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Re: Pyrenees

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 9:08 pm
by Denise
More pics from my brother.

These Skippers were in the same vicinity as the undecided ones. He thinks, but he's not sure that they are the same ones.
IMG_2857 (Medium).JPG
IMG_2867 (Medium).JPG
He doesn't have an under wing shot of the frit, but other pics look like Knapweed.
He also has this frit. He said that it was very small. Any ideas?
IMG_2979 (Medium).JPG
Thank you

Re: Pyrenees

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 9:37 pm
by Padfield
Hi Denise,

The fritillary is violet fritillary (Clossiana dia) and the second skipper almost certainly malvae/malvoides. I shall have a think about the first tomorrow (I always feel a little disadvantaged at this time of night - I don't know why! :D ).
