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Re: July 2012

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 9:52 pm
by David M
A_T wrote:As today promised to be just about the best weather for nearly 2 months headed to Llynclys Common. Saw a number of pristine Silver-washed Fritillaries (both male and female - some courting going on), innumerable Ringlets and Meadow Browns, one Gatekeeper. Also saw a Speckled Wood and either a Small White or Green-veined - hardly seen a white at all recently.
Beautifully clear photos those, AT.

I agree with your comments regarding Whites. Seems they're just starting to emerge in earnest right now so hopefully there'll be a plethora of them in the next few days.

Re: July 2012

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 10:39 pm
by Ian Pratt
What a difference a little sunshine makes!
Had to do some clearing up in the garden today and then took the dog for a walk across the road. 13 species seen including peacock, red admiral, small tortoiseshell, meadow brown, green-veined white, large white, gatekeeper, speckled wood, comma, marbled white and large,small and Essex skippers.
Rounded off with a dark green fritillary at Freshwater!

Re: July 2012

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 10:40 pm
by David M
Possibly the most enjoyable day of the year, butterfly-wise.

I spent three and a half hours on the majestic Pembrokeshire coast in south Wales in lovely calm and sunny conditions.

Butterfly numbers were more than healthy:

1. Meadow Brown 150+
2. Hedge Brown 30-40
3. Dark Green Fritillary 25-35
4. Grayling 20-30
5. Small Heath 10-15
6. Silver Studded Blue 5
7. Small White 2
8. Common Blue 2
9. Large White 2
10. Small Skipper 2
11. Ringlet 2
12. Green Veined White 2
13. Large Skipper 1
14. Red Admiral 1

The main reason for coming was the Silver Studded Blue colonies that are found here. I saw only 5, but each one of them made my spirits lift:



There were plenty of Dark Green Fritillaries taking advantage of the benign conditions:


Graylings were common on the rocky coastal outcrops:


I also saw an adder, and this bird which I'm hoping someone will be able to identify for me:


Re: July 2012

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 10:47 pm
by Nick Broomer
Hi David,

Its a male Stonechat.
All the best, Nick.

Re: July 2012

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 10:57 pm
by David M
hideandseek wrote:Hi David,

Its a male Stonechat.
Thanks for that, Nick.

Re: July 2012

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 11:17 pm
by Paul Harfield
EricY wrote: Apologies for posting a humble Gatekeeper photo but it was a pleasure to find one.
I actually think the Gatekeeper is one of our prettiest butterflies :D Ok it is one of our most familiar and widespread but no less beautiful than some of our rarer residents. I certainly do not think anyone should apologise for posting pictures of them. I saw my first of the year today at Manor Farm Country Park together with Meadow Browns, Marbled White, Ringlet, Speckled Wood, Small Heath, Comma and lots of Burnet Moths. Lets see more Gatekeeper pictures :D
Gatekeeper Manor Farm Country Park 21/7/2012
Gatekeeper Manor Farm Country Park 21/7/2012

Re: July 2012

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 7:26 am
by kevling
A trip to Westleton Common today to see the Silver Studded Blues. With summer finally putting in an appearance, we were not dissapointed!.
40 + SSB seen over a two hour period, along with a nice number of Small Coppers (15+). Also seen were 30+ Ringlets,2 Small Heaths and 2 Meadow Browns.

We then went on to nearby Theberton Woods in the hope of seeing the Purple Emporers. Although we didn't strike gold, a pair had been seen earlier in the day by manager of the wood, who I have to say is there everyday during July giving advice on where to see them (Nice guy!).
Several Purple Hairstreak were seen in the Oak canopies and these two matting Small Skippers were nice to observe too.

Hope you enjoy the photos.

Regards Kev

Re: July 2012

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 10:00 am
by Charles Nicol
These were in the horse field at Dry Drayton yesterday:

8) 8)

Re: July 2012

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 11:15 am
by MikeOxon
Sun and warmth at last 8) An early evening walk along the Roman Road from Beckley on Otmoor, Oxon, yesterday (21st) found several species basking in the sun.

