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Re: May 2011 Competition

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 8:19 am
by Julian
Thanks to those that voted on my Backlit Swallowtail. I don't usually like my own images, so was pleased it got some attention. Not sure what people think of it other than it did receive a good number of votes and the mention that John (Fishiee)and Gary gave, so thanks guys for your appraisal. It was a pretty hard shot to pull off and I wanted to try something different for a change. You try lying on your belly in wet grass with cow pooh, horseflies, mozzies.... ..ah ok, you do that already! In the rain?
My favourites this month were those that included interesting background detail, or brought an unusual element like flight to the picture. So for me, Ronni the Poo's in flight GH although not tack sharp, was worthy, since we all know how darn hard it is to capture flight shots without advanced skills and equipment, and for inclusion of background element, NickB's Swallowtail has to receive some comment. Obviously the butterflies on sticks :shock: were all still there and I won't deny there were three very good ones. It seems however,that the discussion that opened up on previous threads about the subject has not changed too many people's minds yet!

Re: May 2011 Competition

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:22 am
by Susie
Your backlit swallowtail was my favourite image from May's competiton, Julian. I like things which are a bit different from the norm and that was an interesting angle and well executed.

Re: May 2011 Competition

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 10:11 am
by NickB
Yes congratulations to all - the top three were well-executed shots, that anyone would aspire to taking.....
But, I think if all we do is chase that perfect "butterfly on a stick" picture, which we all agree is a very demanding discipline in itself, we are missing something; there is so much more to try to capture and convey than just that. That sort of macro is only scratching the surface....though I have to confess, I like doing it too!
Not sure where the "rule-of-thirds" applies to some macro images, though ..... :wink:

Re: May 2011 Competition

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 11:16 am
by Julian
Thanks Susie for your kind comment. Looking at our resepctive placing, I guess we crossed the line together so we aren't doing too badly!