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Re: Wurzel

Post by trevor »

HI Wurzel,
Lovely selection of Spring species, as for the weather, lets hope it behaves for HIM !.

All the best,

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Wurzel, Glad you finally got your Dukes, I'll look forward to seeing them :D Great photos now too, I envy your Grizzled Skipper :mrgreen: wish we had them round here, I'm off to Suffolk for week, in a weeks time, don't suppose they have them there :?:

That means I've just a week to sort some thing out with the Pearls but by the looks of the weather forecast we're in for some rough weather up here :( Goldie :)

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Neil Freeman »

Hi Wurzel,

Great reports and photos again :D love the Green Hairstreak photos and I agree with Dave and David, that Green Carpet is a cracking moth.



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Re: Wurzel

Post by Willrow »

Having done a bit of catch-up on your PD, I'm very impressed with the species range covered and the images - nice stuff Wurz :wink:


Bill :D

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers David and Dave :D They acted very like the Wiltshire Greenstreaks ie bombing across the tops of the grass and then diving down into cover - this could be why I struggled to see Greenstreaks for so long - in Wiltshire they don't behave at all like the books say :shock: :?
Cheers Trevor :D Indeed!
Cheers Goldie :D Just go for the Pearls I would, I've seen them in rain and temps hovering at 10 degrees, Bon Chances! :D
Cheers Neil :D It's always nice to get a lifer :D
Cheers Bill :D I do like to try and get out and about - but that's being hampered somewhat this year by renovating my house :?

Tutor Time Again 11-05-2015

The day started really well for me. Over the last couple of years I’ve built quite a tally of sightings from Larkhill with Small Blue, Green Hairstreak, Grizzled Skippers etc. However I’ve never seen a Dingy on site...until this morning. I’d wandered aimlessly down the Eastbound path and on the trip down I didn’t see a single butterfly. I was just bemoaning the dearth of butterflies when a little greyish blur shot across the path as I carried on back. Along with a couple of Grizzlies this really made my morning!
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Once K was in the tutor room and the mats had been checked for Slow Worms I hopped over the fence and was away up the Downs. My initial plan was to ignore everything else on the way and set course for Cokey Down which at a good ace I should have reached in 15 minutes and then I’d have 30 minutes mooching around. As it happened I’d not even got through at Laverstock Down before I was distracted. In amongst the shrubs and bushes to the right were a Peacock, Small Tortoiseshell and a selection of whites. The Small Tort was looking very aged but it was nice to see them hanging on in there.
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I then worked my way back towards the gate and headed left. Making good time I could still have 25 mins or so at Cokey Down. Once again though the butterflies conspired against me. Whites fluttered along the hedgerows on both sides and I was able to make out a Green-veined White amongst the cabbages whilst lemon and lime Brimstones interfered with a male Orange-tip on patrol still – you’d have thought he’d have found what he was looking for by now! While I was enjoying the whites something brown and dingy looking hove into view and it turned out to be my first Mother Shipton of the year. Then a blue landed in the grass. I thought at first it was going to be my first Common blue but it was actually a knackered Holly Blue.
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“Right” I thought “better get back to the plan” and so despite Mother Shipton tempting me I set off firm of purpose. Once more I didn’t get very far when at the base of the hill my attention was caught by a speeding silver bullet – a wonderously fresh Brown Argus. The margins were clean and intact, the chocolate almost black an oily sheen over the surface contrasting with the blazing orange. I was riveted and spellbound as time ticked inevitably onwards.
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Having had the spell broken by a particularly large fly which disturbed the Brown Argus I checked the time. Possibly just enough to route march there and spend 15 minutes or so getting a feel for the site. So up the other side of the Down I headed...
This time I managed only about 20 paces up the hill before my progress was once more hindered. This time by a couple of Dingies, Grizzlies and 5 orange explosions – my first Small Heaths of the year. They were difficult to keep track of as even the most cautious approach led to them erupting from the grass. Luckily a few clouds passed over so they started staying put rightly more.
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Happy that I might have at least a couple of shots bagged I checked my watch. Too late - all I had time for now was a quick stop off to see if I could relocate the Brown Argus and then retracing my steps back to the tutor. I did find the BA hanging like a wind deprived white flag. When I got in really close I could see that it was very lightly marked with some spots missing almost entirely.
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When I made it back to the tutor I had a few free moments to contemplating the visit and with the image of the fresh BA and my first Small Heath still tingling on my retina I really didn’t mind that they’d mucked up all my well laid plans.

