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Re: June 2014

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 3:50 pm
by Perseus

26 June 2014
Road verges can often be productive in wild flora and fauna, and the road verge south of Buckingham Barn is conveniently located within the Shoreham town boundaries. In the overcast afternoon, the butterflies were not very lively, but two Meadow Brown Butterflies were seen immediately followed a minute or so later by a settled Large Skipper and a restless Marbled White. Then nothing for quarter of an hour until I glimpsed a bright Red Admiral over the Brambles to the south of the path. I was pleased to spot the Large Skipper as I only see a handful very year, but more surprised by my earliest ever Gatekeeper in the long grass and dense vegetation. I had to chase it around to confirm its identity as a fresh male specimen. ... tml#26June


Andy Horton