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Re: October 2008 votes

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 8:27 pm
by Pete Eeles
Yep - much better :)


- Pete

Re: October 2008 votes

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 9:13 pm
by Shirley Roulston
Beautiful Denise.

Re: October 2008 votes

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 9:42 am
by NickB
Thanks Pete!
Once again Pete shows his skills in critique (as well as with his camera!) :D

"Looks like the light is on the wrong side of the butterfly....."
Thanks due to Nikon for their Active D-Lighting (helps to compensate and bring out more of the shadow) when you are faced with high-contrast shots!

"I'm undecided if I like photos in a square frame "
As regards to the "Square" format, so am I! I'm afraid that I don't pay too much attention to the actual shape and size of the final crop - what seems to fit and looks right, in terms of what the image allows me to crop to (removing those elements that are distracting without Photoshopping) is what you get! Does anyone else feel strongly about the shape of the final image? I am curious to know...

As an aside, I went to London last week and saw some very nice metallic paper at a printing house down there; Expensive, Yes, but a Common Blue or Adonis would look superb for those thinking of exhibiting or just getting some prints for home! I also saw some nice non-reflective glass to put in front, which really improves the presentation too...

Re: October 2008 votes

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 10:25 am
by Hamearis
From Shirley
[quote]I mentioned it to Gary but nothing happened, I did suggest someone. An expert in photography but doesn't enter in the competitions, the perfect choice.[/quote]
From Gary
[quote]Phew, well done Pete, I don't think the world was ready for a critique by Hamearis, I think the word " crap " could get a lot of use. [/quote]
Ta for the sugeston Shirley.
I dont enter cus im not good enouhg.

Re: October 2008 votes

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 5:43 pm
by Susie
Pete Eeles wrote:Susie
Lots of good elements here - and I especially like the colours that the flowers add. What put me off though is that this critter looks crippled to me - since butterflies pump up and dry their wings with them held vertically down.
Thank you for the critique, Pete. :D I always enjoy reading the analysis of the competition photos and hopefully learn something from it too.

You are too kind, the focus was shaky and the colours blown in my pic, just for a start :lol: but it is a happy memory of a wonderful day watching butterflies.

Just cos some of you might find this interesting I will start a thread with some of the pics from when I first found him, he wasn't crippled although he went through some experiences before he flew which might be why he was the wrong way around :lol:

You can see it here ... =16&t=2870

Re: October 2008 votes

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 6:22 pm
by Neil Hulme
Hi Susie,
The last image in your sequence looks rather good to me. How about letting us see a larger version? Perhaps with a bit more space to the left and below the butterfly, and without cropping the petal tips to the right.

Re: October 2008 votes

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 7:33 pm
by Susie
Sorry, Neil, no can do as that last photo isn't cropped.

Re: October 2008 votes

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 10:00 am
by Deano
Hi Pete
Thanks for your critique comments on my Speckled Wood photo - and congratulations again on your lovely Brimstone shot!

Re: October 2008 votes

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 3:52 pm
by Dave McCormick
Thanks Pete for the comment on the holly blue. I was trying to be different this time and I guess it was very different. Thats what I like getting, the unusual shots as well as the normal good shots.

Re: October 2008 votes

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 7:51 pm
by Sylvia Godfrey
Sylvia Godfrey
Nice head-on shot of a Small Skipper, and you've done well to get the proboscis in focus. The fly is a bit annoying but the composition is very good with a nice balance of the butterfly and the flowerhead.
Thanls for your comments, Pete, and congratulations on your winning picture - it got my vote :) The standards seem to get higher and higher which is good news, I'm still debating whether I have anything worthy to enter into the December competition!!!

As others have already said it is always appreciated to receive feedback on the photo's submitted. I look at all the submissions and read the critiques too, its really helpful. The time and effort put in by those writing the critiques does not go unnoticed and is valued. I know what I like when I see a photograph but that doesn't, necessarily, make it a good shot for others. Like alot of art, I suppose, (and I do consider photography an art - one of the reasons I took it up was because I couldn't draw to save my life!!) sometimes its in the eye of the beholder?!?!?!?

Thanks again,