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by trevor »

HI Wurzel,
Your Small Heath is showing a little of it's orange upperside,the first time i've seen this on a
settled specimen.

Nice shot,

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Re: Wurzel

Post by kevling »

Hi Wurzel,

Nice sharp images of the Brown Argus and the Small Heath is great too. I saw my first heath of the year but couldn't get within two feet of it before it fluttered away. To get an image like that is good going.

Regards Kev

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Goldie M
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Re: Wurzel

Post by Goldie M »

Just catching up Wurzel on the postings, great shots of the Brown Argus, I went to Gaits B looking for the Pearl BF, no luck, if their late I may catch them yet, glad you got your first Small Heath Goldie :D

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Willrow »

House renovations or not Wurz, your postings are still of the same high standard :wink:


Bill :D

"When in doubt - venture out"

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Maximus »

You've obviously got your work cut out with the house renovation Wurzel :( but you're still doing O.K. :wink: :D


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Re: Wurzel

Post by millerd »

Lovely images as usual, Wurzel. :) It's a shame you haven't been able to get out as much recently. :(

Just looking at that last BA underside, it struck me as very blue close to and on the body - could it possibly be a Common Blue rather than the butterfly you saw earlier? With it so sparsely spotted, you can't see the "colon" mark that would give away Brown Argus, and there is just a hint of a spot where one would be if it were a Common Blue instead. Just wondering... having made the same mistake both ways several times in the past! :)


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Trevor :D They do rub their wings together sometimes and then they don't quite close properly, if you're really lucky you might catch tehm using Sorts Mode on your camera :D
Cheers Kevling :D It was down to luck and also a very quick drop to the knees...for which I'm still suffering somewhat now :?
Cheers Goldlie :D Have a great holiday :D
Cheers Willrow :D I do seem to be getting further and furtehr behind :?
Cheers Mike :D The Lime Plaster is now on all the walls...next up floorboards :roll:
It could well be Dave - I think I'll pass it over to the experts - I just assumed that as it was in the same locale as the BA that's what it was...and there was me thinking I had CB and BA ID down :roll:

