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Re: 2009 Photography Workshop

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 8:02 pm
by Polly
Susie wrote:I am going to bring along some potted wildflowers and other plants which are good for butterflies to the meeting.
What a great idea Susie :D

A wonderfully positive way to both help butterflies and to boost funds for Butterfly Conservation!
Count me in :)


Re: 2009 Photography Workshop

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 9:15 pm
by Susie
I poach all my good ideas from greater minds (i.e. yours), Polly. :lol:

Re: 2009 Photography Workshop

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 3:12 pm
by Pete Eeles
For those of you following this in the forums ... (I'll be sending a final message to the attendees a week or so before the event, but had some news that I wanted to pass on ASAP).

Gary (Gruditch) has spoken with David Lambert (one of the trustees and senior warden) and the trustees have various policies in place that we need to stick to. Although we are able to visit Bentley Wood, the number of participants involved means that we won't be able to visit the Eastern Clearing (which is a very sensitive site, to say the least). As you will all know, this is where the Pearl-bordered Fritillary is found in the wood. I hope you won't be too disappointed - it will still be a great day!

Also - the event is now FULL and anyone who has yet to book a place will be placed on a reserve list and will only receive confirmation should someone drop out.

Any questions - just ask.


- Pete

Re: 2009 Photography Workshop

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 3:57 pm
by Mikhail
The Pearl-bordered is by no means confined to the Eastern Clearing, so you need not be too disappointed. Just watch out for those ticks!


Re: 2009 Photography Workshop

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 4:47 pm
by Gruditch
There is no sign of any Bugle yet, so even if the PBs are out by the workshop date, they could only number one or two.


Re: 2009 Photography Workshop

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 12:23 pm
by eccles
Isn't dog violet the foodplant? Those are in flower in my locality.

Re: 2009 Photography Workshop

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 12:40 pm
by Pete Eeles
Gary's referring to the primary nectar source used at Bentley Wood.

Yes - Dog-violet is the larval foodplant.


- Pete

Re: 2009 Photography Workshop

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 12:32 pm
by eccles
Thanks both for the info. Does this mean the emergence of PBF is timed to the appearance of the favourite nectar source?

Re: 2009 Photography Workshop

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 6:09 am
by Gruditch
I'm not sure if it's fact based, it was more of an observation on my part really. :) But there is not much else for the PB's to nectar on in the Eastern Clearing, and I have only ever seen them feed on bugle. Mind you nine days is a long time in nature, so the bugle could be well on it's way by now.


Re: 2009 Photography Workshop

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 5:12 am
by Susie
I'm looking forward to seeing you all later this morning. :D

It has just started raining here. :(

Re: 2009 Photography Workshop

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 6:04 am
by Gruditch
Just stopped here :D


Re: 2009 Photography Workshop

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 6:28 pm
by Susie
Thanks for everyone who put in so much hard work to make today's event really good. Hurrah for them for it was splendid! :D

Re: 2009 Photography Workshop

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 6:39 pm
by Denise
I agree Susie. It is so nice to meet new people, and put faces to names.
I thought that the field trip lunch was great, and I got a life tick in the form of Pearl-bordered Fritillary :D
Not the best photo granted, but a record shot.
Copy of IMG_0352 (Small).JPG
Colin C and I found this damselfly/dragonfly
IMG_0349 (Medium).JPG
I would like to thank you Pete and Gary, for organizing another brilliant meeting, and to all the speakers who work hard to make an interesting and enjoyable day.
And not forgetting Susie, thanks so much for the Garlic Mustard. I will endeavor not to kill it this time, and to photograph my new baby tomorrow.


Re: 2009 Photography Workshop

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 7:03 pm
by Pete Eeles
Well - I didn't think we could ever better last year's event - but this was a superb day! I was pretty concerned about the weather, but I guess we got lucky!

A big thanks to:

- Roger Buchanan for his presentation on photography basics (I thought I had nothing to learn - how wrong I was!)
- Roger Harding for his presentation on equipment (awesome presentation - I need a new tripod!!!)
- Maurice Pugh for showing his superb photos and giving us all tips on what to do to get great shots
- David Lambert for giving us some insights into the history and work undertaken in Bentley Wood - I'll look at the wood with a new perspective now (and balancing conservation with commercial reality was an eye-opener!)
- David Newland for really embracing the day and getting "stuck in" with his advice and anecdotes and wonderful presentation
- Along with Roger, Roger, Maurice and David Newland, I'd like to thank Lisa Baker-Richardson (Gwenny), Mike Dimery (eccles) and Robin and Pat Turner for acting as group leaders in the practical.
- Susie Milbank for bringing along a selection of plants - the donations for which will go toward the contribution to BC.
- All those that contributed their photos for critique.
- Everyone for "mucking in" and helping out generally.

And finally, I would like to single out Gary (Gruditch) for sorting out all of the logistics, leading one of the groups, and providing advice that I know was well-appreciated by everyone! It wouldn't have happened without your support - thanks mate.

All in all - I think we all learned one hell of a lot! Here's to 2010!


- Pete

Re: 2009 Photography Workshop

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 9:03 pm
by Susie
Denise wrote: And not forgetting Susie, thanks so much for the Garlic Mustard. I will endeavor not to kill it this time, and to photograph my new baby tomorrow.

You're very welcome. I look forward to reading about your new "baby"'s progress and hope to see you in Sussex soon. :D

My only regret of today was that Polly couldn't be with us. I wish her a speedy recovery and hope she will soon be back in the field again soon.

Re: 2009 Photography Workshop

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 7:41 am
by Polly
Susie wrote: My only regret of today was that Polly couldn't be with us. I wish her a speedy recovery and hope she will soon be back in the field again soon.
Thank you Susie! I'm really sorry that I couldn't come yesterday as I enjoyed last year's event SO much and this year sounds even better! I'm looking forward to next year already.... please put my name down on the list Pete :D

Re: 2009 Photography Workshop

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 8:08 am
by eccles
Thanks also from me. A great day out.

Re: 2009 Photography Workshop

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 9:16 am
by xmilehigh
Same here, thoroughly enjoyed it.

Re: 2009 Photography Workshop

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 5:17 pm
by Bill S
Just have to say that it was a fantastic day, many many thanks to all those involved.

If anyone can remember Roger Buchanan's quick technique for colour balance please could you PM the what he did.

Here are some shots from the Broughton Down trip (Canon 40D, Sigma 150, all F11 moth is 1/60, fly is 1/200 GS is 1/400, all -1/3 EV,400ISO, hand held, well shoulder tripod)

Thanks again all those involved, a great day


Re: 2009 Photography Workshop

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 6:18 pm
by Pete Eeles
Bill S wrote:If anyone can remember Roger Buchanan's quick technique for colour balance please could you PM the what he did.
I've just emailed Roger to ask for a written explanation - which I'll post once I receive it. I don't believe Roger covered this due to lack of time.


- Pete