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Re: Hoggers

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 3:42 pm
by David M
You've done well there, Hoggers. The weather has been filthy in most parts today (awful here in Swansea; 12c and windy and cloudy to boot).

Re: Hoggers

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 5:28 pm
by Hoggers
Cheers David, I was very surprised to find two Painted Ladies and a Holly Blue, but also very pleased.

I wonder David if you can help me? All things being favourable I will have the 2nd and 3rd of July off work and I'd really like to see Marsh Fritillaries. Do you think it would be too late this year? I'm thinking of either visiting the well known site in South Wales (Aberbargoed) or perhaps equally well known sites in Dorset such as Hod Hill or Cerne Abbas. I really don't know if the butterfly is still going strong in this late running year or if I've left it too late. As you probably know, I live in Kent so I've a long way to travel if I'm going to see this butterfly.


Re: Hoggers

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 5:40 pm
by David M
I think it would be feasible to see a few (albeit faded) Marsh Fritillaries at Aberbargoed Grasslands on that date. I've personally seen them around midsummer's day in a normal year, and given that 2013 is approximately 10 days behind this would put potential sightings in range for very early July.

I'd suggest combining your trip with a visit to Old Castle Down, near Ewenny, where you will certainly see High Brown Fritillaries given reasonable weather conditions.

At worst, you would have that as compensation if, indeed, Marsh Frits were spent by that date.

Re: Hoggers

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 3:23 pm
by Hoggers
Thanks for the advice David, it's much appreciated.

I'm lucky in that when I'm doing a job in Canterbury I'm only 15 minutes' drive from East Blean Wood and so today with the sun shining (at long last) I popped in there to look for Heath Fritillaries. They didn't take much finding
I'd say I saw 6, all of them by the car-park
I'm sure they were emerging around me: I found this one in the process of pumping up its wings
You have to tread very carefully when you visit for fear of stepping on them.

Such a lovely creature
I saw my first on May 28th in 2011, and on 2nd June in 2012: better late than never
Welcome Back!

Re: Hoggers

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 4:58 pm
by David M
Great timing, Hoggers! Lovely shots too.

Re: Hoggers

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 8:02 pm
by Hoggers
Thanks David, it was the first warm day in awhile so I thought it was worth having a look. Hopefully they'll soon be out in their thousands

Re: Hoggers

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 8:49 pm
by David M
Hoggers wrote:Hopefully they'll soon be out in their thousands
Yes, me too, although the 'thousands' is why I don't chase this butterfly in the UK.

They are SO common in France that it seems crazy to invest so much time and energy on finding them over here.

Re: Hoggers

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 10:01 pm
by lee3764
Fantastic species which we are so lucky to still have in Cornwall & has been out for 3 weeks here but still in good numbers. Enjoy the Blean Wood colonies! Cheers......Lee Slaughter (Cornwall branch Butt Conservation).

Re: Hoggers

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 5:26 pm
by Hoggers
I was very happy to bump into my first Large Skipper of 2013 this morning when taking the dogs for their walk
Later than last year, so much so that I've felt a bit concerned at their failure to appear
But I saw two today
Their golden colour really catches the eye as they make their way through the long grass. A gorgeous butterfly.

I've still got a good many fat Tadpoles in my Goldfish-free ponds, but now also a growing number of these little critters
The sooner they get out there and start eating my garden slugs the better.

And I've some news : two Blue Tits were seen in the garden today very near to the nest box, fussing over a rather noisy little Blue Tit Chick who was perched on the fence demanding to be fed. Egbert, surely?!?

Re: Hoggers

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 12:04 pm
by Hoggers
If you were passing through Ashford this fine morning and you happened to see a peculiar-looking man jumping up and down in a field Whooping for Joy, do not worry: it was only Hoggers.

But he had his reasons
He'd struck Gold!
Yes, TWO Clouded Yellows flying about a piece of waste ground where I walk my dogs every day. I couldn't believe my eyes. It's two years since I saw one of these fabulous creatures and then it was a fleeting glimpse as it winged past my ear. I've never been lucky enough to get a photo of one.
It made the news that my Meadow Browns have emerged today seem rather mundane (I also saw a fresh Small Tortoiseshell.)

