lures. We had good success with Six-belted Clearwing on the slope near the orchids. I only managed rather blurry in-flight shots but it was interesting to see how several arrived within minutes of setting up the lure and then 'gave up' after a few more minutes.
Collard Hill - 26 June 2011
Collard Hill - 26 June 2011
BeltedCW.jpg (9.85 KiB) Viewed 2889 times

Re: Tremendous weather forecast!

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 5:29 pm
by P.J.Underwood
Can someone tell me-is this a normal Bee Orchid?It was near the triangle at Botany Bay,the first I have ever seen there.

Re: Tremendous weather forecast!

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:06 pm
by MikeOxon
That look likes a 'normal' Bee O to me. Despite being such a striking flower, when seen close up, they can be surprisingly difficult to spot, when amongst long grasses, as they often are.


Re: Tremendous weather forecast!

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 8:11 pm
by P.J.Underwood
Thanks.That explains why I have not managed to find it again-a day later.