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Re: Swallowtails 2011

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 8:36 pm
by Neil Hulme
Hi Steve/all,
Walk past the doctor's garden and onto the sloping wasteland about 100m beyond. Between 11am and 2pm the Swallowtails come off the fen and nectar on the profuse Rough Hawk's-beard here. The flowers of this yellow 'weed' close up by 2pm and the butterflies know this, thereafter hanging out here in much lower numbers on the clover. Any females present will only stick around to take on enough fuel to set themselves up for an afternoon of egg-laying back in the fen.
Good luck, Neil

Re: Swallowtails 2011

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 7:00 pm
by Steve Babbs
I woke up to the sound of howling wind, so decided to put my visit on hold, hopefully they'll still be in good condition in a week and a half - when I'll next have chance to go.

Re: Swallowtails 2011

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 5:49 pm
by Neil Hulme
Hi all,
Swallowtail report (Strumpshaw Fen) at viewtopic.php?f=29&t=4065&start=400

Re: Swallowtails 2011

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 6:50 pm
by Michaeljf
I've also put a brief report with pictures from a visit to Hickling Broad I made on Tuesday / Wednesday this week (24th/25th May). I presume that when the current couple of days of slightly 'naff' weather passes then the Swallowtail numbers will climb again in early June, hopefully, for anyone else visiting.


Swallowtail on Yellow-Flag Iris at Hickling Broad (Wednesday 25th May)

Re: Swallowtails 2011

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 4:31 pm
by selbypaul
Hi all
Visiting Strumpshaw on Friday this week. May have missed it, but could someone give the grid reference of the "Doctor's garden" please.

Re: Swallowtails 2011

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 4:37 pm
by Jack Harrison

Park in the reserve car park, walk out, turn left, left again along the track.


Re: Swallowtails 2011

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 5:21 pm
by selbypaul
Thanks Jack
Much appreciated

Re: Swallowtails 2011

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 4:27 pm
by Liz Goodyear
First encounter was on the 9th May when I had four in the churchyard at Horning including clashing and one nectaring on campion.

Brother was also encountering them in the churchyard during the following week.
Also sightings in his front garden nectaring on valerian - favoured plant this year.

21st fly past in Horning Church - quite windy
22nd disturbed one nectaring on pot plants outside Pleasure boat Inn at Hickling - very windy!
23rd far too windy!!!!
24th 2 seen fly across the Ant north of Barton Turf not so windy
2 flying across Ant just north of How Hill
3 seen around lawns at How Hill - one dropped down onto ground and enabled our friends to take photos. Two americans were buzzed by one and I explained it was a Swallowtail - yes they said we know! I then explained the significance of it being a Norfolk Swallowtail and they were chuffed.

25th one in brother's front garden with pecked/damaged tails again on valerian

Will be back this weekend - moored on Hickling Broad counting boats going around a mark - not sure if the Swallowtails will venture that far out!
Anyone around avoid Horning on the 4th but if you want some fun go and watch Potter Heigham Bridge mid afternoon onwards. Its Horning Sailing Club's Three Rivers Race. Cheer on a boat called Chalkhill Blue no 96 (it is mine but I am not helming or anywhere near it) - my daughter will be on it and if you are wondering why it is called Chalkhill Blue well most of the class are named after butterflies and moths!!!!! Do take photos as well!


Re: Swallowtails 2011

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 4:27 pm
by EricY
Now I have finally found out to post photos, I thought I would add these 2 from our Strumshaw visit on may 13th. The one with the dark green thistle background is different to those we usually see taken on the "sweet williams in the Doctors gdn
underside showing well
underside showing well
dl 13 05 11Sony H50 012 Swallowtail underside.jpg

Re: Swallowtails 2011

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 8:40 pm
by gazillion

I am planning a trip to the Broads for the Swallowtail the weekend of the 18th June. As everything seems early this year, does anyone think this date is a little late and I should get there this weekend?

many thanks!


Re: Swallowtails 2011

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 6:54 am
by Michaeljf

I guess either date will still be OK, presuming the Swallowtails have a similiar emergence, to say, the Marsh Fritillaries here, where essentially they are hatching out at intervals over the space of a month and a half (or several months if you count the first emergence).

Your biggest problem now is the weather. If it's wet or windy and cold you won't see them. If it's sunny and windy you could still have a problem. I don't think the forecast for this weekend is brilliant anywhere, so I'm not sure you'll gain any advantage by going this weekend if the weather forecast is correct (or doesn't change). Warm, sunny and calm is the best weather for them - no suprise there :wink: :shock:

I'm sure a number of the sites have a phoneline you could call before you start out, to check if they are still flying. I would think Hickling Broad has a telephone number, for example.


Re: Swallowtails 2011

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 8:07 am
by jenks
gazillion wrote:Hello,

I am planning a trip to the Broads for the Swallowtail the weekend of the 18th June. As everything seems early this year, does anyone think this date is a little late and I should get there this weekend?

many thanks!

Re your message, and Michael jf`s reply, the following phone numbers might be helpful. Strumpshaw RSPB 01603 715191, Hickling Broad Visitor centre 01692 598276, Norfolk NNR, 01603 625540. Tim at Strumpshaw ( 16.00 7/6/11 ) told me that Swallowtails have been seen up to and including yesterday. Like you I was planning a trip to East Anglia this weekend but the weather might put an end to this. At least birds fly when its wet n windy !.


Re: Swallowtails 2011

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 1:59 pm
by David M
jenks wrote: Like you I was planning a trip to East Anglia this weekend but the weather might put an end to this.
Good move. It's a long way to go for no reward and for once, the west of the country looks like being drier than the east this weekend.

Re: Swallowtails 2011

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2011 6:54 pm
by Liz Goodyear
They are still going strong.
My brother had male and female in his front garden yesterday although the female appeared to reject the male's advances.

Re: Swallowtails 2011

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2011 5:01 pm
by HarassedDad
18-20 were seen at Catfield Fen this morning. They are still going strong it seems - though getting a little tatty.