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Re: Lakeland Mountain Ringlets

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 7:45 am
by sandraandkevin
Hi Vince,

Thank you for your kind comments.

We have still to see Mountain Ringlet, Brown Hairstreak, Silver Spotted Skipper and Wall. I think we have a good chance of seeing the last 3 if we can find a second brood of Wall.

Just need some sunshine and lots of luck.


Sandra and Kevin

ps Is there still a chance of seeing Mountain Ringlet in Scotland and has anyone got an Helicopter we can borrow!!!

Re: Lakeland Mountain Ringlets

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 7:49 am
by Denise
Fantastic photo's Sandra.
I wonder what the off-spring of that coupling will look like :?
Good luck with your quest to see the other species.


Re: Lakeland Mountain Ringlets

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 9:21 am
by Vince Massimo
Hi Sandra and Kevin,

I know a very good site for Silver Spotted Skipper which is just off Junction 8 of the M25, and should therefore be easy for you to reach. I am just off Junction 6 so will be popping down there soon to check how well they are showing. I can post details if you need them. There are also sites on the south coast of Sussex where you can see Wall and Silver Spotted Skipper together, but you need someone like Neil Hulme (Sussex Kipper) to advise you. The best site I have ever found for Wall is Horsey Dunes in Norfolk, which is east of Hickling Broad.

Good luck with your quest.



Re: Lakeland Mountain Ringlets

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 4:00 pm
by sandraandkevin
To Denise,

Thank you for your kind comments on my photos.

I too would like to see what offspring you would get, perhaps it might be a Meadlit or a rindow brown!!!

To Vince,

We normally go to Aston Rowant for Silver Spotted Skipper, Bernwood Forest for Brown Hairstreak and either Durlston or Holme for Wall, thanks for the other site in Norfolk, it is always good to learn of new sites to go.

Our only hope for Mountain Ringlet is Scotland but I think but time is against us as they must soon be at an end.


Re: Lakeland Mountain Ringlets

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 4:44 pm
by Denise
I've just been looking at Scotland BC site, and as far as I can make out, Mountain Ringlet was first seen at Glasdrum Wood on the 23rd June.
There might well be some around up there now, but it only gives first sightings.
I really hope that you manage to 'bag the lot' this year. Good luck
