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Re: Wurzel

Post by Maximus »

Great Grayling shots, Wurzel :D and the last one is a real cracker :D


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Re: Wurzel

Post by MikeOxon »

I hope you are right about Wall Browns doing well. About 35 years ago, I remember photographing one on my drive at home and then they seemed to disappear quite suddenly, only holding on at coastal sites.

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Dave :D It is a great spot but you have to be careful which direction you walk along the beach with a camera (Sandy Balls and all that) :wink: I seem to be having a great "Wall" year this year :D
Cheers Mike :D I was chuffed with that one, and I hasten to add that the bottle top was not mine, but I did put it in the bin when the Grayling was finished with it :wink:

Lulworth Cove 30-07-2014

On the third day of our camping trip I was slightly more relaxed as I still had three bars of battery left so the trip to Lulworth Cove couldn’t have come at a better time. The girls needed to use the facilities upon our arrival so I had a quick scan around the butterfly garden. There were 22 Small Tortoiseshells crawling all over the bush, which I think is Verbena, right next to the gate, a Peacock was on the Buddleia, a Small White fluttered by and further up on the thistles was a great H.Comma. Not bad for a 2 minute loo break! The walk down to the beach threw up a Large White, 3 Small Whites, 2 Red Admirals and a further 12 Small Tortoiseshells. As we reading the notice explaining the absence of the Bucket Tree a peachy grey butterfly was jinking and swerving up the road. It was about the same size of a Red Admiral and as it drew nearer it revealed itself as a Painted Lady but it didn’t stop just kept on powering on inland.
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Once on the beach we slapped on the sun cream and the girls set off to play. My older daughter went paddling and in search of Sea Glass while my younger set about to make a castle and moat, lugging great big rocks across the beach to make the footings which would then be rendered in sand and harrumphing when I didn’t get the walls level! :roll: Once the castle was to her satisfaction I was sent off and so I grabbed my camera and headed to my hotspot. This is basically the path at the end of the beach on the right hand side of the Cove. On my first visit here for Lulworths I dutifully clambered up Bindon Hill but no longer as this little spot has pretty much all the same species as Bindon without the climb and with closer proximity to ice creams. For those of you that haven’t visited Lulworth before another easy site is to walk to the top of the car park, go through the gate to Durdle Door and then have a mooch around here. :wink:

Once again my little spot didn’t disappoint. The first butterfly I came across was actually two, Lulworth Skippers scrapping it out in the same area that I saw a male holding territory earlier in the year. Along the path there were Meadow Browns, Hedge Browns a couple of Common Blue and Brown Argus as well as the usual accompaniment of whites. What really caught my eye amongst the plethora of Lepidoptera was a more orange butterfly. Too small to be a Frit eventually I relocated it and it was a female Wall. Three for three, three sites three Walls brill! I took a record shot thinking that that would be all I could get but it stayed around this patch of Fleabane(?) and I was lucky enough to get some close ups which revealed that it was called Ed, at least those were the letters that I could see on the hind wing underside.
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After this nice catch up I headed back to the to see if my building services were required and instead we set off rock pooling even though the tide was a little high still...

Once the girls had returned to their previous activities I had another quick check around up at the Hotspot. There was the same smattering of species and just as I was deciding what to photograph first a DGF plonked itself down in the middle of the scrub. I had to approach it cautiously as I was skittish but also because in my haste I hadn’t put my shoes back on and was still shod a la beach. Still with thistles and spikes ripping at my feet the main problem was the wind which decided now to blow down the side of the cliff, just as I’d finished my trepidatious approach. Oh well I grabbed a few shots anyway and then consoled myself with a Small Copper and more Lulworths once back on firmer and less spiny ground. Just as I was marvelling at how productive this visit had been a Clouded Yellow zipped down one side of the hollow, up the other and then on round the Cove.
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I wandered back to the beach chuffed with the success. We packed up and made our way over the pebbles back towards the road, washing our feet in the freezing steam on the way and me keeping an eye out for the Painted Lady. It didn’t show but I didn’t mind as while we had a lunch admiring the view from the top of the Cove another Clouded Yellow flew by and a Small Tort was waiting by the car to wish us farewell when it came time to leave. :D
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Have a goodun

Last edited by Wurzel on Mon Aug 25, 2014 10:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Katrina »

Great Wall photos!

