Goldie M

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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Yesterday was another lovely day and having seen the Small Tort's in the front garden a few Whites and a Red Admiral I decided to go to Hall-Lee-Brook thinking there maybe more Butterflies there.

The only Butterflies I saw were Speckled Wood's which isn't surprising because they don't depend on flowers all the time like a lot of Butterflies but according to my book prefer Honeydew from the leaves in the wood, my point being is that the only flowers there were not really nectar plants all the thistles etc, having finished.

The two meadows had been mowed again like last year with no sign at all of Meadow Brown's, which I suppose
isn't really surprising given the weather we've had up here in August, so it looks like the Tort's etc, were in our gardens looking for nectar, which isn't too bad photographic wise but not too good for them, most gardens along my avenue having pebbled garden's. Then people wonder why there's a decline in Butterflies, it's not always insecticides and farmer's to blame. :roll:

So! all though I've posted some shot's before this of ST's and White's together with Admiral's, I'm posting just one of each again because these could be the last of the year from a round my way Goldie
Front Garden 7th Sept
Front Garden 7th Sept
Front Garden 7th Sept
Front Garden 7th Sept
Front Garden 7th Sept
Front Garden 7th Sept

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Re: Goldie M

Post by Pauline »

That's a smashing ST shot Goldie :D :D :D

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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Thanks Pauline, I really appreciate what you think and I'll miss your posting's :( I can't believe the season's nearly over but when I look out side now at the weather, it's believable :cry:
Thank you for showing me those fantastic Wood White's and SSB's we'd never have found them without your help and let's hope we can repeat it next year with the BHS :D Goldie :D

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Re: Goldie M

Post by Butterflysaurus rex »

Stuck at home with a flu like virus I've been enjoying the Small Tortoiseshells and Red Admirals on our buddliea too Goldie. A few Painted Ladies pop up occasionally but Red Admirals and whites are outnumbering the others by far. I like to think they are visiting me because I'm poorly, not true of course but it cheers me up a bit.



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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

So sorry to hear your not well James, I think when you can't get out and about you get really fed up. we've been stuck in here a lot this Summer with the bad weather and it drives me batty, :roll: at least you've got some Butterflies in your garden which you can enjoy :D

We went to our Daughter's in Kent for two weeks and the weather was great barring the day before we left, when we got back to Lancashire the neighbour's said there'd been two nice days only all the fortnight, any way James I hope your better before all the Butterflies completely disappear :D Goldie :D

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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

That is a cracking Small Tort Goldie :D I now what you mean about the Specklies they seem to be all over the place :D

Have a goodun


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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Thank's Wurzel, I appreciate your comments, I'm still waiting for them to return, hope fully next week when the weather's to get warmer they'll put in another appearance. :D Goldie :D

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Butterflysaurus rex
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Butterflysaurus rex »

Goldie M wrote:So sorry to hear your not well James, I think when you can't get out and about you get really fed up. we've been stuck in here a lot this Summer with the bad weather and it drives me batty, :roll: at least you've got some Butterflies in your garden which you can enjoy :D

We went to our Daughter's in Kent for two weeks and the weather was great barring the day before we left, when we got back to Lancashire the neighbour's said there'd been two nice days only all the fortnight, any way James I hope your better before all the Butterflies completely disappear :D Goldie :D
Thank you Goldie, I'm almost back to full strength and the weather this week looks like it might get hot. It's not been a great summer down here so I can imagine what you've had to endure up there. The buddliea has rapidly gone to seed and with that most of the butterflies have moved on. Nice while it lasted, and it cheered me up while I was under the weather. Hopefully next year will be much better, what could really do with is a colder winter.

Best regards


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Re: Goldie M

Post by millerd »

Lovely Small Tortoiseshell photo, Goldie! I think ours have all gone into hibernation now. :)


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Re: Goldie M

Post by Neil Freeman »

Hi Goldie, I have to agree with all the comments on your Small Tortoiseshell photo...great shot :D



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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Glad your feeling better James, let's hope You see a few more Butterflies before the Autumn really takes hold.

Thanks Dave, Sunday and this morning the Small Tort's were still back in the Garden also Large White's and Small White's, I think we're just seeing our Butterflies coming out up here. :D

Thanks very much Neil, I was thrilled to finally see some Butterflies in the garden :D

Today I think some one told the Butterflies the rain was on it's way again, because they flew in and out with out stopping except for one small Tort who posed nicely for me, he's not included in my shot's though because he was mostly hidden in the flower's :D Here's a few shots from Yesterday though. Goldie :D

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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

After last night's storm I'm surprised we got back to normal today :D but in the Garden this morning were Small White's and even a Small Tort , a red Admiral also put in an appearance but didn't stay around to be photographed.
On Monday I went to the local Garden Centre and saw a lovely plant there which was covered in Bee's, I couldn't resist it and yesterday we cleared loads of stuff in the Garden and planted it, it's called Caryopteris
" Black Knight " and it's colour is gorgeous, it was on this plant that the Small White's couldn't get enough of today and the heavy rain last night Helped to settle it in .
Any way I just had to share it with other Butterfly gardener's :lol: Goldie :D

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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

To round up this year I’ve chosen to do the Butterflies in their various families because I think this is easier when it comes to the species I’ve got and the species I’ve yet to photograph.

So far I’ve managed to see 49 species over the last few year’s adding at least one or two lifer’s each year, I’ve found this was a good way to do it for me because it was some thing to look forward to each year, plus the fact I don’t enjoy doing any thing in a rush, so here goes.

First i’ll start with the’ Hesperidae’ family, ( Please note I’m learning ) :lol:
The Grizzled Skipper I’ve still to photograph, also the Chequered Skipper and the Lulworth Skipper they’re all future projects. The other Skippers this year I found plenty of on my Holiday in the South but in the North this year I noticed a decline in Small Skippers.

