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Re: Camberwell Beauty Norfolk 28/06/10

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 8:48 am
by Jack Harrison
It did indeed look big, far bigger than say a Peacock. But it was high up in an oak tree so hard to judge.

Tally so far this year is 43 so well in line for 50+. Glanville Fritillary is the only one of those I went for and missed (but I didn't go to the Isle of Wight, - I think I was a few days too early).

I still expect to see: Gatekeeper (yes, not seen yet!), Essex Skipper (I'll be looking later today), Purple Emperor (Friday or Sunday), SW Fritillary (Friday or Sunday), Chalkhill Blue, Grayling, Silver-spotted Skipper, Brown Hairstreak.

Maybe Lulworth Skipper if I make the effort next week to go to Dorset.

Seeing Clouded Yellow would be pot luck. Queen of Spain and Large Tortoiseshell would be even more remarkably luck

Species I've not been to see (or won't be going to see): Chequered Skipper, Northern Brown Argus, High Brown Fritillary, Scotch Argus, Mountain Ringlet, Monarch.


Re: Camberwell Beauty Norfolk 28/06/10

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 5:46 pm
by SteveA
No sign of the Camberwell Beauty today which is a shame as would have been nice for the weekend. The Cranes/Spoonbills are definately Spoonbills and probably part of a flock that is roving up and down the coast, nice addition to the day