Photos of Comma, Speckled Wood, and Gatekeeper all 'glowing' in the warm sun:
Otmoor, Oxon - 21st July 2012<br />Nikon D300s with 300f/4+1.4X TC - 1/350s@f/6.7 ISO400
Otmoor, Oxon - 21st July 2012
Nikon D300s with 300f/4+1.4X TC - 1/350s@f/6.7 ISO400
Otmoor, Oxon - 21st July 2012<br />Nikon D300s with 300f/4+1.4X TC - 1/250s@f/5.6 ISO400
Otmoor, Oxon - 21st July 2012
Nikon D300s with 300f/4+1.4X TC - 1/250s@f/5.6 ISO400
Otmoor, Oxon - 21st July 2012<br />Nikon D300s with 300f/4+1.4X TC - 1/250s@f/8 ISO800
Otmoor, Oxon - 21st July 2012
Nikon D300s with 300f/4+1.4X TC - 1/250s@f/8 ISO800

Re: July 2012

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 12:25 pm
Went to Arnside knott yesterday , most dark greens looking tatty now, only a couple High browns seen. loads of grayling on the shale pathes and a few northern brown argus on heathwaite meadow.
but 2 freshley emerged Scotch Argus seen :D


Re: July 2012

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 3:26 pm
by Podster
Out on my old local patch in the rarely mentioned on this forum County of Cheshire.
First up two very showy White-letter Hairstreaks :D at the magnificent nature reserve at Moore, just East of the car park where the Elms start appearing. Also on the reserve many Comma, Large White, Red Admiral, Meadow Brown and Gatekeeper.

On the approach road to Moore Nature Reserve where the road crosses the railway its possible to look down on some Oak trees and showing were several Purple Hairstreaks :P ...take your camera.

my blog

Re: July 2012

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 3:32 pm
by Rosalyn
The Empire Strikes Back

After weeks of 'will they', 'won't they'; Phil & I saw 20+ Purple Emperors, doing what Purple Emperors like to do, at an undisclosed woodland in Northamptonshire :wink: :wink:
Purple Emperor 120722 038S.jpg
Purple Emperor 120722 062S.jpg

Re: July 2012

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 3:32 pm
by Hoggers
I went back to Orlestone this afternoon to see the White Admirals:
Some 12 in all, most rather worn but a few still unbattered.

Then a Purple Hairstreak fluttered down on the track to take on minerals
Before flying back up into the trees

Re: July 2012

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 4:40 pm
by Matsukaze
Up in Shropshire at the weekend, good displays of browns and whites, and nice to catch up with my first White-letter Hairstreaks of the year, playing chase in the canopy in the early morning.

Re: July 2012

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 5:19 pm
by Wurzel
2 Commas, Brimstone, Red Admiral and numerous whites and Meadows Browns at Wisley Gardens today also a second brood Holly Blue.

Have a goodun


Re: July 2012

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 6:06 pm
by Perseus

22 July 2012
Fifty male Chalkhill Blues were seen as the sun came out just after midday, 45 on the acre transect on the lower slopes of Mill Hill and another five on the Mill Hill Cutting. This is a week before the peak emergence is due.

Adur Butterfly & Large Moth List


Andy Horton
Adur Valley Nature Notes
Adur Valley Nature Notes: July 2012
Sussex Downs Facebook Group

Re: July 2012

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 6:18 pm
by Hugh Middleton
A pleasant afternoon in the Lincolnshire Limewoods.
Highlight was a silver-washed fritillary - a species which is scarce in the county. Although reported I saw no marbled whites or white admirals. No purple hairstreaks reported either.
Lots of ringlets and small skippers, several meadow browns and a few red admirals.


Re: July 2012

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 7:04 pm
by NickB
Jack Harrison wrote:So the rule of thumb: Essex man's is short and straight :wink:
Saw a GVW, several Essex Skippers and Meadow Brown, a Large Skipper, a Comma and the first 2nd brood Holly Blue in the Cemetery after work today

Re: July 2012

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 8:10 pm
by millerd
Denbies was awash with Chalkhills yesterday and today. If you wonder why odd parts of the hillside seem suddenly a bit bereft of them though, this could be why. Seeing the report above of fifty at Mill Hill, I wonder how many there were in this area, not more than a foot square. They do seem particularly numerous this year.


Re: July 2012

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 8:19 pm
by David M
Wow! That's not a sight that you expect in this country.

Perhaps they're getting confused after a whole three days without heavy rain!