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Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 7:37 pm
by bailey1409
Hi all

Put me down for these, please

Maurice Pugh

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 8:38 am
by Gruditch
This is starting to look good now :). Just one idea, to set the feel in the hall we hire, if Mike Young brings along those display boards, could we all contribute a few pics and make up a exhibition around the room :?:

As Im a key holder of my village hall I could get this hall real cheap, but I think that I'm not central enough down here.



Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 8:49 am
by Mike Young

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 9:02 am
by Mike Young
No probs, the display boards are available any time, whether we use my venue or not.
They are second hand but in good order free standing , green cloth with alloy frames, can be pinned or velcro can be stuck to them, I am in the process of aquiring some other display boards of a similiar style but heavier duty, will be checking those out on Sunday, so there'll be plenty of show space if needed. :)

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 9:32 am
by Gruditch
Mike, you can Put Brian Phipps name down.


Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 11:05 am
by eccles
Another possible from me, depends on the date chosen. Weekends are usually ok. That's Mike Dimery (eccles). Hopefully I might be able to car-share with Denise and/or anyone else from the Bristol region?

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 8:43 am
by Mike Young
As usual with these sorts of thread, they often become long and unwieldy due to "chat" so heres a list of those possibly interested so far,

Pete Eeles.
Robin Turner
Pat Turner
Martin (V6GTO)
Bryan H
Gary (Gruditch)
Lisa (Gwynhyfer)
Roger Gibbons
Paul Kipling
Mike Young
Sharon Young
Roger Dodge
Maurice Pugh (Bailey 1409)
Brian Phipps
Mike Dimery (Eccles)

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 9:38 am
by Denise
eccles wrote:Another possible from me, depends on the date chosen. Weekends are usually ok. That's Mike Dimery (eccles). Hopefully I might be able to car-share with Denise and/or anyone else from the Bristol region?
That would be great Mike. :)


Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2007 11:52 am
by Pete Eeles
I'm sitting here with Roger Buchanan, chairman of the Hants and Isle of Wight BC branch, and he's also keen to attend. So the list is now:

Pete Eeles.
Robin Turner
Pat Turner
Martin (V6GTO)
Bryan H
Gary (Gruditch)
Lisa (Gwynhyfer)
Roger Gibbons
Paul Kipling
Mike Young
Sharon Young
Roger Dodge
Maurice Pugh (Bailey 1409)
Brian Phipps
Mike Dimery (Eccles)
Roger Buchanan


- Pete

Photography and Chalkhill Blue larvae search

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 2:47 pm
by Geoff Jones
I'd be pleased to support both of these activities - particularly the workshop/s based around close-up photography where my skills are considerably limited!

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 9:49 pm
by Mike Young
Updated list. :)

Pete Eeles.
Robin Turner
Pat Turner
Martin (V6GTO)
Bryan H
Gary (Gruditch)
Lisa (Gwynhyfer)
Roger Gibbons
Paul Kipling
Mike Young
Sharon Young
Roger Dodge
Maurice Pugh (Bailey 1409)
Brian Phipps
Mike Dimery (Eccles)
Roger Buchanan
Geoff Jones.

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 9:59 pm
by Pete Eeles
Thanks Mike.

A few things I'd like to discuss in this thread:

1. What do we think the maximum number of attendees is?

2. When should the event be run? If it's in the vicinity of Alice Holt Forest, then perhaps we could pop there for some of the "practical" work. This would need semi-decent weather I would imagine!

3. I'd like to run this in association with Hampshire BC, so that we can show how we're supporting BC. Assuming it's run "down south" :)

4. I'd like us to think about creating materials (presentations etc.) that can be reused - we may want to do this a couple of times a year.

5. We need to start thinking about a format for the day so that we can then divvy up the work and identify presenters. I know we have some qualified people in the list!



- Pete

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 7:14 pm
by Martin
Pete Eeles wrote:Thanks Mike.

A few things I'd like to discuss in this thread:

1. What do we think the maximum number of attendees is?

2. When should the event be run? If it's in the vicinity of Alice Holt Forest, then perhaps we could pop there for some of the "practical" work. This would need semi-decent weather I would imagine!

