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Re: July 2008 Votes

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 4:48 pm
by Gruditch
Why should I give a Monkey's, a Nickon and a Sony owner bickering, go on fight too the death. :lol:


Re: July 2008 Votes

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 6:13 pm
by NickB
Nothing posted here is actually taken personally, I can assure you!
Indeed, us non-Canonista's get along just fine! :D

Re: July 2008 Votes

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 6:54 pm
by eccles
Don't worry Nick. No offence intended nor taken.
As for the Canonista, I think they are to be commended for their often very good photos, despite having such difficult tools with which to take them such as not having in-body image stabilisation :shock:

Re: July 2008 Votes

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 7:39 pm
by Dave McCormick
Thanks guys for comments, I thought that the thistle being in way of whole butterfly was going to let the shot down, but at the time, it was the only shot I could get of the subject.I can't actually remember who I voted for though

Re: July 2008 Votes

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 7:42 pm
by NickB
Dave McCormick wrote:Thanks guys for comments, ...., but at the time, it was the only shot I could get of the subject.
Yes - the b*****s just won't keep a pose for you. will they? :P

Re: July 2008 Votes

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 10:05 pm
by eccles
Yeah. I guess the people that turn in photo after photo of well shot sharp images are just incredibly lucky aren't they?
Well, no they aren't. To put it bluntly, they work at it. They're bloody bonkers half the time, getting up at dawn just to shoot an image of a butterfly with dew on it, or just sitting around for two hours in the vain hope that that brown hairstreak just might come down from the master tree.
The harder it takes, the better it is when you get it. You're getting there Dave, keep at it. :)

Re: July 2008 Votes

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 10:18 pm
by Pete Eeles
I couldn't agree more with eccles. It's taken me literally years to get half-decent shots of most species, with very early starts in some cases (the record is 3am).

I prefer to make my own "luck" :)


- Pete

Re: July 2008 Votes

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 3:18 pm
Just returned from Switzerland to see I am the winner :)

All 3 of the images I voted for only recieved 3-4 votes this month so I guess there are so many good shots in these comps now that even a great shot can get a low score. That or it was very late when I voted and my eyesight was going!

Thanks to all for the votes and the critique on all the images is great. I'll have a good read of that when I'm back home. I also had internet die in a thunderstorm just before I went which I fixed last night!

I understand the comment about the large size. I am used to re-sizing images to max 1000 pixels on the longest side for another site and so use that rule for here as well usually. I run 1600 x 1200 at home so it's viewable for me no problem. Do you guys not get scroll bars at lower resolutions?

I'll stick to the 800 pix max for the next comp. Hope I'm not too late for that one! Need to suss out the new procedures!

Thanks all once again.


Re: July 2008 Votes

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 3:19 pm
by eccles
I get scroll bars with some entries but not all, including yours. My monitor will handle 1280 x 1024 but that wasn't enough for your entry for some reason. :?

Re: July 2008 Votes

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 3:21 pm
by Pete Eeles
I get scroll bars if I resize the browser window, which is the same effect as a lower-resolution. Anyway, the new mechanism should hopefully fix all this.


- Pete

Re: July 2008 Votes

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 4:15 pm
by Gruditch
So Fishiee, as your the July winner, will you be up for doing the August critique :D


Re: July 2008 Votes

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 11:06 pm
Yup I'm up for it despite managing to miss the entry deadline myself!