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Re: 2010 Photography Workshop

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 9:39 pm
by Neil Hulme
Hi Pete,
It's about time I learned what my aperture's for :shock:. Count me in please. It will also give me a chance to heckle Mr Oates.

Re: 2010 Photography Workshop

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 12:07 am
Oh... just checked and next year the event doesn't clash with the touring cars so I might be able to make it... unless I go to France that week. Could be a month or so before I know about France though so just a maybe for now...

Re: 2010 Photography Workshop

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 6:02 am
by Rogerdodge
I just hapen to know that the weather that week in France will be dire, and the air traffic control people will be on strike, as will the people at the ferry terminals. The farmers will be blockading all the roads, and there will be a general strike involving all bars, restaurants and shops.
No point in going to France that week at all.
Looking forward to meeeting you at the Workshop.

Re: 2010 Photography Workshop

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 11:45 am
by Roger Gibbons
I would have liked to attend, as the first workshop in March 2007 was excellent, but I leave for France around 10 April, so have not been able to make the workshops in 2008 or 2009, and probably the same for 2010.

Fishiee's post prompted a thought: why not hold a "workshop" in France? There would be no shortage of butterflies at the end of April - I have usually seen 50 species by that time. Obviously not a full-scale workshop, but a field trip somewhere in Provence plus a discussion session on photography.

Re: 2010 Photography Workshop

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:49 pm
Provence is where I'll be if I do go then and it does sound a good idea for sure :)

I do meet up with a friend of mine out there who is an awesome butterfly photographer.

LateApril/early May is the best time to be out there. Just depends how some things pan out as to whether I go then or not.

Re: 2010 Photography Workshop

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:58 pm
by Pete Eeles
Roger Gibbons wrote:Fishiee's post prompted a thought: why not hold a "workshop" in France? There would be no shortage of butterflies at the end of April - I have usually seen 50 species by that time. Obviously not a full-scale workshop, but a field trip somewhere in Provence plus a discussion session on photography.
Good idea - if anyone has a private jet that can get 50 people to the south of France and back in a day, then please let me know :lol:

Seriously - I think 2 things are being confused here - a photography workshop and a trip abroad. One of the reasons that the workshop is run early in the year isn't to see any species in particular - it's to learn basic photography skills so that, when the attendees spend their year looking for butterflies (wherever they may be), they're "better-armed"!

Having said that - the latter has also crossed my mind in the past (and been discussed informally with other members). The conclusion was that BC already run a series of field trips through their branches and these are sufficient. As for trips abroad, this is best left to the pros - either organisations or self-organising groups!


- Pete

Re: 2010 Photography Workshop

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 8:15 pm
by Susie
Susie wrote:Would anyone be interested in buying plants/flowers at the meeting? If so, is there any type in particular you would find interesting?
Looks like the plants are off. All the seedlings/cuttings have either been blown over or drowned by this foul weather. :x

Re: 2010 Photography Workshop

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 12:06 pm
by ChrisC
it's only a 20 minute drive from me but i do have a question, as i haven't invested in a camera as yet would it be worth it to attend? is it theory, practice showcase? plus it would be good to put some faces to names.

Re: 2010 Photography Workshop

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 12:16 pm
by Pete Eeles
ChrisC wrote:it's only a 20 minute drive from me but i do have a question, as i haven't invested in a camera as yet would it be worth it to attend? is it theory, practice showcase? plus it would be good to put some faces to names.
Hi Chris,

I think you'd still get a lot out of the day. The general "split" is a discussion of the theory (camera types, lens types, digital processing, technique etc.) and the practice (going out into the field (Danebury Hill, in this case!) to apply what has been discussed.

If nothing else, you'll get good advice on what camera to choose.


- Pete

Re: 2010 Photography Workshop

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 12:23 pm
by ChrisC
Thanks Pete, That's what i was thinking. Count me in in that case. :)


Re: 2010 Photography Workshop

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 9:32 pm
by NickB
Roger Gibbons wrote: Fishiee's post prompted a thought: why not hold a "workshop" in France?
Sorry Roger - it is far enough to go for the day as it is -
- without booking the car ferry and driving for 3 hours -
...though if you are proposing to organise a trip for UKB, I'm sure you may get some takers :mrgreen:

Re: 2010 Photography Workshop

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 8:58 am
by Gruditch
Roger Gibbons wrote:Fishiee's post prompted a thought: why not hold a "workshop" in France?
Poor Roger, still getting flack :lol: , when we met at the AGM the other week. Roger did admit that the suggestion was made in jest. :D

Regards Gruditch

Re: 2010 Photography Workshop

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 9:18 am
I still reckon it isn't a bad idea for the future. I'm a member of an online photography community and they have meets all over the UK and overseas.

I go to France each year and wouldn't mind meeting up with other butterfly photographers while I was out there...

I don't think it would have to be a UK Butterflies endorsed event, more a suggestion of if people fancied meeting up in France. It could be as little as a few hours out from a family holiday in the region...

Re: 2010 Photography Workshop

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 11:21 am
by Roger Gibbons
I should have used a “tongue in cheek” smiley, especially as most of what I put up on UKB Forums is deadpan serious. I mentioned it because I have had five or so UKB members asking me about Provence.

I have built up quite a good knowledge of the region and have found several “hotspots” – last May a senior BC figure came to Provence and we saw 56 species in two days. If anyone from UKB wants to visit the region, I’m happy to show them some good spots.

I’m definitely not proposing to organise a trip, though. I get asked this by commercial tour operators but it’s too much hassle.

Re: 2010 Photography Workshop

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 11:45 am
by Susie
In a couple of years' time I would love to have a butterfly trip to France, I think it's a great idea even if it wasn't a serious suggestion.

Re: 2010 Photography Workshop

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 7:19 am
by Ian Pratt
I am planning to be at the photography workshop on 24 April but wondered if anyone is coming from the Portsmouth or Southampton area and could give me a lift. I live on the Isle of Wight and am trying to be green by not bringing my car over for the day. :?: :)

Re: 2010 Photography Workshop

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 8:32 pm
Hi Ian,

Actually I will be travelling from Havant on the day which is just 15 mins or so East of Portsmouth and will be driving pretty close by on my way. If you still need a lift drop me a PM and we can arrange where to meet (ie where the ferry you come over on will dock as there's a couple of options I believe).


Re: 2010 Photography Workshop

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 2:43 pm
by Susie
The weather for Saturday looks to be superb! Can't wait to see what's flying. :)

Re: 2010 Photography Workshop

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 4:48 pm
by Gruditch
Not a lot, Danebury is usually a week / 10 days behind Magdalene for Grizzleds, and Green Hairstreaks, as of yesterday still no sign. In fact we searched Danebury, Stockbridge Down, and Broughton Down too, and only came up with a single Grizzled Skipper at Broughton. Around here it doesn't look like being a super early year like last year.

Regards Gruditch

Re: 2010 Photography Workshop

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 7:24 pm
by Susie
oh well :(