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Goldie M
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Re: Wurzel

Post by Goldie M »

Fantastic Photo's Wuzal, :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Goldie :D

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Re: Wurzel

Post by trevor »

Many thanks for your welcome to this site.
I note that you hail from Salisbury.In order to bag some Marsh Fritillaries for the first time ,the Wiltshire BC.website
sightings page was reporting good numbers of said Butterfly at Cotley Hill.So off i set,and with 110 miles on the clock,
DISASTER! as I was passing through Wilton my engine management light came on. Now what to do! turn back so near to
my destination or risk carrying on. Happily as it turned out I chose the latter,and on arrival at Cotley Hill I was treated
to the sight of many Marsh Fritillaries and some lovely shots.Also there were more Green Hairstreaks than ive ever seen
in one location before.But worried about the car and my journey home i had to cut my visit short.
I arrived home without incident,and that light has never come on since !.
I might pay a return visit next year,might see you there!
All the best TREVOR

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Goldie :D I was happy with those shots, the only problem was that this trip usually signals the beginning of the end...of the season :(
Cheers Trevor - next time you're heading this way let me know and I could give you a lift - then if the car does break down you can at least get to a train station :D It is a cracking site and worthy of at least three days I reckon :wink: :lol:

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by trevor »

Glad you enjoyed my shots of HIM.I have heard that Bentley was a bit dire for Emperors this year.But i most sites
have bad years,2012 was awful at Botany Bay.Here's to 2015!.

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Goldie M
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Re: Wurzel

Post by Goldie M »

Yes Bently Woods was awful for Emperor's this Summer, I went there nearly every day for a week starting from the 5th of July to the 12th nothing, although I was disappointed I was thrilled to finally get some good shots of the SWF and at getting a shot of the scarce female SWF so I won't grumble just wait for next year now. :D

Glad your starting next week Wurzal with the "Favourite Photo's" it pass's the Winter on with some thing to look forward to doing and also hope you get your photo's sorted soon Goldie :D

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Trevor :D When I first started butterflying I struggled to see His Nibbs at Bentley and it took three years to get a grounded Emperor and now I've had 2 poor years so I reckon next year should be great! :D
Cheers Goldie :D Just got to sort through all those photos now :shock:

Larkhill 02-09-2014

After the fantastic time at Shipton over the weekend I came down to Earth with a bump on Monday 1st September as it was back to the grind stone and to make matters worse the weather was decidedly iffy. I did stop but nothing was about so it wasn’t until the second day back that I got back into the quick stop-off habit.

The weather was still not great but at least the drizzle and cooler temperatures of the previous day were history. I wasn’t expecting much and almost gave up until a Common Blue appeared out of the grass...
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Larkhill 03-09-2014

The next morning was misty and so I went looking for dew bedecked butterflies. It was hard work scanning the grass tops and flower heads while the dew soaked through my trousers and shoes. I knew there had to be one here somewhere and so I checked both the north and West bound path but to no avail. It was only when I checked around the Golden Round that I found a glittering white flag floating in the grass.
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In the afternoon it was a totally different kettle of fish, it’s funny the difference a couple of hours of sunshine can make...
There were blues everywhere and probably the odd Brown Argus thrown in for good measure though I couldn’t be sure until the final one or two which were definite as they very kindly showed me their closed wings. Amongst these Blues and Browns a couple of Small Heath and Whites did fly-bys. One of the Small Heaths was still looking very smart.
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Not too bad for a September stop-off.

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by trevor »

You mentioned that you first went to Bentley Wood on July 5 th. That may have been a little late this year as they were grounding at Botany Bay in the last week of June. My first visit was on the 1st July and some were showing signs of wear.
And they only come down for a few Days after emerging to probe for minerals/salts.
This year was a little early.His Majesty only favours his subjects if their on time!.
All the best TREVOR.

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Trevor :D I think I did get there a little late although we seemed to be about a week and a half to two weeks behind the east of the country over this way

Larkhill 04-09-2014

Over the last few days the weather had been a bit up and down and today it was definitely on the downturn. My morning stop-off was made between cloud bursts but after the briefest of searches amongst the patch of Golden Rod I found what I was looking for – namely a butterfly and one covered in dew. This one was a Small Heath hiding quite low down amongst the foliage and wearing the dew drops like jewellery. It was my only butterfly of the day as this being Thursday I wasn’t able to stop on the way home.
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The dew bedecked theme didn’t continue as today I found only one butterfly on my morning stop-off. This time it was a Brown Argus that was the early riser but unfortunately it lacked the early morning bling.
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On my afternoon stop-off the sun had come out, the temperatures had risen and the dew and mist had dispersed. It actually felt surprisingly warm so much so that I could literally feel the heat. Again the warmth had brought the butterflies out although it still only amounted to a Small Heath a Brown Argus and two Common Blues. I was hoping for more but with the season drawing to a close I’ll take whatever’s available.
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Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Maximus »

Great shot of the Small Heath covered in dew Wurzel :D


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Re: Wurzel

Post by David M »

Maximus wrote:Great shot of the Small Heath covered in dew Wurzel
Agreed. Just goes to show the hardships butterflies must endure.