The Papilionidae, I didn’t see this year but last year I was thrilled to get some okay shots of this beautiful Butterfly, the Swallow Tail.

The Pieridae family this year I can now say I’ve seen them all having added the Wood White finally to my list which was great.
I’m sorry to say though that around here the Orange Tip’s were few and far between at my local haunt Hall-Lee-Brook, add to that Green Veined Whites also suffered a decline. I did see the Brimstone’s but not at HLB and not as many as the year before .
Although I tried my best whilst on my holiday I didn’t manage the Clouded Yellow.

Next the Lycaenide, I’ll start with Hair Streaks because these little Butterflies I’ve not been too lucky with, I’ve not seen the Brown, Black or White HS’s yet but putting that aside I got a fantastic shot of an opened winged Purple HS at Fermyn Wood which really made my day.
The Small Copper, I saw only once at HLB and was lucky to get some shots of this Lovely Butterfly I never saw it any where else on my travels.
The Blues, I can say I’ve only one to see now to finish my species on these beauties this being the Large Blue.
It’s a few year’s since I saw the Adonis also the Small Blue which I missed this year but made up for with adding a first to my list by seeing and photographing the Silver SB, great!
I found the Duke of Burgundy was seriously down in numbers at Gait Barrow with only an handful spotted by most people, hope fully we’ll see more next year.

The Nymphalidae I’ve still to finish with not having seen or Photographed the Glanville Frit, or the Mountain Ringlet .
This year seems to have been a bit touch and go for me, for instance I got a quick shot of the White Admiral at FW, my one and only, also the Wall Brown in the Dunes at Southport was poor with the Wall I shot having part of it’s wings missing, again my only Wall sighting of the year, when I ventured to Meathop for the Large Heath I saw them but they were too busy seeking shelter from the wind and the site was really flooded , so no shots this year of them.
The Purple Emperor was great though with my very first siting of how this lovely butterfly turns iridescent in the Sun, the outing to FW that day was fantastic with sitings of Speckled Wood , Silver WF’s ,Comma’s, Meadow B’s etc.
Ringlets seem to have done well this year at Gait Barrow and the Small Heath which I saw loads of at Temple Ewell In Kent.
I’m pleased to say I found an unusual Gate Keeper ab at HLB and the Meadow Browns were also there but not in such great numbers has the year before.
I missed the Scotch Argus this year at Arnside also the High Brown Frit which couldn’t be helped but I did see the Dark GF. I also missed the Marbled White and Heath Frit, wrong time of year in Kent for those. Also I missed the Marsh Frit but at least I’ve got shot’s of it previously but quite a while since I saw them.
I did see the Grayling at Gait Barrow but they were absent when I visited the Dunes at Southport . Also seen at GB was the SPB Frit also the PB Frit which I didn’t manage to see last year so that was a plus, although the High Brown eluded me also at GB has did the DGF but at least I saw that at AK.
So the year was not too bad but the absence of Butterflies like the Peacock and the Small Tortoiseshell which I usually see in abundance around HLB were quite down in numbers , a handful compared to what I’d seen in the years before.

So that was my year full of up’s and down’s but that’s Butterflying and why I enjoy it Goldie ! :D

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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

Interesting round up Goldie - but there might still be life in the season yet :wink: I hope you can add to your tally of lifers next year :D

Have a goodun


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Re: Goldie M

Post by David M »

Such a shame that the earlier part of the season up your way was so dire, Goldie. Things seem to be improving markedly everywhere over the last few weeks, which is hardly surprising given the abnormally warm conditions we've all experienced.

If only we could have these conditions in April/May. :evil:

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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Thanks Wurzel, I've had some time this year to study the different species so I thought it would sum up my season better by doing it this way :D
By the way your right about the season not quite finishing because over the weekend I'd quite a few visitors to my back garden :D

Hi! David, yes, the weather has certainly not helped us up here this year, it's been hit and miss,it was a case of if the Sun shone go out right a way :) Trouble is it didn't do that much, like you I'm hoping for a better Spring next year.

This weekend has been the best one yet, we've been working in the garden a lot ( also sitting and enjoying the Sun) :D After traveling out and about to Southport, Fleetwood, etc, and finding very few Butterflies we gave up I wrote my summary of my year and decided, that, was it for the year, then what happens, I've been very busy with my Camera in my own garden.

My visitors have been Small Tort's, Red Admiral's, Comma's, Painted Lady, Small White and Large, I even saw a Speckie, which saw me first and took off and the Sun's out again today so who know's. Goldie :D
Making a( Bee line) for the flowers
Making a( Bee line) for the flowers
Bee arrived
Bee arrived
The Painted Lady didn't seem quite has bright as it usually does. Time of year?
The Painted Lady didn't seem quite has bright as it usually does. Time of year?
Comma the first Butterfly to land on these flowers since last year when I took loads of shots.
Comma the first Butterfly to land on these flowers since last year when I took loads of shots.

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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

Great to see the seasons still continues for you Goldie :D Great shots of the Comma and Painted Lady :D

Have a goodun


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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Thanks Wurzel for your post's, I'm really happy with the last few days having seen a few Butterflies in spite of the cloudy conditions, the Sun when it's shone has been very warm, even managed to sit out side for a while :D Goldie :D
Comma 23rd Sept.jpg

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David M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by David M »

Now all of a sudden, Goldie, you're seeing far more butterflies than me! :mrgreen:

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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Not today David, it's been cold first thing and now it's cloudy and windy and looks like rain, still if the Sun does get through maybe I'll be lucky again :D Goldie :D

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