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Re: To all concerned

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 8:11 pm
by Vixpix a new member of the UKB site i have to say that i'm surprised and somewhat disappointed by this kind
of behaviour from adults!
We all write comments that may or may not be taken in the right spirit and recieve comments that we may or may not agree with.
But as adults we can also CHOOSE to ignor comments that we find confrontational or abusive and therefore negate the effect of
a member who may wish to stir up bad feeling.
Because all members can read these comments aimed at an individual it must surely mean that the friendly
atmosphere is deminnished for all members and i therefore think it is entirely selfish, inconsiderate and
inappropriate for any member to knowingly post a comment that is likely to stir up bad feeling.
On another site i use, the moderators take responsiblity for keeping the site as a friendly and companionable
place for people to exchange views and ideas. They have no time whatsoever for i'll feeling and the consequenses of
behaviour deemed inappropriate by admin is the immediate removal of that member or members accounts and a life-time
ban from the site.
As you can imagine, this is an extremely effective deterent to unfriendly behaviour and is perhaps something that
UKB admin might consider adding to the terms of use on the site so that the MAJORITY of users can enjoy
their time here without having to witness this kind of behaviour.

Kind regards to all

Re: To all concerned

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 11:25 pm
by Gruditch
Luckily Vic banning is very rare on this forum, and life time bans are almost unheard of.
The post that started this thread on most, if not all other forums is a No No. Disgruntled "I'm leaving because" posts, are banned a deleted by Moderators. Moderators on other forums would certainly not tolerate receiving bad tempered PMs containing personal insults.

But I'm willing to take a bit of stick, and treat the banned button as a last resort. For I know that after a couple of days, in most cases, the individual will calm down and get back to enjoying this forum.

The disgruntled individual in this case is I assure you not even a bad egg, he has been a stalwart of this forum from its very beginning, and the vast majority of his posts most welcome. Its only when in the photography forum does his outspoken views lead complaints from a few forum members.
Please stick with us we're not that bad here. :)

Regards Gruditch