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Re: Net Rage

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 8:26 am
by Annie
Antonym wrote:What a gentlemanly and ladylike group we aurelians must be
either that or we're too afraid of each other to kick off... :twisted:

Re: Net Rage

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 8:50 am
by Jack Harrison
I heard a rumour that Sussex Kopper (name disguised to avoid potential libel action) is a CLOSET COLLECTOR who uses some unspeakable substance to attract Ringlets to add to his series that is said to total over ONE THOUSAND IDENTICAL SPECIMENS.

CCTV footage taken at Northwater Woods (locality disguised to prevent vandalisation of the CCTV cameras) would seem to show a shady looking balding character wielding a NET who looks remarkably like the Kopper's partner-in-crime Matthew Wheats.


Re: Net Rage

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 9:08 am
by Annie
I'm wracking my brains trying to figure out who those fellows are... :?:

Re: Net Rage

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 12:52 pm
by Neil Hulme
We wuz only 'dogging' yer honour! :cry:

Re: Net Rage

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 12:58 pm
by Susie
Sussex Kipper wrote:We wuz only 'dogging' yer honour! :cry:
Don't expect the fact that you were dogging with His Honour to save you. We all know what a shady bunch the legal profession is. :lol:

Ah, there should have been a comma there?

Re: Net Rage

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 6:37 pm
by Danny
I removed myself from UK Leps mailing list because I recieved complaints from the main woman who said my posts were too salacious (I mentioned jokingly that Reals wood white was more endowed that the regular version) I was also told that my mentioning that I saw a Red Admiral on Oct 9th in Hove Centre heading South and it was John Lennon's birthday (I'm a Beatle nut) was inappropriate. So I left. Still kinda seething about the UK Leps lot even now. A mailing list without a sense of humour obviously.

Thinking about I still don't know which Wood white is the more well endowed!


Re: Net Rage

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 6:56 pm
by Jack Harrison
Danny wrote:
I removed myself from UK Leps mailing list because I received complaints ......Still kinda seething about the UK Leps lot even now. A mailing list without a sense of humour obviously.
It sounds as if nothing has changed since I left (or more correctly was made to leave) about a year ago.

I always think of mailing lists and groups like this one as simply a modern form of "conversation". Normal conversation occasionally drifts away from the original subject, but usually returns quickly enough. So mentioning that it happens to be John Lennon's birthday, while irrelevant, is a typical example of the way that real conversations develop. But of course, on many groups, some self-appointed policeman will indignantly say "off-topic". Ukbutteflies occasionally has threads that drift, but that adds colour to the chat. It's a far better reflection of real life.

I'm quite glad I got thrown out of that other group. This one is fun and full of (occasionally) irrelevant (even irreverent) humour. I love it.


Re: Net Rage

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 7:20 pm
by Susie
Danny wrote: Thinking about I still don't know which Wood white is the more well endowed!

I could answer that but I don't want to get banned! :lol:

Re: Net Rage

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 7:29 pm
by Pete Eeles
Danny wrote:Thinking about I still don't know which Wood white is the more well endowed!
I was once told, by an Irishman, that Real's Wood White is known, colloquially, as the "Big-willied White". Since that is a quote, I won't ban myself :D


- Pete

Re: Net Rage

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 9:19 am
by Annie
I've no time for forums that don't allow at least a little bit of banter - and it's that banter that makes me more comfortable when meeting the other posters in "real life" - it says to me "hey, despite having an encyclopedic knowledge of butterflies and some really expensive cameras, you're all human after all" :lol:

The other forum I'm on is 90% drivel (mainly kittens, badgers, deviant practices, links to funny stories in The Metro and "what are you listening to/eating/doing at the weekend threads - I will admit being responsible for a good percentage of this) and 10% related to the band it was set up and is still run by. In fact it's unusual if a thread hasn't gone off-topic by the third post... The main problem has occured since we found a way to get round the sweary-words filter...