Two Clouded Yellows on my Patch in land-locked Ashford: has an invasion begun?

Re: Hoggers

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 6:52 pm
by David M
Lovely feeling, isn't it?

A Clouded Yellow is absolutely unmistakeable in this country and brings a glow to the observer every bit as warm as the ground colour itself.

Hopefully we might see strong numbers of this species later in the year given how many have been spotted thus far.

Re: Hoggers

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 7:47 pm
by Neil Freeman
Nice one :D :mrgreen:

I have seen more Clouded Yellow photos posted so far this year than I did in the whole of last year. Here's to hoping for a few more.


Neil F.

Re: Hoggers

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 8:18 pm
by Hoggers
Thanks guys: I'm so familiar with these fields, and the "usual" butterflies there, that watching two Clouded Yellows flying around for nearly three hours has given me memories that I will treasure forever.
From now on, the 27th June will go down in my diary as " Clouded Yellow Day"!

Re: Hoggers

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 12:23 pm
by Hoggers
No Clouded Yellows for me today nor very much sunshine either. It's been a case of having to dodge the showers.

But brightness came in a different form
And contrasting with the new vitality of this Small Tortoiseshell, a gentle touch of faded elegance

Re: Hoggers

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 3:14 pm
by Hoggers
I found a couple of Orchids on my local Patch today
Bee Orchid
Common Spotted Orchid.

The only butterflies that I saw were Common Blues, a Brown Argus and a Speckled Wood.

Back home I came across this Old Campaigner in the garden
I'm glad that the Wall Flowers were providing him with some comfort. He's only the third Red Admiral that I've seen so far this year.

Re: Hoggers

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 4:54 pm
by David M
Hoggers wrote:He's only the third Red Admiral that I've seen so far this year.
That's two more than me, Hoggers (and I'm Clouded Yellow bereft as well!) :evil:

Re: Hoggers

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 6:08 pm
by Hoggers
Let's hope 2013 turns out to be a Clouded Yellow Year, David. I hope all UKBers get to see them.

Thursday last was my best Butterflying Day Ever. It was totally unexpected. I was walking my dogs on my usual Patch and suddenly, there they were!

My heart was pounding, my hands were shaking (thank heavens for the image stabiliser) as I scampered after them. I even found myself talking to them : "Please don't fly away! Don't go! That's it, Settle on that flower and have a rest!" etc.

I not only got close enough to take some photographs but I was able at my leisure to stand quietly for over two hours watching them flitting from flower to flower and to relish every second.

I've been boring everyone rigid telling them about it (but they're used to that sort of thing from me) and I keep looking at the pictures to see the wonderful colours again.

The memory will live with me forever
It's just amazing what a Butterfly can do to a (generally) sober and sensible man.

Re: Hoggers

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 6:12 pm
by ChrisC
Hoggers wrote:It's just amazing what a Butterfly can do to a (generally) sober and sensible man.
great sentiments there Hoggers.

Re: Hoggers

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 7:37 pm
by Willrow
I personally think its great to express your delight in the way you did/do Hoggers.

Clouded Yellow are a special summer treat and to have the company and pleasure of two on your local patch is simply wonderful...June 27th is now officially 'Hoggers Clouded Yellow day' on UK Butterflies.

Incidentally I also talk to the butterflies I share my days with...who doesn't :shock: :wink:

Best Wishes,
Bill :D

Re: Hoggers

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 9:19 pm
by Neil Freeman
Willrow wrote:I personally think its great to express your delight in the way you did/do Hoggers.

Clouded Yellow are a special summer treat and to have the company and pleasure of two on your local patch is simply wonderful...June 27th is now officially 'Hoggers Clouded Yellow day' on UK Butterflies.

Incidentally I also talk to the butterflies I share my days with...who doesn't :shock: :wink:

Best Wishes,
Bill :D

It is wonderful to read reports like this that communicate joy and enthusiasm so well :D

I am so glad that others talk to butterflies as well, not sure if that makes me normal or that we are all barmy together :wink: :lol:

All the best,

Neil F.