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Re: April 2014

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 7:39 pm
by Butterflysaurus rex
David M wrote:Took a chance with the iffy forecast early this afternoon and visited Welshmoor, on the Gower, for a Green Hairstreak hunt.

In spite of a fair bit of cloud and even a shower, I managed to see 8, along with 2 Green Veined Whites, 2 Orange Tips and a Large White.
Hi David, some great Greenstreak images there :D the one without any discernible white markings is rather interesting. It's very much like the one Badgerbob found recently that Pete said could possibly be an ab.

Nice to see some fresh GHS's are now on the wing in Wales.

Best Wishes


Re: April 2014

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 8:44 pm
by David M
We're a week at least behind you southern England dwellers, Rex, though there are a few early sites such as Crymlyn Burrows where the coastal warmth keeps up fairly equal.

I fully expect Wall, Dingy and Grizzled Skipper by next weekend and Common Blue & Brown Argus by the weekend afterwards.

Small Blues should be into serious double figures by early May.

Re: April 2014

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 8:52 pm
by maverick
David M wrote:We're a week at least behind you southern England dwellers, Rex, though there are a few early sites such as Crymlyn Burrows where the coastal warmth keeps up fairly equal.

I fully expect Wall, Dingy and Grizzled Skipper by next weekend and Common Blue & Brown Argus by the weekend afterwards.

Small Blues should be into serious double figures by early May.
what about the North of Wales where i originally come from, does that mean another week on top of the south of England ? :D

Re: April 2014

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 9:35 pm
by David M
maverick wrote: what about the North of Wales where i originally come from, does that mean another week on top of the south of England ? :D
Probably two at least! :twisted:

Re: April 2014

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 9:49 pm
by Lee Hurrell
Two hours in a cool and grey Abbots Wood, East Sussex yesterday produced precisely zero sightings. I then moved on to one of my favourite sites, Windover Hill and saw my first Swallows in the village of Wilmington on the way. :D

I scouted for Small Blue to no avail but I saw my first butterfly of the day on the walk up the hill, a Dingy Skipper.

Reaching the summit and admiring the views the sun came out and stayed out, meaning the walk back down was much more productive; 2 Wall and 5 Dingy Skipper, with both battling the other. I spent some time watching them, quite wonderful.

As the sun was firmly now out and I had to pass Abbots Wood on the way home....I spent another hour walking around from 16.30 but my only sightings were 1 Specked Wood, 1 male Orange Tip and 1 Speckled Yellow moth.

I'll be back.

Report and photos to follow in my diary.


Re: April 2014

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 11:20 am
by Willrow
Near Rhayader, Powys. Belated post from my visit to mid-Wales on Monday, primarily to spend some time with Pied Flycatcher and the recently arrived Redstarts and Wood Warbler. This however is UKButterflies so I had better mention the fact that I also finally managed to get a reasonable image of a settled male Orange-tip :shock: but to do so I had to nip over a fence...trespass I hear you say!!!...never says I, tis' my 'right to roam' :lol: Another interesting observation was seeing some Mountain Pansies (of the flower variety!!!) and in particular the bi-coloured variety that takes on violet/blue or even solid violet, must say though the more usual solid yellow are delightful, incidentally the Mountain Pansy is the largest of all our native British species.

I'm an 'uplander' and I never fail to be fascinated by the plants and insects to be found in the more remote upland locations, only little problem is with the knees, you might just have heard the old addage among hillwalkers...'you've either got dodgy knees or your going to get them' :lol: I fall rather uncomfortably into the former catogory :roll: :wink:

Bill :D

Re: April 2014

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 11:53 am
by Willrow
Kenfig NNR, Glamorgan. Making the most of the kind weather I ventured down to the coast yesterday to see what species where on the wing, I'm pleased to say that I managed to see several flighty Small Blue and was rather surprised to find that some transect walkers had first seen a couple more than two weeks ago, this is early by any standards for this part of the country and I would not be at all surprised to find its a record emergence. Also of note were my first Small Copper and a pristine Dingy Skipper. Small Tortoiseshell 30+, Peacock 10+, Orange-tip 10+. Green-veined White and Small White were in reasonable numbers, while a solitary Brimstone was seen taking the air.

Among the moths was a very early Burnet Companion, the thunderstealer however came in the form of a superb male Emperor, first I've seen on the south Wales coast, my usual experience with this lovely insect is on the uplands where heather is frequent. The reserve was simply awash with Early Purple Orchid and the contrasting yellow Cowslip, we now enter the best time of year I believe, May is such an enchanting month :D

Bill :wink:

Re: April 2014

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 4:06 pm
by sahikmet
To day at Denham Country Park, Orange Tips both male and female, speckled Wood, Brimstone, Peacock, lots of green veined white. Ladybirds were also present. Cheers Sezar

Re: April 2014

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 5:18 pm
by ChrissyM
Spotted the first Small Coppers of the year yesterday in Shropshire (just two of them for now)

Re: April 2014

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 8:40 pm
by Philzoid
As it was a nice sunny late afternoon for a change I thought I'd give it a go again along the canal for Orange-tips. Unlike previous occasions which drew a blank this time I got the timing at 04:30 just right :D . At this time of the day they give up on their ceaseless flight and come down frequently to nectar before finally roosting. The Garlic Mustard lining the canal tow-path was well in flower compared to a couple of weeks ago so this time was the flower of choice instead of Dandelion and Cranesbill.
2014.04.30 IMG_0756 Orange-tip male, Basingstoke Canal, Sheerwater.jpg
2014.04.30 IMG_0788 Orange-tip male, Basingstoke Canal, Sheerwater.jpg
The difficult thing about this site is the numerous joggers and cyclists which often scare off your quarry as they thunder or stagger past :roll: . Thankfully the two Orange-tips I saw kept settling back down. Only a solitary Green-veined White made off once spooked. In fact the main problem was that I'd come out with a nearly full card in my camera (again) :roll: :oops: . It hindered to some degree the shots I got of a male trying ot court a roosting female.
2014.04.30 IMG_0794 Orange-tip male courting roosting female, Basingstoke Canal, Sheerwater.jpg
Male courting female. Female not interested
Male courting female. Female not interested
Close up of the female. Male still in attendance
Close up of the female. Male still in attendance
Male has got the message. Female settling down to roost
Male has got the message. Female settling down to roost
Overall not bad for half an hours work 200 yards from home :D