Re: Net Rage

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 10:48 am
by Danny
I dunno if the UK Leps mailing list still exists but at the time it was *the* place to find out what was/is flying and where, I think this place was in it's infancy (and hats off to Pete for creating the best butterflying discussion board in the universe ever :-)) so I was quite put out when I was sort of forced to go. Now of course I don't care, since this site is vastly superior and seems to be inhabited with people with a sense of humour.

(Still...... nobody has responded to my question of two years ago about the nearest place in Northern France to see non - UK butterflies!..but then I still love you.)

I mean I don't think of myself as some kind of weird sexual deviant, I'm a 45 year teacher with a seven year old daughter that enjoys spotting butterflies!!! There must have some bloody dull people inhabiting the mailing list if they got upset about me mentioning John Lennon's birthday among my Red Admiral flying south post. I can feel my seething coming through even now as I type!

I'm curious about Jack being forced to leave that mailing list...what happened Jack? Were you not scientific enough?


Re: Net Rage

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 10:50 am
by Annie
Danny wrote:There must have some bloody dull people inhabiting the mailing list if they got upset about me mentioning John Lennon's birthday
either dull or Rolling Stones fans :lol:

as for getting told off for talking about Reals' wotsits, well, it's only discussing the physiological characteristics of a species! If they think that's salacious, they've obviously never had a proper look round the interweb!

Re: Net Rage

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 12:36 pm
by Cotswold Cockney
I first met Jack H well over thirty years ago. Nice to see you've not lost your SOH Jack ...:lol: You rascal....;)

More seriously, regarding Net Rage..

I possess several butterfly nets ~ including a kite net purchased as a schoolboy back in the mid-1950s ~ Steam formed Bamboo canes with Brass Connectors ~ stuff was made to last then unlike throwaway nowadays. Yes, I have experienced net rage both here in the former green and pleasant as well as abroad. Mind you, not used one for many years ~ glad I kept it though as it proved very useful back in the mid-1990s when I last used it.

How else would I have known what that weak flying butterfly passing through my front garden was back then ~ it could have been a smaller example of the Green Veined White, an undersized Small White or even a female Orange Tip. It was none of those and was what I thought it may be ~ it was a Wood White ~ To this day I'd have never been certain what it was had I not intercepted it with the net.

By the way, I'm both a Stones and Beetles music fan.... and why not ...To my old minces the Common Blue is just as beatiful as the Adonis. I frequent several enthusiasts' web sites ~ as I have a wide range of interests. I find going off topic on a 'tangerine' sometimes interesting ~ it's quite possible to do that in many ways. For instance, I do not remember the exact day I saw that female Brimstone entering my open greenhouse and laid on a potted Alder Buckthorn I had in there ~ it was the day Nigel Mansell was dicing with Ayrton Senna for the lead in the Monaco Grand Prix that could pin point the date that way ..:).... there, gorn off at another tangerine ..;)


Re: Net Rage

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 2:58 pm
by Susie
I like tangerines, very tasty.

Neil showed me his Purple Emperor today in the woods. It was on a sap run. It is true, other people saw it too and even took photographs!! He said he wanted me to mention what I saw on here. :lol:

Re: Net Rage

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 3:00 pm
by Jack Harrison
Are you really a Camberwell Beauty then Rosy?


Re: Net Rage

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 3:09 pm
by Susie
Have you never seen a Rosy Rustic, Jack? It is a drab brown, dull, rather nondescript moth. :lol:

Re: Net Rage

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 8:00 pm
by NickB
What a sad bunch of *******!

Seems to prove the Groucho Marx approach to clubs - wouldn't want to be a member of a club that would have me as a member anyway!

Has to be :mrgreen: to the lot of you - tree-hugging, vegetarian lady-boys!!

PS Am I banned yet!?? :twisted:

Re: Net Rage

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 9:28 pm
by Susie
Who are you calling a vegetarian! I'll beat you with a bacon bagette, you cheeky bark.

Re: Net Rage

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 9:49 pm
by NickB
Rosy Rustic wrote:... I'll beat you with a bacon bagette, you cheeky bark.
NOW you're talking!!! Yes please!

Re: Net Rage

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 9:59 pm
by Susie
You'd be so lucky. 8)