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Butterflysaurus rex »

Goodness me! :shock: Every very year your diary just gets more and more epic Wurzel!
How much did you pay that Clouded Yellow to sit on your finger? :D
At the rate your going to you're going to wear out your camera. It will be more than worth it of course, you've taken some fantastic photos again this year. And your writings are always interesting and very entertaining.


Leave a few left for me next year won't ya. :wink: :D

All the best


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Re: Wurzel

Post by jenks »

Hi Trevor,
a belated welcome to the site from me !. I was at Bentley Wood on Sunday 13 July and saw HIM ( 2 males ) fluttering around the canopy at Donkey Copse. Wurzel was there too, although he had headed down the track at one point so his sightings were probably not as good as mine ( and they weren`t good ! ). My records for PE at Bentley read as follows.. 22/7/01 1 male, 5/7/03 3 males 10.00 to 10.30 hrs , 19/7/04 1 male 11.15 hrs, 16/7/06 2 males 11.00 to 11.30 hrs, 4/7/10 1 male 11.00 hrs, 2/7/11 1 male 10.00 to 11.00 hrs, 11/8/12 ( ! ) 1 male 17.20 hrs above the canopy by the crossroads. ( I hadn`t gone to Bentley wood for this & certainly wasn`t expecting this sighting. I think I was the only person wandering around at that time ). 20/7/13 4 sightings between 10.00 to 12.30 hrs. So only one thing is certain, times and dates can vary !

Incidentally, I have a Ford Focus & my engine management light comes on at times. I discovered this was when the petrol gauge indicator showed less than 100 miles of petrol in the tank. Stop at a garage, fill up with some petrol, start the engine and the light has gone out. Oh for Morris Minors and mechanical simplicity !.


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Goldie M
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Re: Wurzel

Post by Goldie M »

Lovely shots Wurzal , nothing here to report on :( It looks like I just missed out at Bently Wood , I left there on there on the 12th July :( missed them by a day Goldie :D

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Pauline »

Lovely dewy butterflies Wurzel - really like that last Common Blue shot too :mrgreen:

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Mike and David for your kind comments :D I'm working my way through the dew covered shots - possibly another book there? :wink:
Cheers Rex :D I might be able to leave you one or two... :wink: :lol:
Cheers for reminding me Jenks :( :wink:
Cheers Goldie :D There's not much round here either :(
Cheers Pauline :D I was happy with that one too :D

As I've used all my Brownie points for the year my entire weekend has been spent shopping :cry: or marking :cry: with only the odd glimpse of a fly-by white as we drove to the shops :( Still maybe there is still time to squeeze in one last trip :? And if not - I'm only a month behind on my PD so I might actually catch up :wink: :lol:

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Old Garden 06-09-2014

This was a quick visit up to our old house (which my sister in-law bought) in order to use our old tumble drier (which they also bought) while we awaited the arrival of our new one. While the various articles of clothing went round and round I took the chance to have a look around my old garden. Over the years that we lived here I took many photographs of a range of species but over last summer I helped break out over 14 tons of concrete and now it looks like a barren wasteland as my in-laws are starting the garden again from scratch. So I wasn’t hopeful of finding any butterflies despite remembering it’s former glory.

As I walked up to the top of the garden a few Whites did fly overs looking tantalisingly like they’d land on the deck but they never did. The barren look of the garden was exacerbated by the dead grass and dry and dusty soil so I almost gave up and then I spied a Small Copper. Even better than that as I approached it closer I could see it was in the Blue Badge club.
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While I was focused on this individual another Small Copper appeared and after a brief tussle they separated and I was able to approach this one which was more normal looking.
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I then alternated between finding Blue Badge and non-Blue Badge enjoying watching their antics and the different poses and postures they’d arrange themselves in. It was almost as if they realised that they had centre stage in front of a captive audience and so wanted to make the most of their moment.
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Eventually I had to tear myself away and head in to help with the now dry clothes and as I did so a Red Admiral and Small Tort both flew over, completed a circuit and then went back to the neighbours Buddleia. So in the end it didn’t turn out to bad.

Have a goodun


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David M
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Re: Wurzel

Post by David M »

Aaah, you're taking us back in time again, Wurzel.

Oh to see a Small Copper right now in the midst of this stormy October!

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Re: Wurzel

Post by jenks »

Didn`t mean to rub it in Wurzel ! I always enjoy reading your entries and viewing your photos. Look forward to meeting you again some place next year.


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Sorry David :oops: I will get caught up soon, promise :wink:
No worries Jenks :wink: I view any sighting if His Nibbs as a privilege no matter how brief. I too look forward to catching up with you somewhere next year :D

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by David M »

Wurzel wrote:Sorry David :oops: I will get caught up soon, promise :wink:
Don't panic, Wurzel. I'm used to it.

Whenever I enter your PD I always subtract a month!!

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