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Wurzal, you sound to be having a great time. Your pic's of the Wall are great :mrgreen: hopefully in time I'll get a good one too :D Goldie :D

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Maximus »

Great Wall shots, Wurzel :D :mrgreen: I've not really managed any this year. I somehow just can't seem to see 'Ed' on the underwing :roll: :wink:


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Katrina :D
Cheers Goldie :D I'm sure that you will :)
Cheers Mike for me 2014 will be the year of the Wall :D The Ed mark is very fine and probably just something I can see, we humans are very good at seeing patterns when we want to :) But so as to prove to myself that I wasn't going mad(er) I had a little play with Paint, here's what I see...
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The Outlaws Part One...

As is always the way during the summer holiday we headed up to Wales to visit the Outlaws. I have mixed feelings about taking this trip; on the down side I’m missing out on opportunities to catch up with the summer blues, Brostreaks, Silver Spots and make the most of the Grayling yet on the plus side there is often a Painted Lady and the hedge rows offer up a surprisingly wide range of Hedge Brown variation. After the arduous journey which seems to go more and more slowly as our destination draws ever nearer we unloaded and I had a much needed caffeine boost. We then checked the weather for the days ahead and started planning where we would be visiting and when. In amongst all these outings I knew that I would be able to take a stroll up Lane or just round the corner to the Post Box (it’s surprising how many letters I write during my stay :wink: ) and when planning my posts I decided to deal with these smaller trips over the first few days and then look at the main outings separately. So here goes...

On the first day it was a quick walk with everyone up the Lane to the Telecom aerial and during the odd break from pulling my younger daughter along on her Scooter I managed to check along both sides of the tall hedges. Apart from some not very good shots of my first ever mating pair of Hedge Browns it was very quiet for the first half of the walk up the hill. After this the sun finally emerged from the cloud and the butterflies started to emerge. First up, rather like my visit here earlier in the year was a Green-veined White which was fluttering along the ditch at the side of the road stopping every now and again. Further along it was joined by a Meadow Brown which showed the lovely Peacock style orange marking on the fore wings. Slightly further on there was yet another Green-veined White and also a Small White which was adamant that it wanted to perch wherever the Green-veined wanted to! There were a few more Hedgies as well as a Peacock and a Small Tortoiseshell.

Once back at the house I had a little check round the garden and a Holly Blue did a brief fly-by from a neighbours garden whilst a Red Kite was overhead, that’s Wales for you. Round the corner the Verbena housed another pair of Small Torts and a Peacock.
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So ended the first day the butterflies didn’t exactly set the world on fire but at least I’d walked the cramp off from my buttocks!

Shock horror – the really productive field behind my Outlaws house is now gated off and even worse it’s been drained so the rough Rhos grass has been replaced with the more usual turf. So after our trip out to Llanachaeron I headed out to the post box instead checking along the hedges once more. This small section of hedge only about 5 metres produced a god mix of butterflies with a Red Admiral and then a strongly marked Green-veined White. Also here was a Meadow Brown, Large and Small Whites quartered along the hedge. Not much of this was landing and so I started looking more closely at the Hedgies as this spot has produced some great variants over the years. Today it only threw up a three and five spot under wing although one of the three spots on the former was more of a streak than a spot. Whilst I was enjoying these something drifted down from the trees and started nectaring, it was an ethereal and ghost like Hairstreak, and then metamorphosed into a Holly Blue.
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After a full on day before we were going to have a quieter one today and just head to the little beach at Cei Bach. The girls decided to make the most of the sunny weather and were playing in the garden so I had a quick mooch around, camera in one hand, coffee in the other and when I saw a butterfly within range I’d put the coffee down, take my shots and then have a nice slurp of the black gold. There wasn’t too much hanging around the Verbena just the odd Red Admiral or Small Tortoiseshell so I wandered back across the lawn when something small and orange staggered in. I almost dropped my coffee as it was an unexpected Small Copper. It was a little deformed and seemed to be struggling to fly but after a breather on the lawn it moved to the potted flowers and pout on a nice show for both myself and my younger daughter who watched it fascinated as it went from pale creamy orange to striking and stunning chocolate and vivid orange by dint of opening its wings.
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Pleased with this I went to head back to get ready for the beach when I had my second “coffee drop” moment of the day when a male Wall blitzed across the garden, down the side path and over the low fence where it rested briefly. A couple of shots and it was gone leaving me wondering if it had really been there at all.
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After a cracking day at Newquay beach I felt like I was on a roll butterfly wise and so once back and with the girl happily playing in the back garden I went to the Post Box to “drop off some Lovefilm DVDs”. You won’t see that as one of their selling points on their website, plenty about no late return fines and great buffering speeds bit nothing about “offers a perfect excuse for a bit of butterflying” :wink: ! This time I got past the initial hedge and worked my way down Ruw Goch. I was on the hunt for slightly different Hedge Browns so barely noticed the numerous peacocks, Small Torts and Red Admiral all feeding on some large Buddleia, nor the many whites flitting here and there in each direction I looked when I occasionally tore my gaze away from between the ground and three feet up the hedge.