What a Day! 13-05-2015

It actually started off pretty depressingly I strolled almost the full length (well the full length of my walk) of the Eastbound path at Larkhill with not a single sighting of a butterfly. So I turned round and trudged back disconsolately – grumbling and mumbling under my breath as I did so. Back at the car I checked my watch and realised I was cutting it a bit fine so I was about to jump in and put pedal to the metal when something caught my eye on the opposite side of the car park. There was something darkish amongst the greenery so I cautiously approached and then I realised it was a Painted Lady in much better nick than my first of the year from Bentley Wood. Eventually by imaging the angry look on my boss’s face I tore myself away and zoomed off to work.
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As the day wore on I kept checking BBC Weather and looking longingly out of the window, it looked like it would be a lush day...I plucked up the courage and phoned my wife enquiring as to the possibility of making a quick visit on the way home? To my surprise she agreed so after work I headed straight off. After the lack of success at my Duke site I decided to try a different tack – so Marshie site it was!
As I ran up the hillside I wondered how many would have emerged as the most recent report mentioned only 20 or so? Almost as soon as I broke through the trees I spied one, jinky flight and orangey red in colour. It didn’t hang around for long and so I made my way through the hollow (minus Small Blues) and then up to the side of the Down proper. It was here and in the sun that it started to kick off with Greenstreaks, Small Heaths, Grizzlies, Dingies and Marshies seemingly by the bucket load.
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Once I’d spent some time on the lower slopes and in the ‘amphitheatre’ I set out to the further reaches hoping for a Wall Brown. Again all the usual early spring specialities were present with the addition of various moths, a Brown Argus or three and a solitary Peacock. Once down in the bottom and along the path I was surprised by how overgrown the chalk ‘mini’ cliff faces had become but settled in amongst the vegetation in one of the bare spots was a Wall. Unfortunately it took off before I could get a shot off and try as I might I couldn’t relocate it but figured that perhaps I’d used up all my Wall luck over previous visits/years.
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Having worked along the bottom path back towards the amphitheatre I then took to traversing the side of the down, clambering up the terraces and trying to sneak up on the Marshies and Small Heaths. The Heaths seem to be having a good year with more than I can recall from previous years. Finding the Marshies actually proved to be hard work despite there being so many of them as I would see one basking, start to approach stealthily and 4 or 5 would erupt from close to my footfall, spooking the one I was stalking! In the end I took to crouching low and then popping up over the terrace, taking a few shots before the Marshies had realised what was happening!
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In the end as the sun lowered and the light turned ever more golden I managed to tear myself away. To bid me farewell a male Orange-tip and Large White put on a brief show over the cow parsley and then I set off. I managed to arrive home half an hour earlier than expected...always pays to bank a few Brownie points this early in the season. :wink:
Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by bugboy »

I'm a very happy customer Wurzel :D, it's a magical site! We popped into Warminster and found a nice country pub, forget its name but the food was delicious!

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Re: Wurzel

Post by NickMorgan »

Wow, look at all of those exotic creatures! The weather has been so cold and windy for the last six weeks that we are struggling to get many records. Hopefully things will change in the next few days.

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Wurzel, glad your getting more Butterfly shots, great, as always :D
Three days of wind and rain here, at least the forecast is better mid week, we're ready for off now, hope the weather keeps up and I can get some decent shots Goldie :D

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Paul Harfield »

Hi Wurzel

Loving your Marsh Fritillaries especially the longer range one :D Your Painted Lady is also a dazzler, hopefully there are a few more on their way :wink:

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Re: Wurzel

Post by trevor »

HI Wurzel,
Lovely shots from C.H., you had better luck with the weather than i did .
As for the quiet times, i reckon things will kick off in about 20+ days, for the summer spectaculars.

Bring it on !!. :D

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

No worries Bugboy :D
Cheers Nick :D Hopefully the summer roper will arrive soon :?
Cheers Goldie :D Get a Swallowtail for me :wink:
Cheers Paul :D If the reports are right then I reckon there are certainly more than a few on their way :D
Cheers Trevor :D Only three weeks to go then!

June 2015

Slightly late now, but better late than never...
6 Jun.tif
Back to proper posting...

Larkhill 15-05-2015

The quickest of stop-offs on my way to work but no joy and no well behaved Painted Lady this morning. Instead it was a bit grey and much cooler than recently. In fact only three steps in and my trousers were already soaked below the knees. Still I pressed on looking out for any white flags. I was halfway along the Northbound track when I spied two.

I checked the first one and it was roosting Grizzled Skipper. Whilst clicking away I made the mistake of sitting on my haunches – add a soaking wet arse to shoes, socks and trousers below the knee. Mind you it was worth it to get any shots of the beautifully marked under wings of a Grizzlie. The second flag was still there once I’d finished with the Grizzlie, unfortunately it turned out to be just a feather – so I headed onto work with the blower set to ‘feet’ and on maximum. By the time I got to work my damp trousers were hardly noticeable but I had cold, damp feet all day. Oh how we suffer for our hobby.
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Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Maximus »

Lovely Grizzlie under wing shot Wurzel :) know what you mean by damp, been there, done that :) :roll: we do suffer for our shots :lol:

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Re: Wurzel

Post by millerd »

Wurzel -that last Grizzlie, and your almost spotless Green Hairstreak on the forget-me-not, are just stunning photos. :) :mrgreen:


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