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Re: Maximus

Post by Wurzel »

The Painted Ladies that I saw over the weekend were in a similar if not worse state Mike, but still lovely to see :D - hopefully these are just the vanguard - fingers crossed :wink: :D

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Re: Maximus

Post by millerd »

I've just caught up with your incredible female Silver-studded Blue, Mike. For me, that is the most impressive image I've seen posted this year - of any species. Extraordinary. :mrgreen: :)

Painted Ladies are arriving in numbers now, but all do seem quite worn as yours are - and they do seem to be predominantly females. This bodes well for a home-grown generation at around the end of August. :)


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Re: Maximus

Post by David M »

Looks like there will be many more Painted Ladies in the near future, Mike. Hold onto your hat!!

Nice, fresh Tortoiseshells there - is that verbena that they are nectaring on?
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Re: Maximus

Post by Maximus »

I’m sure they are just the vanguard, Wurzel :) and that we have a real treat in store for us at a later date :D

Thanks, Dave, glad you like the SSB, she was rather stunning, I’ve never seen one quite as good as her before :shock:

I can’t wait, David, bring on those Painted Ladies :D and yes that’s verbena the Small Torts are nectaring on, as are these.

Another visit to the Painted Lady location, but this time it was some recently emerged Small Tortoiseshells that stole the show, what really stunning insects they are. It would be really tragic if we lost these beautiful butterflies, they're a joy to behold :D

Not a pairing, as we had hoped for.
Not a pairing, as we had hoped for.

We also saw this rather lovely, dusky individual..


Also seen, our first Meadow Brown and a rather travel weary Painted Lady..

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Re: Maximus

Post by Wurzel »

Fabulous shots of the Small Torts Mike :D :mrgreen: There seem to be a good few about at the moment, fingers crossed their numbers keep on growing :D

Have a goodun

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Re: Maximus

Post by Maximus »

Thanks, Wurzel, I hope so too :)

White-letter Hairstreaks

We finally decided to make the long trek around the M25 to (hopefully) see some White-letter Hairstreaks up close and personal, for the first time ever.

On arrival at Hadleigh the wind was much stonger than the forecast 20mph, it was not much short of a gale force easterly :( After parking in the station car park we made our way along the footpath towards the country park. It took all of five minutes to spot our first WLH which was sitting on a bramble leaf, which was unfortunately being blown all over the place by the strong gusty wind. This turned out to be the pattern for the day and what should have been easy shots of WLH posing perfectly, were ruined by the poxy wind. :(
The problem with photographing Hairstreaks when nectaring, is that they constantly pirouette on the nectar source, allowing few square-on photo opportunities, which is extra impossible when the plant (they are nectaring on) is being blown violently to the left and right by as much as a foot!

Having said all that, by persevering we did manage to get some reasonable shots, which we were very pleased with. Here's a few from the many taken.

This female was so fresh, her wings were not yet fully hardened.
This female was so fresh, her wings were not yet fully hardened.
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Re: Maximus

Post by Pauline »

I smiled in empathy when I read this post Mike as you have described perfectly my frustration with the PH at Browndown. Under such circumstances you did incredibly well to get such lovely shots.
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Re: Maximus

Post by trevor »

Lovely as those White Letters are, it's your Small Torts. that steal the show.
Who would have said that 10 years ago!.

A sterling effort with both Species. :D
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Re: Maximus

Post by millerd »

Great photos, Mike - it's diificult not to take loads of shots of that particular colony of butterflies even when conditions aren't problematic! :)


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Re: Maximus

Post by Wurzel »

Absolutely fantastic Whitters Mike :D :mrgreen: The twofer is a cracking shot and easily enters the "I wish I'd taken that" category :D :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Have a goodun

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Re: Maximus

Post by Maximus »

Thanks, Pauline, I'm glad you smiled :D as you know just how frustrating it is :lol:

Thanks ,Trevor, it's sad how things have changed in just ten years :shock:

Thanks, Dave, yes it's difficult to hold back with the shots, when there are so many WLH :)

Thanks,Wurzel, it was nice to see them at close range for the first time :D

Having satisfied ourselves with WLH :shock: we decided to head for Hockley Woods, which are quite close to Hadleigh, as we had not seen Heath Fritillaries for some years.
We didn't arrive until 4pm, but as we walked along the woodland ride, we soon found loads of Heath Fritillaries enjoying the late afternoon sun.

Heath Fritillary on its larval food plant - Common Cow-wheat.
Heath Fritillary on its larval food plant - Common Cow-wheat.
A nice dark individual.
A nice dark individual.

Woodland ride in Hockley Woods..

We found loads of Cow-wheat along the woodland edges.
We found loads of Cow-wheat along the woodland edges.

We had a really great day out in Essex.
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Re: Maximus

Post by bugboy »

Some lovely shots recently Max, I'm glad my WLH didn't disappoint, im currently sat on a train heading that way again, just time to fit in another dose of them before His Purple Majesty takes over!
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Re: Maximus

Post by Wurzel »

Cracking shots again Mike :D :mrgreen: The Heath Frit has to give the Marsh Frit a run for it's money when it comes to the title of 'most variable' butterfly :D 8)

Have a goodun

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Re: Maximus

Post by David M »

Looks like you had an excellent trip, Mike. Heath Frits have got more attention than usual this year and it's nice to see so many images of them posted on here.
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Re: Maximus

Post by Maximus »

Cheers, Bugboy, I hope you did alright.

Thanks, Wurzel, yes Heath Frits do appear to be very variable :)

Today we saw no purple on these wings :o



But we did on these :D



The PE which didn't stay long, was found by Mark and Dave, nice to meet you both again.
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Re: Maximus

Post by millerd »

I think I expressed my :mrgreen: :mrgreen: with regard to that Purple Hairstreak at the time, Mike... :) That's a smashing shot of a gleaming new female.

Yes, very good to see you again - it was a bit of a UKB gathering down in the woods today. My shots of that Emperor have just a hint of purplishness on them, but not a lot.


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Re: Maximus

Post by Wurzel »

I agree totally with Dave - that is a cracking Purp shot :D :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
I reckon there is the slighest bit of purple on the third shot Mike :D

Have a goodun

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Re: Maximus

Post by Pauline »

I'm getting a bit behind now Mike but enjoyed seeing that Heath Frit hanging from the grass stem. More recently, nice shots of both PE and PH. Reckon I missed you by a day?
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Re: Maximus

Post by Maximus »

Thanks, Dave, glad your shots of the Emperor showed a bit of purple :)

Thanks, Wurzel :) maybe just the slightest hint of purple :wink:

Thank you, Pauline, it's a shame we missed you, it would be good to catch up :)

During our visit to Chiddingfold, in addition to the PE and PH we also saw the following butterflies.

White Admiral.
White Admiral.
SW Fritillary, with bracken shadows, which is why it opened it's wings.
SW Fritillary, with bracken shadows, which is why it opened it's wings.
Large Skipper,male.
Large Skipper,male.
Large Skipper, female.
Large Skipper, female.
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Re: Maximus

Post by Maximus »

and Small Tortoiseshell, which we are seeing everywhere at the moment!


and an acrobatic Large Skipper.

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