As I said I was hoping for some unusual Hedge Browns and so really nice ones turned up. The first three were subtle; a female with a single extra dot on the left fore wing but on the right, another female with small dot under the “eyes” on the fore wings and another with some very clear white spots on the underside.
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I as pleased witht these but not as much as the next which was the boldest marked excessa that I’ve personally encountered. It was fantastic to see and reaffirmed my passion for the humble Hedge Brown.
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After this stunning invidual it was back to more subtle variants and even when I found a nicely marked female Common Blue (one of two) further along the path I still couldn’t get the excessa out of my head and I had to keep checking back at it.
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One extra dot on the hind wing
One extra dot on the hind wing
Eventually I realised that I’d been gone so long I could have been to Preston and back to have handed the discs over personally so I turned and walked back only stopping to capture an extra excessa which had it not been so aged would have been as stunningly marked as the one earlier.
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Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Maximus »

I believe you on Ed, Wurzel :D :wink: :? very nice Gatekeepers :D


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Neil Freeman »

Hi Wurzel, more great reports and accompanying photos :D

Seeing your shots of Wall Browns has made me realise that is another species I have not seen yet this year, maybe next week when I am down in Dorset again if there are any still around.



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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Mike :D What with my ongoing obsession with Hedge Browns and a burgeoning obsession with Meadow Brown markings I am starting to get slightly worried about my state of mind - not only have I seen "Ed" but the other day there was "56" on another species...ho hum pass the sedatives matron :roll: :lol:
Cheers Neil :D I'm not sure on the timing of Walls but there is the possibility of a third brood though I feel that's still a little early. Essex was down our way recently and the Walls he saw were worn but he also found some nicely new Chalk Hills so maybe...good luck with your quest :D

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by essexbuzzard »

That variant Gatekeeper is a stunner. Never seen one like it. :mrgreen:

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Essex I was dead chuffed to find it, mind you I had to examine a huge number before I came across it, oh well :wink:

Llanerchaeron 04-08-2014

This wasn’t supposed to be the best day of the week weather wise so it was decided that we would visit Llanerchaeron as we could visit the house when the rain came over and enjoy the gardens when the sun shone. The day started cloudy and cool and it felt more like an April morning than August, especially as the only butterflies flying were Small and Green-veined Whites. Still the Met promised that there would be some brighter weather eventually...at some point...maybe...there was a fifty percent chance... :roll:

Anyway we let the girls of their leash and they ran off to look at the pigs, the sheep and the Chickens. The highlight of the farm area for me wasn’t the fly by Small Tortoiseshell or the Peacocks but was actually the farm sheep dog. It was so eager to work that it spent it’s time rounding up the sheep – which were already in the pen! :lol:

