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Re: Goldie M

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 8:40 am
by Goldie M
Many thanks Dave, it was really great to see them after going over there so many times and not seeing any thing. :D

Thanks very much Wurzel , we did have a bit of a surprise though, after finding the Comma's so lovely we came across one on the path that didn't move at all, I moved closer bent down and picked it up, It still didn't move , It looked just like the other two I'd seen, fresh,
when it still didn't move I placed it on a leaf in the shade and left it thinking maybe it would revive, it's a bit strange though I just hope no ones been round with a spray or any thing, but when the weather picks up I'm going to check HLB again. :(

Hi! Dave, Yes, it was great to see them but like I said to Wurzel it was a bit of a surprise finding one in so good a condition dead, lets hope we don't find any more. Goldie :)

Re: Goldie M

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2017 9:43 am
by Goldie M
After a very active week-end family wise we found Sunday afternoon fairly free so we decided Brockholes was the nearest place to go and look for the WLHS and being has I'd never yet seen it I couldn't wait to go :D
It turned out to be the wrong time of day and after waiting for a couple of hours we went for lunch on the floating Restaurant, we decided the weekend had tired us a lot and called it a day.
Yesterday the weather was again lovely so we went back to BH's this time at 4-30 pm and has we approached the clump of Blackberry bushes where we knew the WLHS flew down we were astounded at the amount of Butterflies there, RA's, Comma's, MB's, Small Tort's were every where, I went through a passage that some one had cut through the briar's , so many Butterflies and Bee's were flying I couldn't concentrate :D Then I saw a tiny flutter which landed just above me, I couldn't believe it, my very first WLHS :lol:
I'll let my photos speak for me :D I Didn't care what I took I just clicked a way. :lol: Goldie :D

Re: Goldie M

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2017 10:07 am
by trevor
Smashing White Letters, Goldie. You seem to have hit the jack-pot !.


Re: Goldie M

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2017 12:50 pm
by Pauline
So pleased for you Goldie. That was a moment you will never forget! Your very first WLH - and shots of it too. :D :D :D

Re: Goldie M

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2017 1:47 pm
by bugboy
Well done Goldie :) great shots as well :D

Re: Goldie M

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2017 6:02 pm
by Goldie M
Thanks very much Trevor, I was so pleased to finally see and photograph one after searching for so long. :D

Your so right Pauline, i'm still reliving it. :lol:

Thanks so much Bugboy, has I said to Pauline, I'm still on a High. :lol:

I also saw this lovely Meadow Brown on my travels, it's the best I've ever come across, they're usually hidden by grass or dull so this one must be really fresh. Goldie :D

Re: Goldie M

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2017 6:09 pm
by millerd
Yes, a lovely fresh female, Goldie. Interestingly marked as well, with double eyespots and a wide pale hindwing border. :) If only they all opened up like this - we'd probably find every one is different! :)


Re: Goldie M

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2017 6:21 pm
by Goldie M
Thanks Dave, I thought that wide band unusual also the double eye spots so I was really pleased to find it. Goldie :D

Re: Goldie M

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2017 7:49 pm
by Janet Turnbull
Just seen your fantastic pictures of the WLHs Goldie! What a thrill. I am going hunting for them tomorrow near Northwich but if I don't have any luck I'll be off to Brockholes!
Good luck at Fermyn next week - hope you get to see the Emperors :)

Re: Goldie M

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 7:43 am
by Goldie M
Thank you very much Janet much appreciated, hope you get lucky, if not I've sent you where to see them at Brockholes. I hope I get to see the PE's at Fermyn if I don't, I'll be happy with the WLHS :D Goldie :D

Re: Goldie M

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 5:01 pm
by MikeOxon
I've been catching up on your splendid WLH photos. It's always been a 'special' butterfly for me, ever since I first encountered some in a small wood near Clifden Hampden, a village on the River Thames not far from home. Since then, I've found them popping up in various unexpected places including a local garden centre!

Re: Goldie M

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 7:01 pm
by Goldie M
Thanks very much Mike, there's always a great thrill I think when you see a Butterfly you've searched for when you actually find it and see it for the first time.:D Thanks to Lancs Butterflies and there recorders who pointed me in the right Direction :D
I can understand why it's a big favourite with you, I think the Hair Streaks are also my favourites, I've got two of them to see yet the Brown and Black , the Brown HS is at Gait Barrow now and hope fully I'll get to see it in August, Thanks again Mike, :D

I took a shot of a Gate Keeper at Southport today and I think It's ab excessa I could be wrong, looking at the Gate Keeper ab's there seems to be so many with different names and have the two extra spots.Goldie :D

Re: Goldie M

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 2:28 pm
by Goldie M
Decided to go local today with the weather being so hot and the threat of ThunderStorms so we went to Hall-Lee-Brook my local haunt :D there were loads of Comma's one in particular soaking up the minerals, :D None of them opened their wings for very long but I enjoyed their lovely colours, and the Meadow Brown's are doing very well in spite of the Grass being cut in one Meadow, I just hope they don't cut the other meadow yet.Goldie :D

Re: Goldie M

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 3:14 pm
by MikeOxon
Your Comma has found a splendid perch :lol:

Re: Goldie M

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 5:57 pm
by Goldie M
He really enjoyed his perch too Mike :lol: Goldie :D

Re: Goldie M

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 8:52 pm
by Wurzel
Really interesting Meadow Brown from a few posts back Goldie :D And great to see an excessa Gatekeeper :mrgreen: my favourite butterfly has emerged :D

Have a goodun


Re: Goldie M

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 11:31 am
by Goldie M
I was lucky with the Gate Keeper Wurzel, it was the only one I got a full shot of and it happened to be an excessa , :D
If it's the Meadow Brown I took at Blackpool Wurzel my Husband drew my attention to it, I've not seen one so fresh before.Goldie :D

Re: Goldie M

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2017 12:26 pm
by Goldie M
It's been a funny year for me so far, I've tried to see so many Butterflies but weather and set backs have some what curtailed my adventures to more local spots , I did get a first with my WLH's shots and some decent shots of the Large Heath's , but no PB or PBF
for me this year. I had to go to Southport ( local again ) for Graylings but to my surprise none were there inspite of the lovely weather :(
This week-end was nice again but once again we couldn't set off, my Husbands Gout was the problem this time :D In spite of this we'd to laugh ( good job we've a sense of humour) :lol: We don't want to cancel another holiday so decided to take it easy :D

The Butterflies must have felt sorry for us because we'd a visit from a Comma a Small Tort(it was great to see it) a Red admiral, lots of GVW's and even a small Skipper, I was amazed and kept busy with my Camera :D
I drove the car to HLB and saw lots more butterflies so the weather had brought them out at last. so the week-end wasn't a total loss. Goldie :D

Re: Goldie M

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 8:05 pm
by Neil Freeman
Hi Goldie,

I have just seen your White-letter Hairstreaks, great stuff :D

That is one species I have very few photos of and it looks like I will miss it again this year.



Re: Goldie M

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 9:49 pm
by Wurzel
Good to see you keeping your hand in despite the set-backs Goldie :D This year has been a funny one - it started and then stopped and then started again and went hell for leather, I just hope there's some butterflies left by August :shock:

Have a goodun
