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Re: UKB 2010 donation to BC

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2010 10:41 am
by Vince Massimo
Just to add my voice to the growing throng. Of course I agree with everything that has been said. Pete and the team take a huge amount of the credit and the members make the site what it is. Without this wonderful resource I would still be getting my butterfly information from such places as magazines in dentists waiting rooms and I'm sure I would not have become a BC member otherwise. My only regret is that I never discovered the site earlier.

I continue to be amazed just how generous members of the site are with their time. Whether this is answering a question posted on the forums, or getting involved with their local Branch, or doing a regular transect, or writing a report, or being on site to show people a rare butterfly, or fundraising, or just preparing a particularly artful April Fool article. Plus all the other things that we never here anything about.

Long may it continue.
