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Re: Hairstreak pupa predation

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 8:39 am
by Dave McCormick
Come on Guy, the pupa can not experience 'bleakness'. or any other human emotion for that matter...
The inventor of the polygraph machine used one of the original and hooked it up to a plant, and he ran some tests on it, like thinking of something sad, then happy etc... he got a reaction from the plant as the machine started moving when he thought of certian things. The theory was of plant perception: ... aranormal) that including other life, plants can feel emotions, so could it be the same for a pupae? Sure it doesn't move, but do we really know everything that happens inside it besides the trasformation to adult?

I remember mythbusters did the same test and they tested the same theory with one of the original polygraph machines and they put one of them in a large metal shipping container with a plant and hooked it up, he looked at the plant and thought of burning it or hurting it in some way and the machine began to spike when he was thinking of this, compared to other thoughts of say watering it or taking good care of it.

They tried it again with him being outside the container and the plant inside to see if any small vibrations could have effected anything, but there was some small noticibilities, but not much (my conclusion his thoughts got blocked by the wall in front of him and the plant).