3. I'd like to run this in association with Hampshire BC, so that we can show how we're supporting BC. Assuming it's run "down south" :)

4. I'd like us to think about creating materials (presentations etc.) that can be reused - we may want to do this a couple of times a year.

5. We need to start thinking about a format for the day so that we can then divvy up the work and identify presenters. I know we have some qualified people in the list!



- Pete
All great questions, Pete, but there's a much more important one...which pub are we going to?


Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 8:57 pm
by Bryan H

1. About 30 is my feel on this.

2. My understanding when I saw this thread was a macro photography workshop to give us something inspiring in these winter months. In this case I would have suggested January or February (get Christmas out the way), but when you speak of practical work in Alice Holt Forest, perhaps I misunderstood?

3. Very commendable. I'm an 'ampsheeer 'og by birth!

4/5. Ah!...the nitty-gritty! My interest in the event is from the perspective of a relative novice welcoming the opportunity to learn from some of the 'notables' on our list so far. That may sound like a cop-out, but if it came to a presentation, I put myself up to compose a poem in honour of the event! :)

In the hope of inspiring/committing some of our notables, for my part I would be intersted in a presentation/demonstration on the use of a tripod in butterfly photography as this is something I would like to experiment with. I would also like to learn more about the use of flash in macro photography.

Come on the rest of you!


Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 9:14 pm
by Pete Eeles
Thanks Bryan,

I think we can do some practical work whatever the weather and at any time of the year :)

In terms of topics, which I haven't thought too hard about, I'd suggest items such as:

- Photography basics (parameters such as shutter speed, aperture, depth of field etc., different types of camera etc.)
- Tradeoffs (film v digital, tripod v handheld, flash v natural light etc.)
- Macro photography (specifics to consider, equipment)
- Digital photography (my assumption here is that most attendees will be using digital ... different types of digital camera, setting up the camera, RAW v JPEG, the "digital darkroom" [post-processing] including image manipulation)
- Composition

Please chip in all!


- Pete

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 11:18 pm
by Mike Young
Bit busy at the moment, will chip in shortly :)

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 4:18 pm
by Chris
Pete Eeles wrote: 4. I'd like us to think about creating materials (presentations etc.) that can be reused - we may want to do this a couple of times a year.
Assuming we'll have use of a digital projector and a laptop (and if not, I can provide these), I'm happy to work with the content providers to produce some good reusable presentations. If you were thinking more acetates on an old OHP; that's a bit before my time, I'm afraid!!

Regards the content itself, I think the list you suggested is fairly complete. Something I'd find interesting would be for everybody to bring a picture they were very happy with and talk about how they achieved it. Then, in a brave move... we all discuss how in our opinions it could be improved (technique, composition, lighting, etc). It would be a good opportunity to apply everything we've all learnt from the day, and learn a little bit more!!

Kind regards,


Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 4:21 pm
by Pete Eeles
Thanks Chris - nice suggestion!

Yes - the plan was to use laptop and digital projector.


- Pete

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 7:41 pm
by George
Been following this thread with great interest - think it is a great idea. I assume from the sounds of the organisation and the enthusiasm that is going into it that this will be a resounding success. Would you then be thinking of doing a similar thing "up north"!!

I would be happy to help in any way if that was the case.

My main interest would be in the conservation area where I have long been very concerned about the vanishing habitats of our lepidoptera population.


Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 8:08 pm
by Pete Eeles
Hi George,

The intention (well, mine anyway!) is to create some reusable material that can be re-presented as-and-when. So, "yes", I'd anticipate a meeting "up north", in conjunction with one of the "northern" BC branches, at some point.

The point here is that I believe that the massive interest in (primarily) digital wildlife photography is a superb way of raising awareness and opening peoples' eyes to the natural world around us - to the point that they care more than they might currently do - resulting in, for example, retention of habitat that might otherwise be destroyed.

So I think, given your interest, it would be absolutely valid (given the attendees) to debate how our love of photography can contribute to our love of butterflies (and wildlife in general) and therefore conservation. Another topic for the list!


- Pete