As we walked through into the walled garden the sun finally appeared and with it the butterflies. Whites abounded everywhere with representatives from four species in amongst 2 or three Red Admirals, a Comma, Small Tort and two Peacocks. They were at their frustrating best as they would land just long enough for you to approach, line up your shot, start to focus...and then they would take to the wing. In the end I managed some shots using two distinctly different methods. One was the “wait and see” routine of just getting comfy by a likely looking flower for a few minutes and the other involved just strolling along minding my own business and then suddenly swinging the camera round and clicking away. When I used this second method when the butterflies did eventually fly they always seemed to do so with a look of annoyance of having been caught out.
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A Holly Blue did a brief run through the Apple trees in the mini Orchard section. In the Vegetable garden a Comma was exceptionally flighty and the total opposite of a stunning Red Admiral backing on the leaves of a Globe Artichoke.
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As we headed back to the cafe area to enjoy our picnic lunch we sent the girls on ahead to grab a picnic table and they chose one with an umbrella. Which was a good job as we’d barely touched down when the rain arrived; an event which had not even a 5% chance according to the MET. Luckily it only continued until we’d finished our repast and so with the final drops dripping from the leaves we entered the house and once again the rain hit. The showers passed and we’d finished looking around so I checked out the little area which produced my first holly Blue of 2014 back in April. There was no sign of a repeat performance today but instead a second brood Specklie was around and about to provide the point of interest for my lens. After a brief bask it started feeding on the juice of over ripe Blackberries, something I’d not witnessed before. It also served as a gentle reminder of the passing of the year as it was so Autumnal, I had to remind myself that we were only just into August despite feeling like it could have been Spring all morning; I was half expecting an Orange-tip to come patrolling by :shock: .
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Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Pauline »

Interesting and funny reports Wurzel (butterflies with names and BH turning into Holly Blue)- and yes, you are quite mad :wink: :lol: That Gatekeeper was a great find. I must start to look more closely. Nice closed wing shot of the Small Copper too.

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Paul Harfield »

Hi Wurzel

Just catching up. It was good to see you the other day, I hope the dogs did not get you :wink: Your obsession with the Gatekeepers is paying off with some great variation. I have been looking at Speckled Wood recently in the hope of finding something interesting, but so far there appears to be little variation in that species. I shall keep on looking :D

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Re: Wurzel

Post by millerd »

I've just been catching up with your exploits, too, Wurzel - and that many-spotted Hedge Brown is amazing. :D I checked dozens round here and they were notable only for the sensible numbers of spots they had... :?


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Pauline :D I prefer eccentric to mad, but mad it is 8)
Cheers Paul :D The dogs didn't get me...I got them ggrrrrr :lol:Good luck with the Specklies :)
Cheers Dave :D I think there's something in the water in Wales as this little area always seems to produce excessa.

September 2014
09 Sep 2014.jpg
Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Newquay 06-08-2014

Despite the grey skies the weather App was sure that it would brighten up later, the sun would come out so we set off towards Newquay. On the way down the slope I spied the odd Hedge Brown and various Whites as well as 2 Peacocks, a Small Tortoiseshell and a Red Admiral on some Buddleia.

As we sat on the beach below the Black Lion, the favourite watering hole of Dylan Thomas, the girls disappeared off to make friends. This was my cue to grab my camera and nip off to look for some butterflies. I worked my way round to about half way towards Cei Bach before reaching part of the cliff that I could scramble up. Once there and in an ‘unreachable’ little spot I started looking round for butterflies. There was a very faded Ringlet almost translucent in the sun. A brilliant Common Blue flitted by and became embroiled in an argument with another male. Due to the slope I couldn’t follow so just watched them as they spiralled upwards and then one darted off with the other in hot pursuit. Their actions put up Specklie, Smessex (probably an Essex this late into their season – if they’ve reached this far west that is?) and a scattering of grass moths. Eventually they broke apart and I managed a few shots of the combatants at rest.
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I started working my way back towards Base Camp across the clay cliff face. A Peacock landed warily and too briefly for a shot and somehow I’d ended back on the beach so I started up the cliff again aiming for a patch of yellow flowers. There were other Common Blues and a Hedge Brown as well as another aged Smessex. Unfortunately for me nothing seemed to be landing and I was just giving it up when something whizzed by. It was slightly larger than the nearby Hedge Browns and the occasional glide in it’s fast flight suggested Wall Brown to me. And so it turned out to be, a female which actually stopped several times to nectar and then a bask as well – which was where I left it.
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What a great trip to the beach! 8)
Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by millerd »

What a splendid Wall - and great photos, too. I'm sure you posted that just to annoy me... :D :mrgreen:


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Maximus »

Great Wall photos Wurzel :D


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Re: Wurzel

Post by CJB »

As ever Wurzel, your pictures push me to get a proper camera, but being a stubborn mule I won't do it until I have taken all the UK species on my iphone. I managed to increase my tally with the Large Blue this year, but still no DGF or WLH this year. :evil:
At the rate I am going it seems as though the list will grow while I try to keep up!
Flutter on!

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