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Re: Clouded Yellows emerging in Kent now!

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2020 5:20 pm
by Allan.W.
Thought i,d add my two Helice ,that appeared recently at a small local site ,i found the first ,along with 5 "standard "
Cloudies ,on the 9th Sept ,and visited the sight a couple more times over the next few days, seeing Cloudies ,generally two or three per visit .
I went back on the 19th and found what i thought was probably the same individual almost as soon as i entered the site ,but on looking at my
images ,I see that they two different insects .......................... seen a few in the past but these two ,were the first ,that i managed a picture
Well pleased !! Regards Allan.W.
ps; The pink hindwing spots were the giveaway !

Re: Clouded Yellows emerging in Kent now!

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2020 11:29 am
by Testudo Man
Some great looking females there Allan, well done.

Ive since visited my CY site a couple of times, an im still finding different individuals.
The last time was on the 29/9/20, 4 seen, 2 fresh and 2 worn.
Location - Kent. Images have not been cropped, cheers Paul.

I let another male find this CY for me!!...I didnt see this one perched on this yellow leaf, until the other male came along, an flew right into it!

This one was perched up high on a bramble bush, so made for a good shot.
All 3 of these have different markings, they all look fresh to me, all appear to be males, an found on 2 visits.